Girls are made of sugar, spice and everything nice

"Is this the condition for all this, you think I am a nut case and you don't want someone like me here ? Then please I want to leave" i said bitterly moving away from Lilah

"Please just hear me out first, it is nothing like that" Lilah said, her voice pleading as she moved towards me.

"It was the order from the court, and there's nothing I can do about it, Audrey. The only thing I can do is get you one, you pay her visits and once you decide you don't need her again, I won't let anyone make you do it", she continued.

Tears ran down my face, I saw reason in her words but I was frustrated, frustrated at how I had no control over my life.

I nodded softly as Lilah wrapped me in a hug and let me cry.

After a while , I had composed myself.

"No need for any of that again , okay?"

Lilah said cleaning my face

"You should freshen up and come down to the kitchen , I believe Rosetta is preparing something scrumptious for you , I'll leave you to do that", Lilah closed the door behind her

As I muttered a thank you, my gaze going round the room.

I couldn't believe it at all, that doubt was still there, it couldn't let me be happy, the doubt that any of this would last.

I was too messed up for this family, it was just a matter of time till they realized that too.

After having my bath, I dressed up in one of my shorts and a tank top , pulling my freshly washed hair that smelt that jasmines in a messy bun on my hair

I grabbed one of the white flip flops on the shoe rack and headed downstairs.

I ended up missing my way and having to retrace my steps again

" just my luck", I said under my breath .

Iwalked into the kitchen, Lilah was holding a glass of wine in her hand as she chatted with the woman I assumed was Rosetta.

She was plump and aged wearing an apron but she had a very kind smile,

"ahhhh, ma belle, you must be Audrey, I must be getting very old because you're looking so much like my Lila-Rose here", she grinned as she motioned for me to take a seat on the counter were Lilah was seated.

"That was quick, you should dig in, you must be famished", Lila said

Rosetta pushed a plate piled with food In front of me,"Eat up, you're all bones, when last did you eat?",Rosetta clicked her tongue at me

Under their scrutiny, I lifted a fork filled with pasta to my lips and chewed.

Holy shit, 'this thing tastes so good', I thought as the flavour from the pasta burst in my mouth.

"so what do you think about my favourite pasta and honey dipped meat balls sauce. I had a feeling you were going to love it, that is going by the look on your face",Lilah said with a knowing smile

I gave a small grin towards them.

"yeah, uhm, it's good, thanks ma'am ", I nodded towards Rosetta.

" ma'am?, Argh, you make me feel old, am I that old, please none of that ma'am thing, call me Rosetta, okay?",Rosetta told me with her loud voice and sparkling eyes filled with warmth.

She had a boisterous personality,her loud voice filled the room and she knew how to put everyone at ease.

I continued eating whilst Rosetta and Lilah talked, sending some questions my way which I muttered an answer to but most of the times, I always ensured there was food in my mouth to prevent bring added to their conversation.

The whole atmosphere changed as I heard the door bang and loud voices filled the air, coming towards the kitchen.

I stiffened as a deep masculine voice rang through the room.

"Mum!, We are home ",Lilah turned to meet the owner of that voice ,a large smile on her face.

" I think the slamming of the door gave that away already, don't you think? Blake".

"Oh come on mum,", the voice to which I assumed belong to her son said playfully.

"Hey Mrs Mc'Brad",another smooth masculine voice rang out

"Asher, how are you doing?. How is your mum?" Lilah asked him.

"She is fine, I think", he replied but I sensed something else in his tone, bitterness?

But what would he have to be bitter about,he was probably a golden child to his parents, born as rich as this, had probably not even experienced any kind of suffering in his rich life. I thought

"Rosetta, I'm starving, I hope you've prepared something delicious for us because I could eat a whole elephant right now", as Blake said that I snorted and cover my mouth immediately

"And who might you be?",Blake said as he and Asher rounded the counter.

Blake looked barely like his mother, his eyes were hazel unlike Lila's and mi..., I caught myself before I finished that statement in my head.

The resemblance between I and Lilah was uncanny very unreal, and I barely even looked like Harriet.

I always supposed I looked like my father, the unknown man ,

Thee man who was never to be mentioned.

Harriet never mentioned him no matter how much I insisted , on the good days, my insistence met with slaps

"Where are my manners,Audrey, meet my son, Blake and his best friend,Asher and boys meet, Audrey",Lilah did the introduction with a bright smile on her face.

