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My relationship with the princess began to mend.

The rescue from death, the support from my side during the battle, the very private conversation amongst the darkened secret corridors. All of these actions played a key role in changing my relationship with Azula. At the same time, it cannot be said that the previous interactions between us went nowhere. Step by step, I was building a rapport with the princess. Knowing full well that the mind changes throughout life. From absolutely any factor, be it conversation, certain life situations, or familiarity.

I could see the same effect watching the girl throughout our acquaintance. How from open enemies we gradually become "allies", afterwards forced partners, and now almost friends or just good acquaintances. At least I hope so.

Getting to know me had been changing Azula little by little for a while now. It was inevitable, I was too big a factor for her to reckon with. Even at the time of my supposed death, the princess was pining and regretting her action. I wasn't the best conversationalist, but at least I was something, because she couldn't just talk to anyone because of her status and other silly things. And with the receipt of all her memory I began to understand the girl much better, which also played a role in our relationship.

After that, there was a failed attempt on her life. Storm, monster, injury. It made her think and feel like she wasn't the biggest frog in the lake. Proximity to death always changes people. We had a long conversation afterwards. Then, while inside her inner world, partially merged, we discussed our goals almost calmly and came to the conclusion that it would be much easier to achieve our goals together than separately. Although Zula didn't have any great goals at the time. Except her father's service, which had recently faltered, and her thirst for power. The latter played a large part in her choice. With me, she has become much stronger than her old self. And that's not to mention healing the girl's rather severe wounds.

Also on top of that, I told her about a big problem of her people, in the form of one bald monk.

The information about Aang served as a deterrent. I needed to reveal it so that Zula wouldn't even try to get rid of me again. Despite everything she'd said, everything she'd promised, everything she'd said, she could have done something completely different. It was vital to back up, and I did so by revealing the future appearance of the Avatar and big problems for the Fire Nation. With a few lies, I got my way, and Zula decided to become even stronger by the time her nation's number one enemy appeared. With that, I gave her another goal, cementing her desire to become even stronger.

There was no complete trust between us, nor would there be any time soon, despite any words or promises. Each pursued their own goals, and tried to gain the trust of the other for greater gain. I needed her position, energy and freedom of action, she needed my knowledge and power. Of course, she didn't take my word for it right away, but now I can persuade as well as Azula. The skills I've learnt from her are so well ingrained in me that I have to restrain them. Too often I feel the urge to act for profit rather than my conscience.

And so it continued until this day. When her ideals and faith were shaken by her father's lightning that nearly killed her. That incident changed Azula's outlook on the world, too much. That very evening I realised how much the girl had changed from the failed murder by her own father, and how important he was to her. The private conversation among the secret corridors was only the beginning. The whole day went by ordinarily, the princess trained, ate, bathed and talked to me about all sorts of things, but by evening one even more interesting conversation took place between us...

- Hot springs, one of the best pleasures in the world," I once again remarked as I left the girl's body. Now, after a good bath, we were in her chambers.

- I think I'd agree with you," Zula replied, still lying relaxed on the bed in the starfish position.

- Oh, you're admitting that we're on the same page? How sweet... - I teasingly tease my princess.

- Stop acting like an idiot," Zula doesn't appreciate my efforts.

- That's how I'm acting... - I reply in a pretend offended tone, however she didn't appreciate my acting, and I didn't even try.

- Yoaru, I wanted to show you something," Azula began calmly, rising from the bed. After washing in the hot springs, we were alone in her chambers. The girl's curls were especially beautiful when slightly wet, and with her hair loose, she only looked more beautiful and feminine.

Such activities were naturally co-operative. As if I would miss the opportunity, to enjoy the hot springs in pleasant company with a beautiful girl. Not having a body, I was content with little. Azula didn't mind, and conceded to me on such a small thing. Oh, and I wasn't just switching places with her like I had before. We were now training in a similar mode of resonance. The very mode where our energies, thoughts and feelings connect, and it was because of it and the sai dagger that I was able to save her life. These daggers were forged for a reason, they've already saved the princess from death twice.

- Yes? What do you want to show me? - I ask the girl, drifting in the air next to her as usual.

- Before I went to Piandao, I had the hawks sent to all the fire temples to send me all the information about the spirits to the palace. Almost as soon as I arrived, the servants reported the arrival of the necessary scrolls. Because of the treatment and the imminent trial, I didn't have time for this. If you're interested, I can have the servants bring them," the girl continued without raising an eyebrow.

- Interesting," I easily played along with her game, seeing perfectly well the second bottom of the dialogue.

Of course, due to a number of factors, she couldn't start studying spiritual literature, or rather study it completely. But I don't think she would have even considered sharing such information if it weren't for the improved relationship between us. There might well have been something there that helped her get rid of me.

That fact pleasantly surprised me.

Even though I knew about such literature hidden in the palace by Azula's own order, as I did not stop looking at the girl's memory. She was indeed studying it secretly from me in a rather devious way. Suspecting me of watching her memory, she had ordered her most trusted maid to familiarise herself with the literature. Explaining to her what the princess needed to find. In this not-so-subtle way, she hoped to gain an advantage against me. Thereby turning our relationship into her usual boss-subordinate relationship. With Azula on top, of course. And it might well work.

