Chapter 0

As Laurenestine strode boldly down the center of the hall, the men found themselves unable to avert their gazes from her. She had on a tight-fitting red dress that showed off how small her waist was compared to her hips, which went well with her smooth skin. In addition, her chest looked like it was about to pop out due to the dress being too tight.

Her long, flowing black hair swayed gently, with a green purse hanging loosely on her arm. Her eyes sparkled, and those present couldn't help but notice her figure due to her inherent allure. Even if they wanted to approach her, they weren't able to because the beautiful young lady seemed to have an attitude.

Their eyes quickly turned away when Laurenestine suddenly bent down. She didn't even cover her ample chest, and their bodies heated up upon seeing her rear as she leaned further towards them. Some bit their lips as her intimate area became clearly visible.

"Damn, the woman looks good. Let's approach her; maybe we'll get lucky tonight," the thin man persuaded.

He had been intrigued by the woman for a while because who wouldn't desire her, as she was the only woman there that night. They were unaware that aside from the waitresses, another woman had been invited to the bachelor's party.

The man's companion is stroking his bulging member in his pants. He is feeling hot and bothered, not even averting his gaze from Laurenestine. In his mind, he is undressing the young lady, and she bites her lip as he imagines her moaning and writhing in pleasure as he pounds her from behind.

The two men exchanged glances and grinned, knowing that she would easily give in to them. No one rejected them because according to the women they peeked at, they were good in bed especially since their attributes were also commendable.

"Want a threesome? It's fine with me." The thin man said, his voice tinged with seduction as he grinned and played with his fingers at the end of his t-shirt. Meanwhile, his companion, a somewhat muscular man, scratched his chin. He hadn't experienced such a setup yet, but in his mind, he thought it might be more exciting.

"Sure, but let me go first. I've been turned on for a while now," he said humorously. The thin man simply laughed and nodded, scratching his head as if he had seen a game he expected. They then simultaneously stepped closer to the door, their eyes filled with anticipation of what they were about to do.

But their steps came to an abrupt halt when they saw the familiar man heading towards Laurenestine. The thin man raised an eyebrow, his expression appearing inquisitive.

"Isn't that the soon-to-be groom? Why is he outside?" the thin man asked in confusion, pinching his nose, a habit of his when perplexed. His companion too looked puzzled, his eyebrows furrowed, thinking that he should still be inside enjoying himself.

They looked at each other, understanding each other through their eyes.

"Isn't it possible that the woman is part of our surprise?" His companion quickly caught on to what he said and nodded, his hand making a small circle in the air as if illustrating an idea in his mind.

"What a shame, I thought we would finally get together," the thin man said in disappointment, scratching his head as he seemed to lose interest. His companion sighed, looking towards the direction of the comfort room as if contemplating a plan.

"I think I need to go to the comfort room first," he excused himself and left, his steps quick as if he were being chased. The thin man returned to his seat, his hands tucked into his pants pocket as he thought about his next move.

Laurenestine was taken aback as someone placed a cloth on her back. She was about to shout at whoever boldly caught her attention when she saw the handsome face of her Professor.

She couldn't help but smile in front of him, pretending to be happy even though deep down, she wanted to explode. She couldn't believe that the guy she liked was getting married already, and even though she wasn't invited to the guy's party, she found a way to enter the venue. Luckily, she had a male friend who knew someone.

"Hello, Prof. Congratulations, by the way," she greeted nonchalantly. She wanted to roll her eyes because earlier, she couldn't resist the urge to confront the Professor's girlfriend.

She raised an eyebrow, as she noticed the disdain in the woman's words, but he ignored it, looking over her outfit. That's why hardly any men were inside because of this woman. He had been hearing disrespectful words from his companions earlier because a woman had apparently entered.

He even glanced at her breasts which were firm and fair, the shape of her mountain-like bosom visible under her blouse. Her buttocks were also shapely, and he couldn't help but notice her rounded rear. He was even more puzzled because he didn't recognize the woman. He hadn't seen such a beautiful woman at the university where he taught.

"You're not allowed here," he started, his voice carrying an edge of authority.

Laurenestine looked at the Professor, her eyes glistening in the light of the room. He didn't ask her to leave, but he also didn't want the party to be ruined because of the girl. Earlier, the men here were already looking at her and causing distraction.

The woman just grinned, her lips slightly parted, and her naturally shimmering eyes. "Are you going to usher me out? I've been waiting for you for a while, prof. Maybe entertain me before I go out?"

Was she just flirting, or was there a hint of seduction in her voice as she spoke? The professor sighed and adjusted his glasses, trying to remain calm despite the tense atmosphere. He looked at her uneasily, his brow slightly furrowed.

"You know, this is a private event. It's best if you leave now," he stated firmly, trying to maintain his composure.

As Laurenestine approached, the sound of her heels echoed on the smooth floor, and the scent of her perfume wafted through the air, further distracting the Professor. He couldn't help but notice the way her dress clung to her figure, accentuating every curve.

She leaned in and whispered seductively, her warm breath against his ear, "But Prof, I came all this way just to see you. Are you really going to send me away so soon?" Her eyes sparkled with mischief, and a slight smirk played on her lips.

He just sighed before guiding the woman inside, his hand gently on her arm but not tight. He didn't want to drag her out because she was also one of the guests. They went straight to the kitchen because he didn't want to show the guests what was happening inside. He also had no desire to enjoy himself there. This was also one of the headaches for him.

