Girls and Yoaru

As I promised a chapter for 1300 gems.

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And I'll put up 20 advanced chapters for all of you.


Lying under the bed where three girls were settled on at once, I listened to their conversation, remaining unnoticed while thinking along the way.

- Azula, tell me, how did you meet? - Once again I hear Tai Li's pleading voice, feeling the girl getting closer to the princess, probably looking at her with very pleasing eyes.

- It can wait until tomorrow, - but Azula stoically overcame her friends' insidious attempts at persuasion.

- No, it can't," Lee replied in a cranky tone. - We're curious, we can't sleep until we get answers! Mei, back me up!

- I agree with Tai Li, - I heard the calm voice of the second friend of the princess, who was also sitting on the bed.

- Okay, okay. I feel you won't leave me alone if I don't tell you everything here and now," the princess said in a tired voice, as if she wasn't going to say anything to her friends, but they persuaded her. I guess Azula just had already decided what to tell them and what not to tell them.

- Exactly! - the acrobat said cheerfully.

- It's a long story. Where should I start?

- The moment you met her, of course.

And yet, once she was alone with her friends, Azula's behaviour was completely different. She didn't behave so relaxed with the servants, me or anyone else. A lot of what Tai Li did was unacceptable to everyone else. Of course, being hidden under the bed by the 'babaika', I didn't have a particularly good view of their gestures. However, in this case, hearing the tone of Tai Li's voice was enough to imagine her asking Zula about me with big eyes in a pleading tone. Mei, though she remained calm, was also showing interest in my person, supporting her friend. Besides, I still had the aura vision with me, so I was quite capable of completing the picture with my imagination.

And yet, Azula had chosen to remain silent about many things. There were many conflicts in our relationship that we both didn't want to remember. Therefore, the girls were given a lighter version, which omitted our attempts to kill each other. The story got short shrift, but now Tai Li and Mei regarded us as something like partners with common goals. That was pretty much the case. I help her get stronger, she helps me with my spiritual stuff. About wanting a human body for myself and the obsession the princess didn't talk about.

After the girlfriends had a good discussion about me, they started reminiscing about their past. Azula's girlfriends shared what they had done since the last time they met. While discussing news, relatives, food, achievements, cosmetics, and of course, training with the military... Truly, women could talk almost infinitely long without noticing how time flew. They went to bed closer to dawn. They were greatly surprised by this fact. During the conversation the girls forgot all about time.

I was no longer particularly interested in their conversation, so I stopped listening, engrossed in my thoughts about chakras, auras, and how I could get my body back as soon as possible. The longing for full-bodied emotions was getting stronger, not to mention the purely masculine desires that only grew brighter with the appearance of Azula's girlfriends. The night time Azula provided me with her body already seemed so fleeting. I wanted more, much more. But I had my doubts that the princess would allow me to do lewd things with her body, it could ruin our fragile relationship. Still, I couldn't stop wanting more.

May's slap had planted some interesting thoughts in my mind about my own incarnation and the return of a full range of emotions. I certainly still hadn't stopped my training in that direction, but after certain successes, I'd hit a wall and there was nothing I could do about it. I could interact with the world, the world could interact with me, but my senses remained severely dulled. This had both advantages, I literally felt no pain, and disadvantages. I didn't feel pleasure either, nor did I feel a number of other positive emotions. And no matter how hard I tried to change this state of affairs, it was beyond me.

After the girls deigned to go to bed, I went back to training, recharged by Azula's energy. She was still my personal battery. The girl didn't mind either, not noticing any drain on my energy. I didn't need sleep, unlike them, and I could work twenty-four by seven. Only the mind was tired, the body was absent.

Time passed, but I had no success. I was still treading on the ground, not realising what I was doing wrong, and whether I was doing it? To progress, I could use a conversation with an older and more experienced spirit. Except there were no such individuals in the vicinity. There was, of course, an owl in his library in the desert, but it would take too long to find it. And I don't want to part with Azula, and I don't know how to get to the spirit world except by using special places with a rich spiritual background. The dream of becoming alive again was becoming more and more desirable, but its fulfilment was still so far away....

