"HEHAHAHA!!!" Zeva burst out laughing on the car's seat holding her stomach and Lia's already black face blackened even more.

"Hahh! What is there for you to laugh!" She asked with a roll of her eyes as she puffed her face.

Zeva took deep breaths to calm herself down and laughed breathily, and said, "What is there to laugh...? The system called you a pest! Hahaha! " Saying so, she burst into a laugh again, making Lia snort.

"It seems like your system don't respect you as well..." Zeva giggled. Lia scoffed and said, "Stupid program!" Then not liking how Zeva was enjoying it so much as if it was ske world class joke. She pouted her lips, with her cheeks like a puffer fish, and shouted, "Alright, now! Stop making fun of me!"

Zeva giggled before straightening her face and said, "Alright. Alright. I will not laugh anymore."

Then she got interested in what new feature the system had offered them and said, "But Lia, what is this feature thing?"