Zeva then looked back at those two bonded woman and said, "Kevin, Steve, being two nail clippers and crip their long nails." She said as she looked at their long and perfectly manicured nails.

The women looked at Zeva in horror! And Zeva knew why! It is of course painful for women to see their highly maintained nails to be cut.

"You-! You won't do anything like that bitch! Or you are dead!" The woman bragged her teeth at her. They just did not really think that Zeva would do anything. She was just a mere teenage girl.

Zeva sneered at those two women, who still had their fangs bared even when they're in this situation. "You are what they say, the rope has burnt yet the grip didn't lose. But darlings, show your bravery and courage in the right time and place. Other wise, it is just stupidity. "