The energy in training was quickly running out, I needed to recharge, so I went back to the hotel to the girls. They were already awake.

- The bathtub is free! - cheerfully announced Tai Li as she entered the bedroom.

- 'Lee, you were the last one to take a bath,' Mei observes quietly, sitting back in her chair relaxedly and looking out the window bored.

- That's right! Oh! Yoaru, good morning! Where were you last night? We've been talking a lot about you. I have so many questions for you! - The girl spoke in a friendly manner, coming out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around her body, but was immediately interrupted by her friend's cold voice.

- Yoaru... - Mei's voice changed imperceptibly, going from indifferent to icy. - Has he been here all this time?

- Huh? I don't know, I didn't see him leaving for the bath," the acrobat replied in surprise, not understanding the reason for her friend's anger.

"I was here enough to see her change her clothes," Tai Li explained, lying on the bed with a smile and not taking her eyes off Mei.

- Ahhhh..." the surprise on Tai Li's face slowly changed to understanding and then shock. The girl continued in a tone of utter disappointment: "What about personal space? Is this some kind of joke to you?

- Hm... - The girl shifted her displeased look to the place where Tai Li was looking, - I see, - the girl said briefly, starting to calm down.

Still, the girl is smart, she guessed everything quickly. From her friend's reaction, she realised not only what I had said, but also where I was. It wasn't hard with an emotional friend like Tai Li. Melancholy Mei had no choice but to accept it.

- You can't ignore personal space like that. It's just rude! No manners! Were you peeping at me too?! - Pouting her lips and putting her hands to her sides, the acrobat was angry, looking judgementally in my direction.

"No. I just set up here when May was in the shower and I was too lazy to leave. Oh, and what man would turn down such a spectacle performed by beautiful girls?", I say to the indignant girl, with a small smile.

- Hmph! This... this... this... I just don't have words! - Tai Li only had to gulp for air, so stunned was she by my insolence.

"Anyway, I'm here to talk about something important. Would you be so kind as to call Azula?" however, despite my words, no one was called. Attracted by the gymnast's voice, the princess herself appeared in our room.

- What's going on? Yoaru? - golden eyes travelled around the room, looking at Tai Li wrapped in a towel, Mei frowning as she sat on a chair by the window, and of course at me lying on one of the beds.

Tai Li quickly ran across the room, hiding behind her friend's back.

- Azula! That cheeky bloke was peeping at us! Explain to him that you can't do that! - Looking at me from behind the princess's shoulder, the acrobat changed her indignation into a triumph of retribution. Her evil smile was a clear indication of that.

Zula cast another glance at me, rolled her eyes, exhaled, and turned to her friend hiding behind her back.

- You'll get used to it," the princess put her hand on Tai Li's shoulder and comforted her friend.


Tai simply opened her mouth and looked at the princess as if she were a new avatar. I chuckled quietly at this, what a funny girl. Mei was also watching the acrobat's performance, how could she not. Lee kept throwing glances back and forth at me and Azula until the princess pulled away from her, settling herself in another chair.

- Yoaru. You've come quite early," the princess remarked calmly addressing me.

"Zula, we need to discuss the further route of our journey," I say the reason for my another unexpected appearance, becoming serious.

- I listen...

Afterwards, we started discussing further options for our journey. But Lee was still attracting attention, distracting from the important conversation. Azula quickly found a use for the girl, reminding her that she was coming with us, and she needed to say goodbye to the circus and pack for the journey. Using her charisma and the power of her word, the princess quickly made the acrobat forget about the recent conflict and left the inn with a smile. We were left almost alone to discuss the way forward.

I would like to find the lost library, which is located in the desert. But the way to the desert is blocked by enemy territories, where King Bumi is ruling. The difficulties in this were not a few, in addition, the official task of Azula is an inspection, not searching for myths in the desert. There could be unnecessary questions from the wrong people. And the chances of finding the library are slim to none. And even if we do, it's not certain that the local owner will want to co-operate with us. In general, after a little talk with the princess, it was decided to continue inspecting the colonies and to start looking for any information about the library. There was still too much time before the mother of faces would appear.

