Damien and Heron sneered quietly as they glanced at Luke Huang. Huh, man! You are very soon going to get what you deserve.

Lia, who had also entered the room, quietly went and sat beside Zeva as she continued to glare at that hypocrite and evil man. And at that moment, all of the Huang family members were frozen in shock. W- What?! Hanna's hand shakingly raised and fell on the silky hairs of the girl who was plastered to her chest at the moment, as she whispered, "Annie?"


Annie raised her teary eyes, with a smiling face and nodded her head and said, "It's me, mommy! Did you miss me? I missed you so much!" And that was it, Hanna couldn't help herself when she saw that it was real. She wasn't dreaming. Her daughter was really back to her and in her arms now. Hanna held Annie in her tight hold as she broke down in a hysteric cry.