Forced Co-operation

Advanced chapters:

200 stone bonus chapter.(Let's get this to the top).

Enjoy reading.


Having travelled with the sage to the temple library, she was confident of her imminent victory over the unknown demon...

Soon that confidence began to fade. With every minute, with every book, scroll, line, with every piece of information she received. Until it finally disappeared. All this time Azula was accompanied by the demon's snide comments that never ceased to mock her, her people and their meagre knowledge of spirits. Playing on her nerves, the demon wanted to weaken the girl's mind, but she continued to resist, slowly beginning to realise the desperate situation she was in.

The Temple of Fire was a rather large building, built in red and black colours inside and out. It was designed with sophistication, but also with a certain simplicity. Inside, there was even more of that simplicity, expressed in the plain furniture, modest interior, and other small details. Nevertheless, it was majestic and beautiful in its own way. Of course, the Fire Temple was inferior to the palace Azula was used to, but it didn't even try to look as luxurious as the most important building in the capital. Perhaps only the library in this Temple was slightly larger than the library in the palace. However, the princess didn't care about the interior and local beauties, she only cared about information and nothing more.

Azula spent a little over two hours in the structure. As the spirit said, it turned out to be a waste of time and precious energy. The only thing the princess began to guess about was the peculiarity of the spirit that had infiltrated her. Despite all the knowledge accumulated by the sages over the millennia, she had not found a single way to get rid of the demon. However, was it a demon? Because of the information she received, the girl began to doubt that the stranger belonged to evil spirits. This raised even more questions, to which no one was in a hurry to give answers. Possession was too rare a phenomenon that people had only heard of, but could not study sufficiently. As a wise man had said: it was too rare a phenomenon, bringing death in most cases.

Azula had studied well all the available information, but there was nothing about spirits like the one she had encountered. The girl showed no signs of possession and probably wouldn't have even suspected the existence of an extra personality for a long time if the unknown one hadn't deigned to speak first. This spirit did not fit any documented mention of its kind.

He was not light, nor was he dark, the presence of a good human-like mind spoke of a spirit that was not even connected to nature. Perhaps it was the spirit of a dead person or the spirit of an abstract concept... the former didn't have enough power to inhabit a person, at least there was no mention of it, the latter could do it. But they had much more possibilities to harm a human being.

The most famous abstract concept spirit among humans is Wang Shi Tong, the great spirit of knowledge. His library is sought after by all the scholars and knowledge-hungry people from all over the world. Surely his library must have contained the answers to Azula's questions. Alas, no one knew where it was located. If about the spirit of the dead, the sage was sure that the dead can not take over the body of a living person, but with strong spirits of abstract concepts, it was the opposite.

The whole problem was that the spirit Azula encountered was not similar to any of the spirits known to the Fire Sages. Its resemblance to the spirit of a dead person was very striking, but its powers and authority over the princess's body overrode those conclusions. Perhaps other fire temples would have more information on the right topic. By the time the necessary scrolls are delivered to the princess, the demon will be able to do whatever he pleases with her.

In short: just as the spirit had said - it was a waste of time.

Sitting in the palanquin that the servants were carrying back to the palace, Azula performed a breathing technique, keeping her emotions under complete control. Without this technique, it would be much harder for her to stay with a cool head and clear mind. After being without rest for more than a day, fatigue gradually began to overtake her, and with it came despair. The princess could not find a way to get rid of the harmful parasite, and it was too stupid to confess her illness.

"Where do we go now? Don't forget about the training with the guards, I promise to behave myself and not to disturb you, hehehehehehehehehehehe," - to answer the demon with a barb, the princess was not allowed by extra ears and fear of tarnishing her reputation, for which she had worked hard since childhood.

Tilting her head back, she inhales deeply, then lowers her head, exhaling all the air in her lungs. Then repeats, over and over....

"Breathe-breathe, it feels good to be alive," the demon never forgot to remind himself, not leaving the girl for a moment.

Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in and out...

- Ahhhh... - Opening her mouth wide, Azula yawned, feeling a growing weakness with the urge to sleep.

"What-what's the matter? Yawning? Is fatigue making itself felt? What a poor thing, you get some sleep while I commandeer my body, everything will be fine, hehehehehehehehehehehehehe," the princess habitually ignored the demon and continued her breathing exercise, fighting the increasing drowsiness.

Azula was confident that she could last another day or more without any rest. Ever since she was a child, she preferred to sleep as little as possible, devoting most of her time to training, and the minimum necessary time for such a useless thing as sleep. Spending all her free time on perfecting herself, the princess quite quickly achieved public recognition of her talents. Unlike her brother, who devoted much less time to his studies than she did. The girl was accustomed to such loads, but the demon was right, it was only a matter of time before she would weaken and be unable to resist the fatigue, which only increased with each passing hour.

