New Experiences

Arghh. What the hell is this Steph?" Danny groaned in frustration

"Are you blind? Can't you see it is a puppy?" Steph asked like a petulant child

"Obviously I can. What I am asking is why it is in school . What the hell is it doing here"


"My question exactly " I said looking up at Steph's guilty face.

"That is not even the question . I think the question should be how were you able to order it in less than 10 minutes. It is basically Impossible" Rashiel said as we all looked at Steph and Blake.


"That is the second time you are saying that Steph… spit it out" I continued

"Okay, okay fine. I will tell"

Steph paused as we all waited in silence for her explanation

"We are waiting" Danny stated the obvious fact that she probably did not want to notice to her

"I know, but I need the whole pause to give a dramatic effect"