Chapter 16

As soon as Dean Hernandez received a call from my parents, I felt a coldness settle in my heart. I didn't know what they were going to say or how I would explain what had happened.

We sat in silence inside while waiting for a few minutes. I was getting colder with nervousness because I knew my parents would be disappointed. I am the youngest, and I am the only one studying because my older sister got pregnant early, while my older brother works to pay for my tuition at the University. They are counting on me now, but I disappointed them.

We looked up as the door opened. My father's eyes immediately fell on me. I could feel the anger and disappointment in their eyes. They didn't even acknowledge the people inside.

"What is this, Laurene?" my mother asked angrily. "What foolishness are you doing here?"

When I couldn't answer her question, she walked towards me and faced me. "Do you understand the shame brought by that video? What kind of relationship is this?"

"I taught you well, Laurene. That's not how you show self-respect," my father said.

I just bowed my head and couldn't bring myself to look at them in the eye. "Ma, Pa, I'm sorry. This is my fault," I said as my eyes filled with tears. "I love Professor Zaiden."

My mother was taken aback, and the anger on her face intensified. "What? You love him? Laurene, are you in your right mind? How could you do this?"

"I've taught you several times how to interact properly with people, Laurene," my father said. "I can't believe that you, our child, would do this foolishness. What will your sister say?"

I couldn't bear to look into their eyes; I felt ashamed now because Professor Zaiden was here, and the Dean was also looking at us. I couldn't bear the anger and disappointment I saw in my parents' eyes.

"Because of what happened, you must face the appropriate punishment for the school rules you violated," said the dean. "And Professor Contreras, he is not exempt from the consequences we are facing."

Before he could say more, there was a knock again. We all looked towards the door as the Dean spoke to let in whoever was outside, and I immediately averted my gaze when I recognized who entered.

"Love..." Professor Zaiden stuttered, his voice faltering as he spoke to the woman.

Shannon didn't look at him and approached me instead. I couldn't read any expression on her face, and I shouldn't be surprised if she slapped me.

"So that's why you look familiar. You're in that picture. You're the one who sent me that picture," I just lowered my head. I felt embarrassed and nervous. "I heard from my fiancé that you have feelings for him. He always sees you everywhere and there's even a picture of you. I don't believe that video if you ask me."

I didn't move and just listened to her speak. "I believe this girl edited that video, Dean."

I looked up when I saw Shannon facing the Dean. Why was she so confident that it was just an edited video?

"I heard she's famous because of her nickname. Crazy Nurse? She's obsessed with my fiancé, so it's possible she's the girl in the video, but the guy is different."

"How can you say that, Ms.?"

"Call me Shannon, Dean," she turned to her fiancé and I even saw her smile at him. "The video was taken last night, right?" Dean nodded. "My fiancé and I were together at my parents' house, so I know it wasn't him in the video."

I blinked and processed what I heard. What did she mean they were together?

"Can you tell us the truth, Ms. Valencia? Who really was with you in the video?"

I couldn't believe I was looking at Professor Zaiden, who was now silent. "No, Professor was really with me. I can't be wrong," I struggled to answer.

Shannon's face turned sour. "Dean, don't believe her. She's manipulating the situation. I can vouch for my fiancé, and I have proof that we were together last night."

Dean Hernandez sighed and rubbed his temples, clearly frustrated with the conflicting stories. "Ms. Valencia, you need to understand the seriousness of this. If you're lying, it will only make things worse."

"I'm not lying, Dean. I know what happened," I insisted.

Shannon smirked, crossing her arms. "Well, if you're so sure, then prove it. Show us evidence that it was indeed Professor Zaiden in that video."

I stumbled for words, realizing I had no solid proof. The room fell into an awkward silence, and I could feel everyone's judgment weighing down on me.

"Ms. Valencia, I suggest you think carefully before speaking," the dean warned.

"I... I can't prove it right now, but I swear it was Professor Zaiden in the video," I stammered.

