Spiritual Affairs

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After playing with magic, I return Azula's body back to the bed. Without extinguishing the lights, I return to my spiritual form and approach the mirror. The desire to reprisal this smug bitch immediately grew by an order of magnitude! I guessed it, but I hoped to the last minute that it wasn't true! But more calmly, if it happened once, surely it can be changed again. But how annoying it is to see that familiar face!

In the mirror reflection, I saw Azula's spiritual body.....

The past torture had left its mark on me. My spiritual form became as much like the princess as possible. I became as much like her as possible! Even the clothes were familiar to Azula, not me! In the smallest detail, even the slightest embroidery could be discerned. I wasn't wrong in assuming that the princess and I were now twins. It was a bad sign. This kind of change in me told me so, it was not without consequence. Previously, I looked like a bluish mist in the form of a humanoid figure in which male features were barely discernible. In short, a spirit on the verge of disintegration and ultimate extinction. These were the consequences of a not entirely successful immortality ritual.

Now I saw Azula in the reflection, in her usual fire nation armour, with her usual hairstyle and her favourite hair ring. Touching my new tits, I noticed how soft they were. Like a real girl's. Deciding to check another spot, I lower my hand to my crotch, beginning to probe the desired area...

"Ahem-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee," I almost laughed out loud. He was spot on too!

I didn't feel like exploring my new spiritual body any further; I didn't know what else I'd find. And I didn't know if the sleeping beauty would hear me if I made any noise.

Was her memory and skills worth such changes? I guess so. After all, the girl knew a lot of things, especially after apprenticing with Piandao. But changing my appearance might have also changed my self. I might not be the same person I was before. A mixture of my former self and all of Azula's memories. It was comforting to think that since I was able to change by becoming Azula's likeness, I might be able to change again in the future with a desirable male appearance. Breasts are nice, but not when they belong to me. I hope this doesn't interfere too much with my future goals.

But enough time wasted on idle musings! I knew from the princess's memory that the capital was still about two or three days away. This time had to be spent to the best advantage! I've already tested my ability to inhabit a girl, I need to see if I can inhabit other people!

Such a skill would surely come in handy in my revenge on that girl. Yeah, she's not going to get off easy on me. Her sharpened psychological trauma from loneliness that makes her train so frantically to avoid having conflicting feelings, all of this is just the beginning. However, before making a plan for revenge, I need to learn more about my current capabilities.

Oh, and I'm tired of existing without a body, so I'm willing to lower my requirements for finding one to a mere fire conquering master from Azula's Imperial Cortege. As far as I know, there are a few young men there that would be just right for me. But first, it would be better to test my abilities on a creature that no one would pay attention to.

After thinking about it, I flew through the walls of the ship. The speed was quite impressive for a human. It took me less than ten minutes to fly around the ship and the small area around it. Alas, there was no large marine life nearby that I could try to inhabit. No matter how hard I tried to look, I couldn't find any in the sea.

On the positive side: while I was looking for someone to inhabit, I learnt the limits of my spiritual vision, which allowed me to see the life energy of people and other animals. I could barely see a kilometre, but luckily I could increase the range, paying for the increased strain on my mind for every hundred metres. It was because of this ability, or should I say skill, that I searched for animals. Because of the risk of losing the ship in the night sea, I was wary of looking too far away from the ship for the subject I needed.

After about half an hour, I got bored with it. So I decided to choose someone from the ship's crew. Someone whose disappearance or change in behaviour would not be noticed in the next few hours. Of course, that would only happen in the worst case scenario, but I was prepared for the most drastic measures. Even if something went wrong, it wouldn't do anything to the dead.

Having made my decision, I checked my spiritual characteristics. I hovered in front of the patrolling mage's face and made sure that I was still invisible to ordinary people. The mage simply walked through me, shivering from the sudden cold. It was an interesting effect. Perhaps I can influence the material world in spiritual form. With Azula, it's best not to test such a thing. My being inside her might well have given her the ability to see spirits.