Blake's eyes widened, "Oh shit, the Audrey?", He asked his mum.

I didn't like the way he referred to me as that, I scowled.

"Yes, this is Audrey".

"Hey sis",Blake winked stuffing a sandwich in his mouth .

I rolled my eyes at him, my attention going to his friend,Asher, he was staring at me with intensity in his grey eyes.

His dark hair tousled like he had ran his hand through it many times.

Blake was very good looking, broad and all, looking at his parents, it was obvious.

But, Asher was a different kind of beautiful.

He was dressed in all black but with a white tee inside his jacket ,rings on his fingers, and was that a stud on his ear.

He was the kind of guy your parents warned you to stay away from, luckily I didn't have parents and neither did I need that warning, the last thing on my mind was entanglements

I doubted I was even capable of feeling those kind of emotions.

Peter and Harriet had destroyed me enough, that's what I got for trusting Harriet, my supposed mother.

"Are you going to finish that?", Blake asked as he wolfed down a plate full of pasta.

I looked down at my forgotten meal and shook my head.

"Can I??", He asked with a wolfish grin.

"Sure", I muttered.

He grinned as he grabbed my plate and ate the rest .

I took sips of juice.

The room was quiet as Rosetta and Lila had left I and the guys.

I mumbled anexcuse, anxious to get away to my room and be alone.

I needed to take my pills, my pinky finger was already jerking and I was breaking into a sweat.

"Wait, where are you going?",Blake asked me as he dropped both his and Asher's plate in the dishwasher.

"Uhm, upstairs" I muttered.

"Come on, hang out with us in the rec room" Blake said as Asher shot him a look which Blake ignored and continued talking.

"Don't hole yourself up there, let's get to know each other, plus also you'd be starting at our school tomorrow, we could show you the ropes,"Blake grinned again

Why was he always smiling I mused.

"Uhm maybe later, I need to use the bathroom", I squeaked out.

Asher's eyes went to my shaking hand and his eyebrow rose in question .

I turned abruptly and fled upstairs from his searching eyes.

He was too attentive for his own good, I hope he hadn't noticed it.

I opened my duffel bag and brought out one container of Xanax.

Before I left the orphanage, I swiped three full containers, hoping it would last me till I find where I can get something better.

I popped two pills and swallowed it , two pills were barely working for me but I needed to be alert and not cast any kind of suspicion.

I entered the bathroom and washed my hands and my face, snapping the band on my wrist,trying to calm my racing heart at the thought of being in a room with two males.

I chanted in my head that I was safe, that this wasn't Peter and nothing could happen to me, these were decent people.

Taking deep breaths I opened the door to the rec room, they were playing a game .

I entered and close the door behind me, still standing at the door.

Asher spoke up"You know we don't bite right?".

Uhm yeah", I mumurred as I sat on the couc

My attention was on the screen,"Have you played before?" Blake asked, holding out his control towards me

"No, I'm good, continue",He shrugged at continued playing the game, the room was quiet most of the time, except when the guys made comments or shouted as they played, they finally finished playing

Asher beat Blake and they were arguing, Blake accusing Asher of cheating.

"Do you know that you say this every time you lose?",Asher asked Blake in an incredulous tone.

He turned to me,"He's such a sore loser, he does this every time he loses and he loses alot of times",Asher laughed and I found myself smiling at him as Blake tackled him to the ground.

I laughed at their childish antics,"Wanna join us?",Blake asked wriggling his eyebrows as Asher smacked him behind his head.

I snorted.

"What?" Blake asked.

Both of their eyes were trained on me.

"Nothing, it's just that you're such a guy, you can't hold yourself from making suggestive comments to a pretty girl".

I rolled my eyes,"Wow, she's so humble",Asher said and burst out laughing

"Don't think I'm all brawn and no strength , I can fucking kick both of your asses", I snorted at them giving them a pointed look,

"I thought girls were all about sugar, spice and everything nice, but you're like sharks, scorpions and bite my ass things".Blake said between laughter.

"You know that wasn't funny right, I didn't even realise you were trying to crack a joke Blakey ", I said snottily.

"I like your new sister", Asher said looking at me .

And I found myself staring right back at him.