Caring for the Sick

As promised, the chapter is at 700 stones. Thank you for continuing.

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Sighing, Azula exhales quietly, waking up from the vision that had come over her. With her first glance, she notices someone's hand that is moving away from her forehead. It was him, the one she had spoken to for so long in her own memories. A spirit with an extremely pompous and pompous name that even he didn't like, and which he didn't match in the slightest.

The princess is quick to notice the differences in her recent conversation partner. With the recent conversation taking place, which was, as he put it, "in the depths of her mind", the spirit looked somewhat different. Not that it had changed in appearance, just that it had become somewhat transparent and bluish, like a ghost. Which it was by nature. Through his body, one could see the walls of the room. The transparency was especially visible under the light of the lamps that no one had turned off. However, once Azula woke up from her vision, her emotions and body's needs reminded her of her dire situation.

- It seemed that a lot less time had passed in reality than in the inner world. I think about an hour, or a little more," the ghost said thoughtfully, looking around the room and out of it. It was as if he was looking at the guardsmen who were guarding the entrance to his princess's chambers.

Feeling the pain of her wounds along with the other needs of her body, Azula once again felt the full range of her fiery emotions, which after hours of near absence felt much stronger and were further heightened by hormones. Tears immediately come to her eyes. Her cheeks reddened along with her ears and entire face. Breathing became hard and painful, a slight cramp covering her body. She wanted to laugh at the top of her voice, but she struggled to hold herself back, not wanting to attract the attention of the guards. The realisation of what she was about to do made her feel very conflicted.

- It's about time to confirm everything we agreed upon earlier Azula... Zula? - The spirit turns around, noticing the girl's horrified state.

- What is it? Are you all right? I thought that our conversation would somehow calm you down, and that there would be no problems when you returned to reality. I may have been wrong, but it was an accident. How are you feeling, does it hurt anywhere? - muttered the spirit overwhelmed with excitement for the girl. He began to scrutinise her body with his gaze. But no matter where his gaze went, he could not find any reason for Azula's current condition.

- Please come closer," the princess said and the spirit immediately shortened the distance, bringing their faces closer together so she could whisper in his ear about her problems.

- What's wrong, are you in pain? We agreed to trust each other more, tell me your problems," his eyes, his tone, everything spoke of worry. He feared that he had done something wrong and hurt the princess without malice, purely by accident.

- I... I... - with tears in her eyes, her face red, overwhelmed with embarrassment and slight pain, she whispered quietly through tightly compressed lips. Azula looked extremely pathetic right now. It was extremely rare to catch the princess in such a state, such lucky people were very few.

- Don't worry, everything will be fine. Whatever happens, we'll get through it. Together, we are stronger," the spirit's gentle voice was soothing, giving in to it Azula spoke.

- I want to write...

- ...

Princess Azula vowed not to tell anyone what happened next. It was so embarrassing, so shameful, so disgusting that she wanted to forget it with all her might. Not even the spirit's words that they had already gone to the toilet and bath together many times. He had seen her naked, knew everything about her, and she had nothing to be ashamed of.

Except that it was different then, very different from what it is now! The princess had never been so helpless, she was so ashamed of it that she wondered in all seriousness about the spirit's ability to erase these moments from her memory. Nothing had been saved. Not the spirit's words that the maid would remember nothing, not other words of comfort, not the fact that no one saw anything, much less knew. She would remember that moment for the rest of her life, that look from either the maid or the spirit. And worst of all, she would have to repeat it more than once.

And all because of a conversation she had with the spirit soon after.

- ... Zula, I want to examine your injuries, - the interlocutor translates the topic, having stopped trying to convince her that nothing terrible happened and such things can happen to everyone. And they, as friends, or rather those who want to become friends, should trust each other to help.

- И? What do you want from me? I'm not in the best mood. Leave me alone, I need to get over the humiliation I've suffered recently. And stop calling me that! It reminds me of Zuko, think of some other nickname," the princess continued to mutter softly in response, not wanting to attract the attention of the guards. The guards safely ignored her orders to stop guarding her. They were more afraid of her father than they were of the princess herself, who, in their opinion, would not soon be able to kick their arse for such a thing.

- Eh. I know this has hit you hard. But I need to examine your wounds from the inside, we've talked about this. I can expedite your treatment. You don't mind if I move back in with you, do you? It's a necessary measure.

- All right, do what you need to do. You've probably done it more than once without my permission," Azula kept muttering, trying not to meet his gaze. It wouldn't be long before she could look into his eyes after what had happened between them.

