
I ran to Asher ignoring the broken glass that pierced my feet as I stepped over them

"Asher, Asher" I shouted shaking him trying to wake him up, his skin was cold to the touch. Tears began rolling down my cheek. I began patting my pocket for my phone then remembered I left it in the kitchen, I ran to the kitchen to grab it.

"Blake! Please come back . Hurry up. It is Asher, something is wrong. He is not waking up" I cried into the phone disconnecting the call before Blake could even reply.

I ran back to Asher's side cradling his head in my arms and pleading for him to open his eyes at least just once.

In less than a minute Blake came bursting through the doors, with some doctors and nurses behind him. They hoisted him up and took him to the guest room that he stayed in whenever he was over which was basically most of the time.