Still, I don't spend all my time with her, and sometimes I want to be alone with my thoughts, to do my own thing, to get some air, to watch the pretty young maids taking hot springs.... However, her confession... it was a disclosure of an advantage. An advantage that could be used against me in the future. Such a thing was a direct proof of improved relations between us. Though I wasn't deceiving myself, if she didn't know, she was at least guessing that I might know all of her plans. How complicated things are with this schemer, but it's even more interesting that way.

Soon, on the princess's orders, the servants brought several dozen scrolls and a few complete books. This evening we studied this literature until deep into the night. Of course, there was very little useful information in them. The scrolls and books did not contain a single word about how to harm spirit entities in any way. Probably. Still, I didn't want to test some folk ways on myself. However, there was something interesting besides all that stuff. Some references to spirits, some known types of spirits that were unfamiliar to us, meditations, spiritual practices, and most interestingly healing practices of fire magic.

- Healing... with fire? - Azula tasted the words on Azula's tongue thoughtfully, then looked me over.

- Don't look at me, I'm surprised myself! - And it was true, despite Azula's knowledge of the canon and memory, this world was full of secrets and mysteries unknown to me.

- Shall we change our future route a little? - suggests the girl, clearly interested in the unknown way of conquering the fire.

- Only if it doesn't take too long. I'm interested in this fire temple too. But I'm much more interested in the stories of the great mother of faces.

- Do you think that if she can change her appearance, then she will create a body for you too? - The princess quickly guessed my assumptions.

- It's quite possible. The abilities of spirits are much more powerful and extensive than any human capabilities. She grants wishes once a season. If we plan our route properly, we can make it everywhere. There's still time.

- Let's leave it for the morning. Let's not split the skin of the unkilled dragon. We've spent too much time reading today," Azula said, placing the scroll on the table and making herself comfortable on the bed.

- But it was an interesting read," I decided to leave the last word to myself.

- There's not much time left to sleep, and it's going to be impossible to get a good night's sleep," Azula said with a hint of innuendo as she climbed under the covers.

It wasn't hard for me to help her in this matter. It's disappointing that she doesn't speak directly to me and tries to manipulate me, but that's the way she was raised. I still have a lot of work to do to heal all of this child's childhood traumas. For now, she really needs her sleep.

- Don't worry about it, you'll get a good night's sleep.

The princess extinguishes the candlelight and the room disappears into darkness.

- Good night, Yoaru, and thank you.

- Good night, Zula...


For Fire Lord Ozai, it was almost an ordinary day.

A message delivered by a mail hawk almost a week ago spoke of his daughter's ship being caught in a storm, followed by a sea serpent attack. The princess had been seriously injured in the battle. However, such news did not shake the ruler in the slightest. He was young. Forty-six years old wasn't that long. Especially considering that his father and grandfather had lived quietly for over a hundred years. The man believed he was still capable of both conceiving a new heir and raising him properly. He had plenty of time. Even if his country lost its princess in that storm, he wouldn't worry too much about losing his daughter. That was the kind of man he was.

Perhaps Ozai would even rejoice if news of his daughter's death came. Azula had started acting quite strange and suspicious lately. As her father, he was well aware of all the subtleties in his daughter's behaviour. For the past month and almost one week, she had been acting somewhat...offbeat. There had been no change in her behaviour, he had been able to see that both when he had met her and throughout the conversation. However, her actions spoke volumes. Azula was his own daughter, the result of his strict upbringing, a worthy heiress and a tool in his hands.

Lately, she had been showing too much independence. A taste for literature, knowledge of other military disciplines that he considered useless for a fire mage. And the various rumours that his men had learned when interrogating Azula's crew made him wonder what was going on with his daughter. Wounds that she had healed in a matter of days, while the doctor had claimed a six-month treatment.

Of course, rumours among the people were the least of the ruler's worries, and her speedy recovery could be attributed to the effects of the fire lotus ritual. What Ozai feared more was the independence of his daughter.

Ozai knew by example how the independence of an overly young and eager heir could end. Of course, few would be happy to see the first female Mistress of Fire. However, Azula had every chance of becoming one. She could handle all the problems quite well, that was how he had raised her. For her, these problems would be more of a nuisance than a real obstacle to power. Only her feelings for him were a barrier to the princess, and to some extent her youth and his life.

He had learnt that day that she already had enough strength and skill in conquering the flames to take his place. This gave Ozai mixed feelings. Pride for the heiress and fear of her. He was so engrossed in the fight that he couldn't help himself and almost killed his own daughter. However, that would have been the best thing to do, and he would have taken care of the witnesses. The conversation that followed had led him to believe that his daughter was still partially loyal to him. Her request, however... only reinforced his fears.

As he signed papers, spoke with ministers, read through military reports, and sent orders to the troops, he simultaneously pondered. What would be the best course of action? Eliminate a dubious figure on the board of politics? Pity. No, it was neither conscience nor paternal feelings. He was sorry for the time and money spent on raising and training a worthy heir of his and the Fire Master's personal tool. What to do with his daughter... that was the most difficult question in Ozai's life.

After spending all day pondering the routine chores of a ruler, the Fire Lord came to the conclusion that there was no need to hurry.

Even though Azula was acting strangely, it could very well be teenage foolishness or rebellion. The best option would be to let her float free while continuing to monitor all of the princess's actions with the help of the servants. So far she has not shown a hint of treachery or betrayal, and it will be to her advantage to keep her father in power for a few more years. He will make good use of his daughter's talents and find a worthy use for them. It will be the most favourable decision for the country and for him personally.