"What do you want to eat?" he asked. He crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back slightly against the counter as he studied her.

She approached the fruit table and picked up a plate. There were various wines, different dishes and desserts that were barely touched because the guests were more focused on indulging in the women they paid for rather than eating proper food.

Lauren was fixed on the Professor. She observed his every move, the way he moved seeming to have meaning with each step. She bit her lip because of his attractive figure, his every breath causing her to stand up. What would it feel like to touch his body? Probably, it would be more exciting to feel the warmth inside his clothes. All she remembers is the brief touch of hands, and it probably lasts for just a second. She wanted to feel more of him.

"What would it taste like if I licked your skin, Prof? It might even taste better than the food here," she joked, her eyes gleaming mischievously and with desire.

She really had no shame in saying that because if she used to be quiet, she was different now. This was the first day she would seduce the Professor to prevent his marriage to another woman. If she wouldn't have him, no one would. Her determination was evident in the way her eyes never left his, daring and unashamed.

She may seem desperate, but she doesn't care at all. She wants him— all of him. As long as someone tries to steal the professor, she will do anything to stop it. She straightened her posture, emphasizing her curves as she leaned slightly forward, making sure he noticed.

He paused in getting food and looked at her with a cold gaze, his eyes full of a chill as if trying to control his anger. That was his usual facial expression, but he was oblivious to why it seemed to have chilled more in the past months. Perhaps it's because he doesn't want to acknowledge anyone anymore as he's getting married, which irked him more.

She knows everything about the guy, perhaps even the time he goes home and the places he frequents. It goes against her will to see the Professor with someone else. Her jaw tightened with the thought, but she kept her expression playful, masking the intensity of her feelings.

"Your mouth, Miss. Know your boundary," the Professor said, his voice cold and sharp. His senses seemed to ache from what he said, and he closed his eyes slightly, as if trying to contain his annoyance.

She was surprised by his response. Was he really not intrigued by her? This was just her first step, so she would endure his coldness for now.

The Professor placed the plate in front of her and also poured red wine into the glass. Despite his cold expression, he was also a gentleman. She couldn't help but feel delighted.

She really didn't have an appetite, but if what was in front of him was this delightful, she would definitely eat.

The professor sipped wine in front of her while she continued to stare at the man, chewing food. Food becomes more appetizing when there is dessert in front and she's just waiting.

The man glanced at her and they locked eyes. She just smiled at him and resumed eating. She also crossed her arms and slightly leaned forward, making her cleavage visible. Her heart leaped when his gaze suddenly fell on her chest and he even choked on the wine he was drinking.

"Are you okay, Prof?" Feigning concern, Laurene quickly approached the guy. He was startled by her sudden approach, but he didn't say anything, his eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and suspicion.

Wine stained her dress and some even dripped on her collar. He couldn't help but look at her lips, which were slightly reddened from the drink. His lips were slightly parted, glistening with the residue of the wine.

A mischievous idea entered her mind and she approached her Professor. With a sly smile, she leaned in and lasciviously licked his collar to taste the wine on the man's skin. The Professor stiffened at her action, his muscles tensing under her touch, but he didn't push her away. Instead, he seemed frozen, his eyes widening in shock.

Laurene continued to lick his collar until her tongue reached the side of his lips. She quickly sucked it before pulling away, leaving a tingling sensation on his skin. His breath hitched, and he visibly shivered at her boldness.

She sweetly smiled at the Professor. "You taste good when licked, Prof. I mean - the wine," she said.

The Professor averted his gaze, his cheeks flushing slightly, and took a few steps back from her. He looked conflicted, his eyes scanning the room as if searching for an escape. They were still standing, and because she was wearing high heels, she easily reached his face.

The kitchen door suddenly opened, and she thought of sitting back on her previous seat, finishing her food as if nothing happened. She kept a watchful eye on the Professor, noting his discomfort.

"Laurene, I've been looking for you," said a man who had just arrived. His tone was casual, but his eyes were sharp as he scanned the room. "Dude, you're being called inside. Looks like your sibling needs you," he added, glancing at the Professor.

The Professor just nodded, his expression neutral but tense, and left them there. As soon as he was out of sight, the man approached Laurene.

"Don't you have something for me to do? What is it? I have to leave soon," he asked, sounding rushed.

Laurene picked up a bottle and placed it on the table. The glass vial glinted under the kitchen lights. "Put that in his drink and send him to the room I rented here," she instructed, without any hint of hesitation in her tone.

The bottle had no label, but the man knew what was inside. His eyes widened slightly as he picked up the bottle, weighing it in his hand. "Are you serious about this? Aren't you feeling guilty? He's getting married, Laurene," he said in a worried tone.

"I don't care, Lugan. I want him, and that's why I did this—to make them break up. If you have time to complain here, use your effort elsewhere," she snapped.

The man just scratched his head, clearly conflicted, and pocketed the bottle. "Just make sure you don't involve me if this is discovered, okay?" he confirmed, making sure to speak almost in a whisper.

"Alright. Just do it. I'll be waiting in the room," she replied in an impatient tone. She leaned back in her chair, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips.

She couldn't help but smile. This was just the beginning, and she planned to ensure he remembered what she would do next. Her fingers lightly tapped on the table, the excitement of what lay ahead causing her heart to beat faster.