The conversation was coming to an end, Azula went off with Mei to finish her inspection, while I continued my training, once again raping my memory for anything useful. The longing for carnal pleasures grew stronger and stronger.

I spent the day thinking about my future plans, and trying in vain to fulfil myself in the world as a full-fledged human being. The team is assembled, which means it's time to get back to the ideas we discussed with Azula. Alas, it's too long before the next appearance of the mother of faces, and of the nearest targets to us only the lost library. It would probably contain many interesting things, but it would be almost impossible to get to. However, I remembered that in the future, the Fire Nation would have airships, which would make finding the lost library in the desert much easier than travelling by land.

But Zula didn't know or hear of anything like that, they probably hadn't been invented yet. And it is not a good option to rely on airships, which appeared only at the end of the story with Aang. We have to do something else, but how? Alas, I could not find an answer to this question.

The day was coming to an end, tired of flying over the rooftops of the city, I went in search of Azula. The girl I was looking for was found in the Mayor's house. After following her and her friends who were still with her, I noticed that she was already finishing all her business in this colony, listening to the verbal reports of her subordinates. Who had previously been sent out to gather information. The acrobat had also managed to finish all her business for the day. As evidenced by the not-so-small backpacks with the girl's personal belongings.

In Yu Dao we had done everything we had planned, it was time to move on. After a while, Azula finished with her inspection and it was time to say goodbye. A small ceremony, performed according to all the rules of etiquette. Eavesdropping on other people's conversations, I quickly learnt the events I had missed.

During my absence, the mayor's daughter had become friends with Tai Li. Both girls were sad to part. From their conversation, I realised that Azula hadn't changed her mind. The princess decided not to take anyone she didn't know into her entourage, nor to help the girl join the army in any way. However, judging by the happily saying goodbye to Kori, Zula found somewhere to put the girl's enthusiasm to use.

On the way to the ship, one amusing incident happened to our small squad.

- Huh. Huh. Huh..." breathed one of the soldiers who had been ordered to carry the belongings of a pretty gymnast. There were three of them in total, each with identical backpacks, but only one of them was huffing and puffing while the others were more resistant.

The journey to the princess' ship was not a short one, and things were surprisingly heavy. He was travelling at the speed of the others, not slowing down the squad, but he was doing it with great difficulty and panting so that everyone in the squad could hear him. I think many people were wondering what the princess's friend had packed in that rucksack that was so heavy for him to carry. Some were even teasing behind her back. Azula was already looking at the unfortunate man with an unkind look, and then Tai Li decided to take matters into her own hands.

- Mister, I'd like to use my makeup, could you give me my backpack," Tai Li kindly addresses one of the men carrying her things, who was the heaviest.

- Ugh. Huh. Yeah sure," the soldier replied with difficulty, handing his burden to the girl. Once he had done so, he began to stretch his back, carrying this load was a heavy burden for him.

- Thank you, - the acrobat deftly hangs the backpack in the front, starting to rummage through her things. The girl didn't show any effort in carrying the heavy-looking backpack. Taking out her make-up, she pretended to make herself up.

- It won't be long now, I'll carry my things to the cabin. Thanks for your help," the girl said with a charming smile as she put the mini make-up bag back away.

- Yeah. That. You're welcome," the man replied embarrassed, not even thinking of asking for the burden back.

The whole squad, and especially the girl's friends, were watching this performance. It wasn't a long walk, and it was crystal clear to the girls that the former circus girl took pity on the man by taking back her things. She did it in a way that would not hurt the soldier's honour or the man's pride. Tai Li, she's much more cunning than she might seem at first glance. Not to mention the girl's abnormal powers. She carried her belongings to the ship without even breaking a sweat, and the journey was much longer than that of the soldier. It must be a consequence of the opening of chakras or amazing energy, along with a pronounced life energy. Later I learnt that this backpack contained heavy such weights, which the girl must have used for training.

All in all, the princess left Yu Dao on a good note.