Unfortunately, this man was no match for me. A missing patrolman on patrol would be noticed too quickly. I need someone else. Sleepers? Almost all the servants and soldiers slept more than one at a time, the oddity with one could easily wake the others and interfere with my experiments. But most didn't mean all. Thanks to the princess's memory, I knew the ship's captain had his own private quarters where he slept alone.

Quickly flying through walls and floors with ceilings, I found myself in the right place. Captain Bruce Lee, continued to sleep, unsuspecting. Soaring over the snoring body of an old man, forty or more years old, I prepared to enter his body. As strange as that sounds.

- Aaahhhh, Aaahhhh, Aaahhhh, Aaahhhh, Aaahhhh, Aaahhhh, Aaahhhh, Aaahhhh! - The man instantly reacted to my actions. I had to speed up and enter him quickly, with an experienced hand putting a firm sleep on Lee.

It worked out almost perfectly.

I could feel the body owner's spirit resisting my intrusion. He almost had time to wake up, but I was quicker. Perhaps it was the experience of interacting with the princess that played the key role here. I had trained too well on Azula. Taking over someone else's body was no problem for me now. Bruce Lee's consciousness was sleeping and dreaming, and I did not interfere with it, thinking about my own sensations. A little uncomfortable and quite tight, I hadn't experienced that with Azula. But overall it felt almost familiar, except for the tightness. It was like wearing smaller clothes.

With my experience in possession, I had no trouble controlling the captain's body. Which I decided to test by doing a little exercise with Azula's skill checks. I was pleasantly surprised by the blue flames that flared for a moment in the lights. I was able to adopt the blue flame from her, along with a more advanced energy. The flame that flared up in my hands proved it.

When I decided to test the rest of my body's skills, I was saddened by them. Flexibility is disgusting, speed is similar, muscles are not so strong. In short, the aged body was much worse than the young and athletic one. One small workout was enough to make me feel nauseous, dark in the eyes and dizzy. Such a body is only good for experimentation.

When I left the captain's cabin, which was much more modest than the princess's suite, I decided to get some air and calm my body's senses.

The cool sea breeze blew pleasantly on my face. But it didn't make me feel any better. I wanted to empty the contents of my stomach more and more. No matter how I held back, I felt worse and worse. And so it went on until...

- Boo! Ahem, ahem, ahem, boo-boo... Boooo... - pushing me out of my body, the captain leaned completely on the railing, becoming vomitous. His legs didn't hold the man up at all, probably the confrontation with me had drained him of too much strength.

Interesting effect. But I got too little information, I need to continue the experiments. Too many questions. How long can I be in someone else's body? How will my presence affect the alien body? Does the body remember how I interact with it and similar questions. Will I be able to penetrate the awake person?

- Where am I? What's going on? - Bruce has recovered, having stopped throwing up all over the deck.

It's time to continue the experiments. Bear with me, old man, it's all for my own good.

Being in the body of an awake man was easier than I thought. My consciousness simply pushed it away, after which I immediately forced the other's mind to dream. It all happened so quickly that all Bruce had time to do was drop to his knees. In the past, something like this was impossible for me. My spiritual body must have been too weak for such tricks. If it wasn't for my new energy that is similar to Azula, I could only dream of such a thing.

The second time, I decided not to exert myself, but just to test how long I could last in someone else's body. In other words, idle for as long as possible. After reaching almost thirty minutes, I was forcibly ejected from the body and its owner woke up. The longer I was in the body, the worse I got. Apparently with a full spiritual body I was cramped in all but Azula, it also appeared that my being in someone else's body was gradually traumatising them. Fortunately, nothing serious happened in a short period of time, and I tried to act more carefully.

After playing with the captain for a few hours, I returned him to his cot, not forgetting to perform a special breathing technique that allows you to quickly restore strength, while accelerating natural regeneration. The man woke up again and thought he was just having nightmares. Those were the consequences of my attempts to influence other people's memory and perceptions of the world. It's hard to remember what the body is doing when the brain is dreaming. It was like sleepwalking.

