Akaal's toy

With the Elite Shinobi team killed in one go, the enemy troop was in disarray, so rounding them up was easily done.

Looking at the messy encampment the general sighed in regret as he felt it was partly his fault that such a thing happened.

"General! we have the casualty report"

"Read them for me"

"Yes!" He reported that almost 50% were killed, in their sleep by the shinobi team or in battle, nearly all of them were not ready for battle so they couldn't get a footing before being killed.

He thought that this loss was on the better side as he was apprehended and all his troops surrendered, he was certain it would be a total loss if not for the strange young man he locked up.

"Relay the report to the shogun-sama, request for reinforcement, and if she denies the request, we will retreat to the main base"

"Yes general" The warrior left to do his job and the general turned to Akaal who was poking a dead body with a stick.

"Akaal!" Being suddenly called I was startled a little and looked over to the general who was stiff as a statue.


"I deeply apologize for doubting you and throwing you into a cage and you have my sincerest gratitude if not for your action our camp would have been destroyed" The old man did a 90° bow.

"No need for the thanking, I am under the same banner as you, the shogun will certainly win this war!" Hearing such a statement the general was more sure I was an ally, and would treat me better.

Some people would call me a rat for betraying the people who released me from jail, but why side with a god that was sure to be dead in the hands of the electro-archon herself?

It was surely dumb to do so, and in the long run, I might be more trusted by the electro-archon herself if I do enough good deeds or maybe even more than trust.

Remembering the little statue my father brought back home, her figure was quite attractive, but alas mortal touching a god is unheard of.


"Shogun, we received reports from the west camp" A man slowly opened a door and faced the shogun who sat silently with her eyes closed.

He bowed deeply before handing the papers to her and shortly left.

The shogun opened her eyes and read the reports, different emotions shifted on her face, from calm to anger, and slowly turned to interest.

angry that the troops of Orobashi would use such tactics, and interested because the report said a teenager they found and imprisoned saved the general and changed the tide of the battle altogether.

"If not for such action, the west base would surely fall to the hands of Orobashi"

"Makoto, what do you think of the boy" Ei revealed herself behind a curtain behind Makoto.

"His origin is unknown and maybe a war orphan, right now he seems like to be in our side" Makoto nodded to herself before retrieving an empty piece of paper and writing an order.

"Please send this back to the base at the west" A man who stood by the doors entered to retrieve the scroll before bowing deeply and leaving without words.

The words inside the scroll ordered the west to retreat to the main base, and request to personally present himself in front of the shogun.

Their forces were limited, and more threats were present other than Orobashi's forces, she knew they were stationed near Orobashi's island more than the main base, and if any more surprise attacks were to occur, they couldn't send forces before the west base was destroyed.

"Aren't interested as well, who truly is the boy" Makoto looked at Ei.

"What im worried is that he is a spy sent by an enemy"

"Well im not interested in the boy himself but the description the general made of the boy 'performing a strike not even my eyes could catch it' I'm quite interested if the general's words were true" Makoto smiled before thinking of strategies to deal with the mist goddess and Orobashi but also hooked Akaal into making sure he is in their side as by the general's word, he was cunning and powerful.


"What? The shogun herself want to see me?" I looked at the messenger with confusion, a minute ago I was talking to the general about who I am. I decided to create a story where I lost my village to the troops of Orobashi, and my katana was passed down by my father who was a former warrior, I swam from Orobashi's island to this island before I was captured.

The entire time the general was sobbing at my story, promising whoever killed my family would get the worst punishment known to man.

"Yes, Akaal-sama, we received an order to retreat to the main base and personally request Akaal-sama alone to visit the shogun's house"

The general wiped the tears in his eyes and his attitude turned serious before ordering the entire base to pack up and leave.


On the way to the main base

"Akaal, what did you do with your requested several gunpowder barrels and a piece of pyro stone?" The general asked who was riding a horse back to the main base.

"Nothing serious, I wanted to tinker with them and see if I could re-create a toy"

~At the abandoned west camp~

The main troops of Orobashi arrived at the empty camp.

"Search for survivors!" The general of Orobashi ordered, he figured they abandon this base by the order of the Shogun.

The whole troop searched around the base while some circled to secure the ground.

One soldier found several, bodies on the ground as a result of yesterday's night attack, and finding one was wearing a black cloth he knew it was one of the shinobi team.

His head was missing, and he came over to flip the body to search for any clue that could be useful.

Flipping the body, he heard a click before I saw a red stone dropping out of the body and into grey powder underneath.

Before he could react, like a chain reaction, several explosions engulfed the base, no ground was safe from the explosion, as everyone instantly felt high pressure from the ground.

Like that almost 3,000 were instantly killed, the surviving ones were ones who skirt around the outside but they were not unharmed, they sustained serious injuries from a fractured leg to brain damage, and they were sure to die bleeding if no other reinforcement came soon.


Hearing a distant explosion from the direction of the west base, everyone looked in that direction and Akaal smiled at the sound.

"Looks like the main force found my toy, did I hide it that badly?"

The general instantly realized that by Akaal comment, that was the reason why he needed several dozen barrels and a piece of pyro stone. That huge explosion was his 'toy'.

He looked at Akaal not as a teenager anymore but as a cunning and dangerous individual, Akaal knew that the night attack was not the main force but another who would attack in the morning when they would be recovering from the attack.

He marveled at Shogun-sama's foresight to see such a thing but also coupled with Akaal's cunningness, it was terrifying that he was standing between giants.

He just wished he would not anger any of them as Celestia knows hell would be a better place than the living world if he did.