- Take it easy. I'm just observing a certain decorum. Penetrating you without asking whenever I feel like it is too hypocritical even for me. We are allies now, after all, and, I hope, more than just acquaintances who co-operate only under the pressure of circumstances. - He explained calmly, moving closer to the girl.

- Do what you need to do," she mumbled quietly in response, and the looming spirit rushed into her body. Azula felt a rush of energy, like a breath of fresh air, or a gulp of cool and crystal clear water after a long day of training. A pleasant sensation.

"Ooh! That feels good," the spirit remarked, experiencing a similar sensation, "let's see what you've got here. Hmm. Mm-hmm. Yep..."

A couple of minutes of examination later.

- Bad news. There's more problems than I thought. The doctor either lied to you about your wounds or couldn't accurately determine their severity. But I think he chose to leave out the most important part." - The spirit calmly explained, pondering, having finished examining the girl, so to speak, from the inside out.

- What? How dare he! Are you sure?! How serious is it? - Azula raised her voice slightly, shocked by the spirit's words. Luckily the guards didn't hear her, and she lowered her voice to a familiar whisper just in time.

"There is nothing irreparable, but you should reconsider your behaviour. Without me, you would surely be left crippled for always limping on one leg."

- I'll execute him," Azula hissed resolutely no worse than the most venomous snake.

"No, you won't," followed an equally determined reply from her interlocutor.

- Why else? - angrily wondered the girl, not understanding why the spirit would not want to execute an actual traitor.

"You don't understand? Azula, you yourself made him lie to you. The importance of your life and the guardsmen standing by that hinted the doctor to execute you on the spot if he didn't cure you. Of course he may not be competent enough, you should know better, you're a princess. But as far as I'm concerned, he didn't have much choice. Lie and live longer, or tell the truth at the risk of not surviving your wrath. He chose the one with the best chance of survival. Do you understand why he did it?" - the spirit continued to say, explaining as if to a small child.

In a way, it did. Even though Azula wasn't a child anymore, there were aspects of human life she didn't know at all. Always relying solely on fear, rarely on bribery and her high position, the girl simply did not realise that it was possible to communicate with people in any other way. Not having realised for the time she had lived that there was another way. She relied solely on fear, and tried to constantly remind everyone of her power, keeping fear in the hearts of her subordinates, following the example of her father, the Fire Master.

- Fear..." the princess replied dryly, realising the truth of her interlocutor's words. She wanted to execute the doctor as brutally as possible, but it would be a waste of resources.

"That's right. One can rise to the very heights of power on fear. But it's impossible to stay there by relying only on that particular feeling. Think about those words before you fall into a sweet sleep."

- My ancestors would disagree with you," Azula still replies confidently.

"Really? We don't know how Sozin died, but we guess how Azulon died. A vigorous old man who showed no sign of illness, he died under strange circumstances at a very convenient time for your father, rewriting the laws of inheritance in Ozai's favour. You and I both know what really happened. Do you really want to rule in such a manner and with such an end? I realise that sometimes it is necessary, but to use such harsh methods on a permanent basis is too presumptuous," his words stabbed the girl's heart.

She no longer wanted to talk about anything, inwardly realising the partial rightness of his words. She wouldn't want to end up like her grandfather, after whom she was named. The past Fire Master was Azulon.

- I suppose we have more pressing concerns than the topic of the rulers of the Fire Nation and their methods of holding power.

"Of course, but how we solve those problems is also important. Consider my words." - The spirit asked softly.

They were both silent for a while, until the edges of the girl's lips curved in a slight hint of a smile. Feeling calm and content, Azula mouthed warmly, -Good night, Yoaru.

"Hm? You shortened my name? Aww, that's so cute. You know, it sounds quite eloquent coming out of your mouth!" the spirit snickered, and Azula could feel his mocking smile. The barb didn't work on the spirit with the incredibly pompous name.

- Pfft.

"Good night, Zula. Sleep tight and regain your strength, while I try to heal your body. It won't happen overnight, but I think in a week you'll be able to walk again without help."

- Hurry up...

The princess fell asleep, habitually ceding control of her body to the spirit.

Azula's consciousness slept soundly as the spirit worked to heal her, manipulating the girl's inner energy. Which began to respond much more readily than before. However, the spirit had no experience in treating wounds with life energy Qi. The healing process promised to take quite a long time. It would have been a sad situation if Yoaru didn't know what a healthy princess' body should look like. He only had to figure out how to return the girl's body to the healthy state she had before. He did this all night long and achieved a lot of success.

By morning, the girl's condition was much better. However, she still needed help with everything. At dawn, when she woke up and tried to move, she felt no pain. However, her limbs obeyed her with difficulty and constantly shuddered in small spasms. The girl thanked the spirit sincerely, enjoying the small victory over her wounds. She did so until the captain of the imperial cortege, who had taken command of the ship, came to report to her. After reporting back, he waited for further orders.