After making sure he didn't suspect anything, I went after more victims.

Sleeping mages were next. My obsession skills improved. I quickly learnt how to enter other people's bodies without causing rejection or awakening of my victims. Gently and gradually, delaying the deep sleep phase and making my spiritual body as intangible as possible. Everything was going smoothly. Among the imperial cortege I selected several suitable bodies for myself, relatively young, strong, had a talent for magic, not bad genetics.... Of course, their characteristics were far from Azula, but I was tired of being a disembodied spirit.

Through experimentation, it turned out that mages are more resistant to my obsession. They were better mediums, so to speak, and I could stay in their bodies much longer than I could in the bodies of non-magically gifted humans. This meant that the genes and quality energy of the mages influenced the psychic's powers. I was sure Azula's body would be a real ideal for me in terms of energy. But I was not satisfied with a woman's body, even if I had solved the other problems, and now I had no doubt that I could easily pass myself off as a brilliant princess.

Thus, I trained almost until dawn.

Only at the end, feeling tired, I had to go back to Azula for a recharge. As it turned out, I could get tired too, and to quickly restore my spiritual strength, I needed to take away some of the princess's power. Fortunately, she had a sea of energy, she did not even notice the loss of such a small amount, which was necessary for me to become awake and full of energy.

In the afternoon I had to practice the practice of absorption into awake people. And here a number of problems arose. Soldiers, servants and other crew rarely travelled alone, and I could not capture one without raising the alarm quickly. Everyone had their own duties and jobs to fulfil. There was also a staff of maids, but I didn't even try to get into them, they were all women and had no talent for magic. Not to mention that my powers had limitations. Fighting an awake person for control of the body was much harder than fighting a sleeping person.

Instead of trying to grab the body, I began to avoid facing Azula, which wasn't a problem since the girl spent a lot of time training on the main deck. Along the way, I waited for people to seclude themselves in special rooms. Few people expect an attack from a disembodied and invisible being after relieving themselves in the loo.

Fortunately, I didn't do that much, the people I needed didn't go to relieve themselves that often. Such a thing was a very dirty business, it was hard to be proud of it, but it was badly needed. Time was running out, I needed to hone my obsession skills as best as I could, so I didn't miss any opportunities in this matter. However, these opportunities didn't come as often as I would have liked.

While I was doing nothing, I was eavesdropping on what the guards, mages of the imperial cortege, and other crew members of the princess's ship were saying. And they talked quite a lot, especially during and after meals. Thanks to my good hearing in my spiritual form, I could hear a lot of things in the common dining room when people were whispering amongst themselves about things. It was where all the soldiers and crew members gathered while eating their meals.

- I miss my Ayla. I hope the last days of sailing will go as smoothly.

- We all miss our wives here. A month without seeing them. That's not much compared to those who went to the battlefields in Earth Country. For them.

- What could happen? We're in the waters of the Fire Nation. The Earth fleet can't get through the blockade. The only thing you can do is get caught in a storm or a sea dragon.

- Oh, you've got to be kidding me! A sea dragon is too rare for our waters.

- I heard they were wiped out a long time ago.

- I don't think so. Personally, I've heard some traders continue to spread rumours of encounters with them.

- You shouldn't believe every rumour, people's rumours are too fond of exaggeration....

- My son recently joined the army and graduated from the academy as a sergeant. I still feel proud when I think of it.

- Congratulations. I've got a daughter getting married myself, so I'm going to ask for a leave of absence. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to bring her to the wedding in person.

- Do you even know the groom?

- Of course, if I didn't, there wouldn't be a wedding.

- Only if I'm lucky, and our lady, - the soldier said the last words in a contemptuous and quiet tone. - will be in a good mood. She's been in a bad mood lately. She gets angry at everyone, she walks back and forth, and I get creeped out when she's around. You can feel her looking for a victim to fuck around with, to get fucked over for something as simple as that.