Her hopes in the knowledge of the sages were as dashed as the past. Asking her father for help was not an option Azula had considered, it was too humiliating. And how could the Fire Lord help her? She could give the right orders to the right people on her own. It was a pity that all the servants and subordinates were useless in front of one single spirit whose power was not even enough to take over her body. And as if mocking her and her entire country, the spirit repeatedly mentioned the Avatar.

The Avatar would help... if the Avatar were alive... the Avatar knows more... the Avatar could handle any spirit... the Avatar who would never help the direct heiress of the man who genocided an entire nation.

The worst part of the situation was the actual threat from the spirit. The demon quickly realised where and what to push to hurt her more. His target was her reputation...a reputation Azula had spent years earning. From the example of her old Uncle, the girl knew what consequences just one defeat could lead to. The princess wasn't so much afraid of death as she was afraid of losing her reputation in the eyes of her subordinates, especially in the eyes of her father, the Fire Lord and absolute ruler of their entire realm.

"Oh, the porters have stopped, we have arrived back at the palace. Are you ready? I will try to make this day unforgettable," the demon who first noticed the palanquin stop alerted her.

- Mistress Princess, we have arrived at the palace," one of the servants announced after the demon.

It was going to be a very long day.

Once inside the palace, one of the nearest men guarding the main entrance immediately addressed the princess. He informed Azula of the whereabouts of the patrolmen who had offended yesterday. That's what reputation means. If the patrolmen didn't show up for punishment themselves, but tried to evade it, the princess had to put in a little more effort. That would certainly increase the severity of the punishment for the men. For the sake of such a reputation she had laboured long enough, and it was her destruction that the hated spirit aimed at.

- At ease soldier, I heard you," Azula released the royal guard, taking note of the new information.

"Here come the sparring partners, I wonder how you'll do now? The drowsiness isn't going anywhere, what lies will you come up with this time?" - The demon wouldn't leave her alone.

- I must also inform you of a military meeting that will begin with the last rays of the zenith sun. The Fire Master wishes to see you at it.

"Uh-oh, today is clearly not your day, snotty. So many opportunities, I don't even know where to start or how to destroy your usual life..."

- And you decided that such information should be told after the whereabouts of the guilty guards? - The Princess's eyes narrowed, foreshadowing trouble and hardship for the one who provoked her anger.

- My fault, Princess, I apologise, I am ready to accept any punishment you give me, - clearly knowing Azula, the guard immediately confessed, deciding not to give the girl much time to think about his punishment.

- I don't have time for you and the information you reported, and accordingly you fulfilled the order, even if not perfectly. From now on, try to distinguish the degree of importance of information and do not upset me with your mistakes.

- My fault, I'll make it up to you! - The guard straightened up, hiding his joy at the mercy he had shown.

The princess glanced at him and went on her way.

"Merciless as ever, and yet without them you are nothing..." - once again the spirit commented on her action.

Walking through the corridors of the palace, she leisurely headed towards a goal known only to her. The council of war was still a few hours away, so she had time to mind her own business. She had nowhere to rush, and the guards could wait a little longer. Wandering through the corridors of the palace, Azula turns to a part where people rarely walked. Looking for a secluded place where no one would hear her. One could go to her chambers, but Azula knew that the maids were currently tidying them up.

"What are you up to? It will all turn out to be in vain anyway. I can't wait for the council of war to see what your stamina is worth," the insider noticed her strange behaviour.

Making sure there was no one else in the corridor but her, she pulled on a light fixture, revealing a secret door hidden behind tall curtains. Hiding in one of the palace's secret passageways, she closed the door and lit the flame in her hand. Walking a little way down the secret passageway, Azula stops.

- 'This is where we can talk,' Azula gathered her strength and spoke, looking at the bluish flame burning above her palm.

"Who are you talking to? There are only walls in here! Have your mind problems started already? Are you going to be calling me mum soon?" - The irritation from the spirit's mocking tone was immediately suppressed by the princess' mind, she had time to think about a lot of things during the journey in the palanquin, so Azula continued in a timid and apologetic voice.

- 'I want to apologise to you for my-' before she could finish, she was interrupted by the spirit's mocking voice.

"Impertinence? Insolence? Arrogance? Cruelty? Selfishness? Threats? What exactly do you want to apologise to me for?" - he was still laughing at her, but she held on, more aware than ever of the danger the spirit posed to her.

- For everything, I didn't behave respectfully enough in front of you..... - There was no response from the spirit for a few seconds, Azula stood in the middle of the narrow corridor hidden by the darkness with her head down.

"I see that you have begun to realise the position you find yourself in, to your regret it is not enough for me. You are not at all sincere in your words. I don't hear remorse, I don't see the realisation of a mistake, I don't feel emotion, you're just... lying. I won't forgive you if you just ask for forgiveness in a timid voice and look guilty, you self-righteous brat," the spirit continued to mock her ironically.