Shannon chuckled condescendingly. "Looks like she's trapped in her own lies, Dean. I told you, she's just obsessed with my fiancé."

I didn't know how to respond. I felt betrayed by Professor Zaiden, and the gravity of the situation was suffocating.

"I-I don't know, Dean. Maybe it's just a misunderstanding. But Professor was really with me," I weakly replied.

Dean Hernandez didn't like my answer. "This is a serious accusation, Ms. Valencia. If you continue with your claims, your reputation will be at risk."

I tried to hide my fear and shame in my eyes. When Shannon spoke again, it was filled with anger. "Please take appropriate actions. I won't let her ruin my relationship with Professor Zaiden."

Shannon glared at me. "Shut up. You shouldn't be seen in front of my fiancé anymore," she said.

Finally, Professor Zaiden broke his silence. "Dean, I can vouch for Ms. Valencia. We were together last night."

Shannon scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Oh, please. You're just protecting her because she's infatuated with you."

"I'm protecting her because it's the truth. We were together, but I never expected things to turn out like this," Professor Zaiden said firmly.

I was surprised to look at Professor Zaiden. He didn't even look at me, his gaze fixed on the Dean. Even my parents seemed confused. Earlier, he was denying everything, and now he admitted it.

"So, you're denying our engagement, Zaiden? You're willing to lie just to protect her?" Shannon's voice was weak but filled with anger.

"Shannon. That night, I was only with Laurene," Professor Zaiden's answer was firm. "We didn't see each other last night; you don't have to lie."

But Shannon's anger intensified. "I never thought you'd do this to me, Zaiden. After everything we've been through, we were supposed to get married, but you just replaced me with one of your students!"

I didn't react anymore. I understood Shannon's anger and my parents' disappointment. The only thing left to do was to listen and accept the consequences.

"Ms. Valencia, Professor Zaiden, due to this incident, we need to undergo an investigation," Dean Hernandez declared. "Until everything is clear, you will be temporarily suspended from school."

I closed my eyes, feeling like I was in a nightmare. I couldn't explain the pain and regret in my heart. I regretted having expectations. I couldn't accept that this was happening.

Two weeks ago, when I realized the video I wanted to send to Shannon was deleted, I lost control. I started deleting his pictures and anything that reminded me of him. Eventually, I remembered that I was the one who deleted the video, slowly realizing that I couldn't force everything.

I talked to Jorih about this. She knew about my relationship with Professor Zaiden, and even she was confused about Professor's behavior towards me, so I told her we needed to plan how to find out what's really going on with Professor Zaiden. She told me Professor Zaiden has a disorder because of his changing behavior. She knows the Professor's family, so it's impossible for him to have a twin. I, on the other hand, believed they were different and to prove it, I needed to sacrifice. I needed to risk my dignity to find out the truth.

I asked her to take a video of us when we talked. We didn't expect it to happen in a bar because our original plan was to meet in Professor's office. I also uploaded the video using my dummy account. I destroyed my own reputation just to confirm my suspicions.

Jorih didn't expect I was serious with my plan. I managed to drug and seduce the Professor, so why not this? I can do unexpected things even if it means ruining my name because I know I can still get through this.

But I failed now. I couldn't confirm it, and maybe Jorih was right that Professor Zaiden has a problem because he admitted it. I clenched my fist; I couldn't accept this.

"No, you denied it earlier, Professor Zaiden. Why did you admit it?" Everyone looked at me. My gaze just stayed fixed on Prof. "What's the truth? Why are your answers changing?"

Dean Hernandez sighed, clearly frustrated with the situation. He walked towards the door and opened it. "Both of you are suspended until further notice. We will conduct an investigation to clarify the circumstances surrounding this incident. Please cooperate with the process. Even I don't know what the truth is, so it's better to look for evidence. This won't be solved just like this."

But before he could leave the door, a man blocked his way.

"No need for that, Dean."