It was then that Luna came next to her like a whirlwind and sat next to her, "Hii~ My love! Good morning!"

On seeing Luna, Zeva's mood instantly got a lot better and she smiled, "Hello Luna, good morning."

The former the. Hugged her and said, "Zeva, dear! Yoh are such a saviour, you know! Thank you for the notes!" Yesterday, Luna had called Zeva at night and asked her for the pictures of the notes, which Zeva had readily given her. "If not for you, what if that stupid professor would have made me sit on the ground!" Luna huffed saying that.

On hearing her, Zeva blinked her eyes before bursting in laughter and shook her head.

"What is there to laugh at?" The former asked with a small pout to which Zeva shook her head and said, "Sit on the ground? Professor Karl wouldn't do that..."

Hearing her, Luna rolled her eyes and huffed, "Wouldn't do that? I think he would very much do that. Haven't you heard how he speaks? Like the God of rudeness!"