Chapter 58

"Laurenerestine! Why don't you have a seat? Breakfast is served," said one of Zairon's companions, a woman in a white dress who was with us yesterday when we came here.

I followed her to a vacant seat. As I walked, I noticed the children with Zairon. They were playing happily, and Zairon was watching them with a smile on his face. He seemed like a different Zairon today—cheerful and far from the face I remember when I think about what happened. I sighed again; he's avoiding me now. I had a hard time yesterday, and now he's making it even harder for me.

As soon as I sat down, he looked at me, but his face was blank. We were sitting next to each other because I purposely sat close to him to have a chance to talk to him.

"Zairon, can we talk? Just the two of us?"

He raised an eyebrow but then looked away again. "We can talk later. Let's just enjoy breakfast for now."