- I've noticed that, too. I hear she's been doing a lot of ship-wide inspections.

- She has.

- Those days? What was it? Women's days? Red days?

- It's just that our Mistress needs a healthy and hard cock," the soldier says quietly, but so that his friends can hear, confidently.

- Go tell her that, we'll give the last words to your family....

Gathered in groups of acquaintances and friends, people discussed the latest news on the ship. They discussed wives, children, recent events, rumours, other people... the topic of the princess's maids was brought up especially often, who and how would like to throw a stick at them, who had already thrown one, and the like. These topics were brought up by young unmarried men, of which there were plenty on the ship.

Of course, Azula herself was also discussed. Not in the best light. Subordinates like to bad-mouth bad superiors behind their backs, so to speak, amongst themselves. Especially if they don't like it. The princess didn't even have her own informer, who was a stranger amongst her own and informed her of the unrest amongst the servants and soldiers. Which was a "fine" indicator of the princess's leadership talents. The girl is much beloved among the people.....

After listening to the conversations of the soldiers, I wondered what the princess' staff of servants could discuss among themselves during lunch. There was nothing to do anyway, so I decided to find out. After walking through the walls and ceilings a few times, I found myself in the right place, eavesdropping on the already purely female conversation.

--- looked that way, and I didn't take my eyes off him. I hope he's got it right and will ask me out as soon as we get to the port," I heard the voice of one of the maids as soon as I was in their chambers.

- Keep hoping and you'll be alone till you're old. You should be more direct and insolent with men, they don't understand such subtle hints.

- I agree. Until you approach them and drag them away to a quiet place, they will continue to fumble and think that nothing follows after the first date.

- Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee.

- Why isn't Lee talking?

- She's got herself a suitor amongst the imperial cortege. The past month in the harbour has been special for them. She's no longer interested in socialising with us mere maids without husbands or lovers.

- Is that so? Why am I only finding out about this now? How? How's he doing there... with length? Is he married? Who is he? How old is he?

- Don't pester her with your questions, she'll tell you herself. Hurry up with dinner, we have to tidy up the princess's chambers.

- Right... - the young and very hot women ate in silence for a while, until one of them decided to bring up another topic.

- Girls, why do you think the princess has been so tense lately?

- Because she doesn't know the joys of male attention. Once she finds a man, she'll calm down, and there will be fewer checks, and she'll be softer," said the oldest maid confidently.

- Princess? Will she find a lover? I'm afraid there are no men so... special on the ship. She'll just eat the rest. I can't imagine her with a man, she'd probably roast him to death.

- Poor thing, no femininity at all, she's probably destined to be alone till she's old.

- She's been working out all day and doesn't think about resting. I wonder what's happened to her this month.

- What if he hears?

- It's okay, don't worry, she probably has more important things to do than eavesdropping on other people's conversations, and we're talking quietly....

As it turned out, women's gossip wasn't much different from men's. The girls discussed almost the same topics as the men. Only from their own side. Relatives, men, who slept with whom, recent events, rumours and the princess. I continued to listen to them for a while, marvelling at the unanimity of opinion regarding Azula among her subordinates. I knew from her memory that the princess had no idea what the servants and soldiers thought of her, and had their own opinions. Of course, they were afraid of her, but fear is a very unreliable thing. It doesn't stop them from discussing Mistress behind her back. And not having the best opinion of her.

It wasn't long before the five maids left the room to go to work. I was about to follow them, guarding the toilets, preparing to ambush them. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw myself in a large mirror. As I approached it, I immediately noticed a change in my spiritual body. I didn't even believe my happiness at first, checking my breasts and other intimate areas.

Surprisingly, I was now much more like a male version of Azula, like a twin brother! My breasts were gone, my shoulders were squared, and I could see the masculinity and beauty of a man rather than a woman. I guess such changes are the consequences of being put into men's bodies. This was wonderful news that spoke volumes!

The spiritual body can change...