- How long will it take for the ship to reach the capital? - After thinking over the information received, the princess clarifies. Due to the damage caused by the battle with the sea monster, the power of the engines was reduced, and in order to avoid the risk of increased holes, the speed of the ship was significantly reduced.

- Given the current speed of the ship, we will arrive in port next evening," the captain of the guard reported with a straight back. The travelling time to the capital had increased by almost a day, they were lucky that the storm and the monster attack happened so close to the capital island.

- I see, leave me alone.

- Madam, what about the possibly lurking traitors among the crew? - The captain inquired, as much of his report was devoted to that very exciting topic.

- I think I gave the order, captain, - the princess morally pressed, looking at the captain with very angry eyes, as if spilling out all her irritation and anger.

- My fault, I'll make it up to you! - Feeling that he was not welcome in the imperial chambers, the captain leaves, leaving Azula all alone. The guards guarding the entrance silently escorted him with glances, banging his fist on his chest. The captain didn't pay them the slightest attention, hurrying to leave the top floor of the pagoda.

"This is exactly the sort of thing you do to encourage people to rethink their loyalties," the spirit spoke to Azula after a long silence. They were both interested in listening to the captain.

- Do you think he should have told them what really happened and that there was no betrayal or treason? - Sneered the princess in reply.

'I mean, it could have been done more gently. Much softer, but let's not waste time in a pointless argument, I can sense your intense hunger, you urgently need to replenish your strength and eat. Ring the bell," hastens the spirit that learnt to feel the girl's condition better after her failed murder.

- I don't want to. I'm willing to be patient.

"What, what do you mean bear with it, Azula? Don't you realise that the body needs resources in the form of food to recover? Lots of food! Otherwise, you'll only worsen your condition! If you want to recover faster, ring the bell!" - Angered the spirit at the display of her character, though in this case it was more like stupidity.

- 'I haven't recovered from one humiliation yet, how you're pushing me to the next.

"It'll be fine, I'll move in with the maid as soon as she's alone, you have nothing to worry about..." after a brief conviction of spirit, the princess rang the bell after all.

Soon, the maids brought breakfast to the princess' bedside. It didn't take long as the cooks, supervised by a couple of guardsmen had already prepared it and tasted it. They took the safety of the ruler's daughter seriously. As soon as the girls had laid the various dishes on the table, the entire staff of maids left the room, except for one. The door closed, and a second later the girl's grey eyes clouded over.

Blinking the next moment, the maid examines Azula with a steady gaze of golden eyes. A smile of anticipation appears on the previously meek maid's face. Various small details of facial expressions and body movements, directly told that this was now a completely different person. A person who is not in the least bit afraid of the princess. Observing such a change, Azula involuntarily flinched at the woman's imperious smile. Suspicion began to fill Zula's mind....

- Look, I managed to take the spoon, maybe I can somehow by myself? - Says the princess with some apprehension, showing off the spoon in her trembling hands.

After a little while.

- Ahhhh," the spoonful of soup is sent into his open mouth.

- Come on, Zula, half of it left. To Ty Lee. To Mei. To Dad. To Mum. To my brother. Uncle. You don't like them much, but okay. And now again, - with each new person another spoonful of breakfast was sent into the mouth of the princess. Azula had no choice but to wrinkle her nose at the negative emotions that overwhelmed her while the spirit in the body of the maid enjoyed the miserable position of the imperial person.

- Stop it! What are you doing? - hissed the princess.

- I heard that's how mothers spoon-feed their children. I didn't realise it could bring so many positive emotions," Yoaru replies quietly in the body of a maid.

- 'They must be foolish mothers. Feed me in silence, don't attract the attention of the guards!

- You're so cute when you're angry. OK, just a little bit left, and then there'll be meat with salad and your favourite cherries. Ah, delicious," the spirit cheekily tastes a few cherries.

- That's mine!

- Well, you share it with me, your best friend. And you have to taste it, what if it's poisoned? - He responds to the offended expression by taking a few cherries again. - They're lovely, they're especially beautiful without the pips.

- Is this some kind of revenge? Hey. Leave it to me!

- Of course, how could I forget my little beauty. Oo-ma! - at the end of the words, the spirit of the maid's body comes closer, kissing the princess affectionately on the forehead.

- I did not give permission to kiss myself," the princess continued to mutter indignantly, not knowing whether to be angry or embarrassed. Meanwhile, the spirit didn't let her ponder for too long.