Azula hadn't received such direct and rude rejections in a long time. As a princess, she was used to having most of her wishes granted instantly. Growing up, Azula realised that lies were a formidable force with which she skilfully achieved her desired goals, emulating her father, who had achieved the highest position in the land of fire against fate.

Lying and manipulation. To the girl's regret, the spirit was indifferent to this. She didn't know his weaknesses, only his desires and judging by his tone, he had no trouble figuring out her acting. However, there was no way out, she only had to play her game further with the faint hope of victory. The princess despised even the thought of defeat, she would just make a little more effort and once again justify her reputation as a genius, no matter what hardships she had to endure and what humiliation she had to undergo, she would get her way, at any cost. Any...

Azula's genius brain quickly considered the situation, after which she replied in a still timid and apologetic tone.

- What do I need to do to earn your forgiveness, oh great spirit," Azula continued her game, still hoping to outsmart the spirit. Lying had always come easiest to her, and now more than ever she needed to lie a lot.

"Spare me your false flattery. And as for forgiveness... I am willing to accept it in poetic form, but only if it truly touches my heart. Of course you have to make up the poem yourself, that's the whole point! Come on, you snot, show me your genius!" - After thinking for a bit, the spirit replied hastily, making Azula cringe at his demands. The princess had never been interested in any art, considering it to be the domain of weaklings and losers.

- I will need time," the girl replies discreetly to the spirit, having no idea what she would have to do to earn his forgiveness.

"I don't remember you giving me time to explain... you'll have to do a good job of impressing me, and remember, I'm bound to sense your falseness

- Do I have a chance to negotiate with you, oh great spirit?

"What did I say about flattery? Don't make me waste my time repeating it," the unknown replied to her with a dose of irritation.

- 'In that case, how shall I address you?

"After almost two days you remembered the rules of decorum? Surprisingly, better late than never, but your education and manners leave much to be desired, and you are the princess of the most progressive country, how can you not be ashamed?" - returned the spirit to the mocking tone that with all its intonation was so anxious to show the girl her place.

- ...

Azula answered nothing, making all her efforts to restrain her emotions and not respond with a barb. No one had ever behaved so brazenly and impudently to her, and yet they went unpunished. She was perfectly capable of lying, but it wasn't as effective against the spirit as she would have liked it to be. The only thing left to do was to accept the new rules of the game, playing the game to the end. If you couldn't take a spirit by force, you should try to trick it and use it. These were the thoughts that were going round and round in the princess's head.

"However, why don't you give me your body for a while. I promise I'll return it safely," the spirit shocked the girl slightly with an overly direct and impertinent suggestion.

Azula didn't immediately think of an appropriate response for the spirit.

- I'm sorry. I don't think it's the best idea. I have much to do this day, and I would like to preserve my reputation without arousing my father's suspicions. With my position, I will be able to accomplish whatever goals you have in mind much more quickly and easily. Being the heiress of the most progressive state is much better than being an unknown nigger or an outcast," the princess replied after a slight delay.

"In simple words, you don't trust me... that's normal. We don't know each other much, and our acquaintance didn't start off well. You see, I definitely don't trust you either. For my name, you will need to gain my trust first, and before that earn my forgiveness, until then, address me spirit, without unnecessary flattery and fake respect," the... spirit replied calmly with a note of admonishment.

Azula felt a little joy at the idea that had arisen. She quickly realised what the spirit needed, and how to give it to her on her own terms without fear of losing anything.

- I could leave the body with you overnight, as I have been doing all week. It's just so much better to live with the position of princess than without it, I'm sure: my position will favour your plans, whatever they may be.

"It's not enough, Azula, but good for you, you realised quickly what I needed... it's only been about thirty hours, hehehehehehehe..." - Pressing her lips tightly together at yet another sarcasm over her intelligence, she continued to remain silent, waiting for further words from the spirit.

"You're right, that's exactly what I want you to do, but I think we have some time to do some experiments right now, after which we can discuss our forced co-operation," pleasure slipped into the spirit's voice.

- What are you-" not allowing her to finish, the spirit immediately interrupts the girl.

"What did I say regarding lying, girl? Your sucking up is starting to get really annoying."

After thinking for a moment, Azula replied, -What do you mean by that, Spirit?

"Relax your body, I'll take full control of it, then give it back to you. A small test of trust between us..." - The spirit replied, causing Azula to think hard and weigh the risks.

The risks were not small, the spirit was already threatening to make the princess look bad in front of her father and the highest ranks of the fire army. The girl wished to avoid it with all her might, as even death would be more pleasant for Azula than losing the recognition in her father's eyes that she had managed to achieve. She had never even realised that this would happen, but the spirit had shown its power over her body, and now it was a nightmare for her.

Weighing all the risks and positives, thinking over the proposal properly, she answered:

- Okay...I'll take it.