
The shouts, the incessant screaming did not budge the resolve Peter had in having his way with me, suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my arm, and everything was hazy, I could only see the blood as a kick from Peter sent me sprawling on the floor , more kicks on my side followed, but I refused to let him see my pain, I refused to be weak because I knew that my pain would please him greatly. Sounds became distinct, I could hear the dropping of blood as I lay on the cold tile, my whole body was on fire, this time around I was sure to die, so I didn't fight back because I knew that was what the world needed, me, dead.

The next thing I knew was an eerie silence, as I tried to sit up, a sharp pain buzzed through my head, I started trying to take in my surroundings and I realized that I was in the kitchen, stark naked. Peter had , had his way again and I was too weak to fight back as usual, I slowly stood up, staggering I made my way to my room, I entered the bathroom and ran the water, I felt disgusted, after bathing I still felt unclean, I took a razor and began to scrape my skin just to remove his touch, I fell to the floor crying, my resolve not to let Peter have his way again failed, my resolve never to cry failed, then I slit my wrist, the pain didn't measure to what I felt inside so I did it continuous till everything became black.