Is your silver spoon stuck up your ass??!

The guy raised his hand .

Suddenly he was pushed back before he could hit me.

Asher pushed him to the wall pining him.

"How dare you!" Asher seethed, growling at him

He punched the guy who didn't even make a move to defend himself at all.

The other two tried to run away as Asher dragged them back and in between themselves.

Asher beat up the three of them.

"She is off limit , to everyone, to every fucking person in this school. I'm the only one allowed to bully her and noone else and if you defy my orders, you're defying your king" Asher growled loudly to everyone.

As the bell rang , I gathered my things and ran out of the class.

My breath was still shaky.

I ran into the nearest room.

Luckily it was the convenience, I slid on the floor and cried . Wondering whether I was better off with Harriet than in this trash of a place.

I wiped my tears hurriedly, if I could survive Peter and Harriet, what was here that I couldn't take.

With a firm decision in mind, I washed my face , smoothing my clothes , I headed to my next class AP Calculus.

I finally found the class, like ten minutes after it had began.

"I'm sorry, I got lost, I'm new here", I muttered to the teacher, who smiled at me.

"That is alright, take a seat miss Hepburn ,Class, this is Audrey Hepburn, be nice to her".

I heard snickers as I sighted an empty seat near a black girl with full hair, she smiled at me and resumed doodling on her book.

I saw Asher by the window,and rolled my eyes.

The problems they were solving were things I could solve in junior class with my eyes closed

So I was barely paying attention.

I noticed that Asher seemed to be the top of this class as he was frequently called upon to answer problems noone else knew.

He was in for a shock , because I was going to peg him down a notch.

He stood up to answer a problem giving his answer as -2.9.

" That is wrong" I muttered.

"Did you say anything miss Hepburn ", Mr Geoffrey asked me.

"Yes, I said the answer is wrong, the correct answer is 0.2,".

"hmmm that is correct", Mr Geoffrey looked at me.

"how did you solve it, I've been looking at you, you're not even holding a pen,so how?".

"I can solve it merely by looking at the question, plus these are really easy problems" I mumbled.

"Please come and show the class how you solved it". I nodded and went to the board and wrote out the solving.

"Wow, I can't believe the method you used, this is so advanced for your age, I wasn't even taught this till my PhD degree . Wait, come solve this too "Mr Geoffrey said.

He wrote down another equation on the board, I looked at it, it was a totally different and more difficult problem.

"The answer to that is π is the root of 9", I said avoiding Asher's intense gaze.

"Wow, miss Hepburn, that is correct , I didn't even expect you to get it, meet me after this class, I believe you're way too advanced for this class",Mr Geoffrey said as I went back to my seat.

I had achieved a feat but I was not as pleased as I should have.

I had proved Asher the I was a threat to him, because he was now going to be the second best.

"Damn girllll, if I didn't see this with my own eyes I would doubt it, I heard what happened in AP English concerning the new girl, and frankly speaking, I thought you were a show off and needed a little pegging but damn I'm impressed, like, I'm in love with you right now, your IQ must be like a 500 or something " the black girl beside me said with a huge smile.

"I'm Stephanie, call me Steph , we are going to be the bestest of friends Audrey ", she continuedand I grinned along with her.

The bell rang as everyone piled out.

"I'll catch you later at lunch, I doubt we have any other class together", Steph said with a grin as she sashayed out of the class.

I walked up to Mr Geoffrey"You asked to see me ,Sir".

"Oh yes, please seat, don't worry about your next class, I'll give you a pass for that . I was very impressed by your level of knowledge "

Mr Geoffrey said as he flipped through done papers.

"Your records show outstanding performances. And if you keep this up here at Hamilton, I'm pretty sure, I'd be able to help you with your college applications. So make sure you don't slack. I have put in a request for extra classes with you and you should add the Maths and Calculus clubs as part of your extra curriculars" Mr Geoffrey continued as he handed me my pass and I thanked him and left the classroom

The rest of my classes were uneventful,in AP chemistry, it was the same old things that I knew.

Asher was in every single one of my class, it seemed that there was more to his bi polar personality.

The bell rang for lunch, honestly I was relieved.

I think I had , had enough of the day already.

I walked to the cafeteria and grabbed a beef sandwich, an apple and my favourite tropical juice lunch paying with my card.

Carrying my tray I looked round the cafeteria wondering where to seat.

I saw Steph and Danny suddenly waving at me to come over, I didn't even know they were friends.

As I walked towards them ignoring the whispers and stares.

Blake suddenly stopped me.

"hey Audrey,I've not seen you all day, I was begining to miss you" he said cheekily with a smile .

His loud voice ringing round the cafeteria, as the whole place became silent and suddenly everyone started talking again,

" Now you've drawn attention to me Blake", I rolled my eyes and side stepped him.

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, come eat lunch with us".

He pointed at a table full of jocks and some girls I assumed were cheerleaders, the popular kids, arghhh.

I did not want to get involved in any high school drama.

" No, thank you, you've already done enough, I want to sit with my friends" I muttered walking away.

"Please?" Blake pleaded.

"No Blake, some other time" I muttered and walked off.

I dropped my tray on the table and slid in beside Steph.

"Hey guys", I muttered.

"Woah girll, you didn't tell me, you and Blake ...", She trailed off.

"No, no, there's nothing between I and Blake, he just wanted me to sit with him".

I said looking at Danny who was scrutinizing me.

"I'm serious really" I said, my voice begging them to believe me.

"If you say so, but look at yourself, you're so hot and beautiful, everyone has been speaking about you and the stuff of Asher warning everyone off you already and now you're getting invited to sit with the kings of Hamilton, damn, girllll , give me your shoes, imma walk in them a while"Steph rambled on.

She suddenly stopped talking, I was about to ask her why when I saw her looking up.

I turned to see Asher standing at our table looking at me, and angry expression on his face,

"What do you want?", I asked him tiredly

"I want to know what the hell is wrong with you, that you're acting like a complete bitch", Asher shouted as the whole cafeteria quieted down .

I stood on my toes pushing the proximity between us at the back of my mind, rage filling me,.

I poked at his chest hard with my finger.

"You don't get to call me a bitch, you dick ward, what the fuck is is wrong with you.

Is you silver spoon stuck up your ass?.

Is that the reason you've been acting like a dick all morning .

Then you send you stupid friends to bully me and laying stupid claim on me.

I don't want your protection, you jerk.

I want you to stay the fuck away from me.

I can't keep up with your stupid mood swings, and I am not even prepared to try.

I don't give a damn about you, not now , not ever, so don't think you can waltz into my life and think you're important in it.

As far as I'm concerned I've not done anything wrong.

Is it because I didn't sit with you guys, I can have friends can't I?.

Or what? Are you jealous that I'm better than you in all your classes.

Leave me the fuck alone Asher", I yelled

My voice cracking as I finished my breath heavy

"Asher you did what?" Blake asked staring at Asher, his face contorted in anger as he landed a blow at him.