- Open your mouth, the ship is sailing into the bay," he scooped the soup into a spoon and began to feed his troubled princess again.

- Shut up already...

This day promised to be a very long one.

However, Azula was wrong about that. The day flew by quickly. After eating breakfast, she began to perform a breathing technique to replenish her strength. Afterwards, she transferred her body to the spirit and he continued to treat her vigorously. Exhaling, he returned the body to her. She again demanded food, performed the breathing technique and handed control over to the spirit. And so on through the evening.

Such a routine was brightened by their conversations about everything and nothing, from the lives of citizens to music and nature. Yoaru turns out to be a violin lover, it was not just that he had advised her to learn this particular instrument when she was still studying with Piandao. Evening was coming, the princess was quite tired after such a tiring day.

Usually at this time she would do her ablutions to wash off all the dirt accumulated during the day. Despite spending the day completely in bed, she had managed to get dirty. The spirit had supposedly accidentally dribbled past her mouth, justified by the time limit factor of possession. Of course Azula didn't believe him at all. After much persuasion, it was decided to go take a bath, except that she was still struggling to get around and needed help with just about everything.

- I can manage on my own," the princess replied grudgingly, as soon as the doors closed.

The guards remained outside while Azula and one of the maids were inside the bathroom. Yoaru had quickly taken possession of the woman. The latter was clearly visible by the eyes and the characteristic body movements, not to mention the emotions not hidden by her face. The spirit willingly used the princess's position and helped in every little thing, not forgetting to abuse them a little, showing the girl his warmth and hugging her every time.

- You can. But not as effectively. I can give you a good scrubbing in all the hard-to-reach places. Are you still shy? After going to the loo together? Zola, I didn't realise you were so modest.

- Well, here we go... - the girl sighs doomedly. - You're not going to stop doing that, are you?

- No. We'll see what it's like to cuddle in real life, come on, hurry up. I remember we both wanted to do it. Get undressed! - without waiting for the princess' reply, Yoaru begins to strip the body of the maid he's taken over.

- There's only one bathtub," Azula reminds her casually, looking at the bathtub that could fit three people, but it wasn't the size.

Of course, the girl understood the hints of her interlocutor. She just didn't want to share a bathtub with anyone. Except that in this case the spirit wouldn't care about her wishes. She even guessed at his excuses. He had very deftly and quickly freed the maid's body from all her clothes, and was now groping himself in various places with interest. At the sight of this, anger began to ignite in the princess. Which was surprising, because Azula saw no reason to be angry at all.

- I can't have you accidentally drowning in the bathtub. And we have to come up with an excuse for the amnesia, because if it happens too often, not only your staff, but your father as well. And he has his ears among your subjects, I'm sure of it. The girl will just pass out in hot water, nothing out of the ordinary.

- Oh, how could I forget, you need help even in such matters, I'm sorry," the spirit repented, realising its terrible mistake as soon as it stopped groping the breasts of the other's body.

- I can undress myself," but her words had no effect, Yoaru began to rid the girl of her clothes.

The princess had no choice but to hide her embarrassment by looking as haughty as possible. With all her efforts, continuing to pretend that this was the way it was originally intended. The girl was wildly unfamiliar with the whole situation and was simply lost, not knowing how to react. Trying to order or intimidate would not work, the spirit had clearly shown her that, and she didn't know how to influence people in any other way. Yoaru quickly helped Azula undress. After Zula had heated the water by force of will, they climbed into the bathtub, which was steaming hot. It was a little tight, their legs touching each other, sometimes reaching up to their thighs. The girl was more uncomfortable with the fact that her naked body was being stared at with a strange smile. The sight of that smile made her barely contain her shivers.

- Could you please stop staring like that? - Azula replied grudgingly, using all her will to remain calm at least outwardly.

- Yes? Is there anything wrong with that? If I'm looking, then there's something to look at. You're quite beautiful. My gaze compliments all the factors in your appearance," the words, and especially the gaze, made her embarrassed, "but you are certainly right. I don't have much time, wasting it on tales of your beauty is too careless, I should help you wash up.

Yoaru quickly drew closer to Azula, enclosing her in an embrace. The girl hadn't expected such a thing and unconsciously hugged him back, not knowing what to say her mind was completely overwhelmed with feelings. It was so unusual, but everything bad seemed to disappear from the world and only warm, tender, beautiful remained. What was it? She didn't know, but she wanted it to last longer.

- Well, we've dealt with the hugging, it was magical. Now it's time to get down to business! - The possessed girl quickly grabbed a flannel and soap, getting ready to get to work.

Azula only timidly replied," Be gentle," Yoaru only smiled back affectionately, looking into the girl's eyes.

- Whatever you say...