Zeva had a wide smile on her face, as she waved her hand, and said, "Hii~"

But that 'hii' was not at all welcoming. All Lucas could feel hearing that hii and looking that smile, was that a grim reaper was here greeting him, who has coming to take away his soul. And he gulped.


 IS she a freaking ninja!? Wasn't she just walking away? Why is she here?!  Lucas was almost in literal tears, and he almost wept. And while Lia looked at him with squinted eyes, Zeva looked at him with a smile, as she thought of answering his question, "Well, you know what? I am here to meet my husband. I have an appointment with him."


Lucas did not how to react, as he slowly dragged his body backwards on his butt, and said laughing awkwardly, "Oh, haha… alright. So, continue, Miss. I think I must get going."