Tai Li (Part 2)

Guys, our goal is 200 stones. Then we'll have a chapter.

You will help me a lot if you subscribe to my patreon, it is very motivating to continue.



- Tell me, Lee, you're an adult, but have you ever drunk sake, an adult-only drink?

The gymnast had never tried sake, nor any other type of alcohol, but she wouldn't mind trying the adult drink, as she had heard a lot about it, both from her sisters and from acquaintances in the circus. After talking to her about it, I told her about my little secret: there was a whole crate of high quality alcohol on the ship!

From the occasional echoes of explosions, it was clear that Zula was still training in conquering explosions, so we had no problem going for a bottle and having a good time! Everything was working out just fine!

After explaining what needed to be done to get the coveted bottle, I left the cabin with the acrobat, heading towards Azula's staff of maids.

"Got everything memorised?" - I asked the girl, after repeating the plan as we climbed the stairs to the highest floor of the pagoda. The guards didn't pay much attention to us, having been instructed on Tai Li's special status.

- Yes, it's so funny, you hid the alcohol right under the princess's nose, what an ingenue," the smiling gymnast replied quietly. She was happy about the little adventure I had pulled off and was going to pull off behind Azula's back. I liked that playfulness of hers, and her appetite for ventures.

"Keep your voice down. You don't want to draw the soldiers' attention more than necessary," I reminded the acrobat, and then we calmly walked past another duo of guards, heading straight for the maids' quarters.

After knocking and waiting for an answer, Lee enters the quarters where I hid the case of alcohol from Azula. Several girls immediately turned their attention to her, they stopped doing their everyday things and focused their gazes on the acrobat who had entered.

- Hello, Lee!

- Your namesake!

- Little Tai? - the maids greeted the acrobat with smiles. I remember Azula's friend made friends with them quite quickly. After all, there are not many girls on the ship, and Tai Li is a very sociable girl. I've experienced it firsthand.

- Ahem. Princess Azula ordered to bring her one bottle of sake Junmai Daiginjo, - a little worried, began to lie brazenly, after hugging the servants as a greeting. Female friendship is like that, yes....

- So you're doing the princess' bidding," the eldest of the maids said thoughtfully, while the others started whispering about why Azula needed sake, "June.

- I'll get it right away," one of the girls reached under the bed and pulled out a small box when she heard her name.

Soon Tai Li left the maids' room with the bottle we needed. The girls wanted to ask about what occasion the mistress was going to drink, but Lee again lied that it was a secret, and that the maids did not spread about it. Azula could punish her for rumours that tarnished her reputation. The girls nodded understandingly and let us go. It was quite interesting to see the two different behaviours of the maids who were so familiar to me, after all Azula knew them well enough and I have all the memory of a princess.

- It was much simpler and easier than I had imagined," the girl states once she was in her quarters.

Outside I could still hear the sounds of explosions, Azula trains a lot, so I was confident that I would have time to do everything I had planned. Only a strange sensation was beginning to grate on my insides. I was consciously noticing that something wasn't right. However, the answer I gave to Tai Li was completely different from what I was thinking.

"I told you that everything would go smoothly. Azula has too intimidated her subordinates. All it takes is a passing mention that you're doing her bidding, and most of the soldiers and servants will do whatever it takes or at the very least stop asking questions. And, of course, they'll be afraid to go to Azula herself for clarification. It all works within reason of course, after all soldiers aren't idiots, they are moderately stupid but not idiots. I hope you won't abuse this knowledge," I explain to the girl one of the weaknesses of the crew on the princess ship.

- Of course not! - indignant girl, then added quietly with a kind of smugness: - I will use it only if absolutely necessary.

"Ha ha, well said," was the perfect response, I couldn't have thought of a better one.

- So this should be poured into the smallest cup possible? - Considers Lee the liquor bottle, holding it up... with her feet.

'Yes... and could you stop holding the bottle with your feet while standing on your hands? It's a glass bottle, you'll break it," I remarked thoughtfully, looking at the girl's next poses. Was it just me, or did she not notice when she switched from legs to hands?

- Are you doubting my abilities? - With a sneering look at me, Tai Li started playing with the bottle, holding it solely with her toes. Impressive.

'I just don't want you messing around with the shards later. You'll cut yourself, I'm worried about you," I calmly explain my position, causing another bout of embarrassment.

- Okay, okay, just stop saying such embarrassing things," Ty Lee stops fooling around and gets to his feet. - Okay, we need vessels. Tea cups should do the trick?

"I think so, get the smallest one," and as the girl searched amongst the vast amount of stuff for the right size cups, I was starting to get a growing feeling that something was wrong.

Concentrating, I try to analyse all my actions. My desires were very logical and understandable. I wanted to feel alive again, and an emotional and cheerful girl like Tai Li was perfectly capable of giving me that. Being in her body, I would probably experience a lot more positive feelings than I did with Azula. But to speak so bluntly about my desire... no, Tai Li should be better prepared to reduce the chance of her refusal. Sake is an alcohol with quite a bit of alcohol, it's quite a good solution to make her liberated....

I'm going to get a nice girl drunk so I can use her body when she's not quite sane....

I see. That's why my conscience is bothering me. I'm once again acting as Azula would. Regardless of methods and morals, I'm going to get what I want by any means necessary. But I want to experience what Tai Li experiences every day, every hour, every second of his life. But... No! I'm not going to indulge my inner demon. Lee... she doesn't deserve to be treated like this.

- Found it! - shrieked a delighted Lee, pulling a small cup out of her bag. Placing the cup on a small table where a bottle of alcohol was already lying. - There, now it is necessary to open the bottle.

The girl begins to look at the repository of poison - the bottle of sake.

- Hmm, the cork. How am I supposed to get it out of there? Yoaru, can you tell me? Yoaru? - Tai Li looks round, giving me that worried look.


'I'm not such a bastard, I'll be better than that.

"Sorry, I was thinking," I reply to the girl, finally deciding to act properly.

- 'It's okay, it happens to everyone. Do you know how to open a bottle?

"Wait, my point is that alcohol is a poison and in large quantities can lead to death. In small amounts it just fogs the mind. A person who drinks alcohol can decide to do a lot of things that they will regret in the future. Are you sure you should drink it with me? What if I decide to take advantage of your condition to do something not quite right with you?" - I start from afar, deciding to act on the call of my heart rather than out of cold calculation for gain.

- Well, I think you can be trusted! And you've made friends with Azula, and she's a good judge of character. You even talk like one of my big sisters, teaching me," Tai Li replied lightly. And in a serious tone: "You know, don't be like that. I've had enough of this at home, I'm a big girl.

He's kidding. I can tell by the tone of her voice.

"Lee, sit down," the girl obediently sits down on the bed next to me, holding the bottle still in her hands.

"Before we continue, I want to remind you that my main goal is to regain my human body so that I can fully experience the world like other people... like you," I continue to prepare the girl as she immediately interrupts me.

- What are you getting at? - Tai Li doesn't understand, well, I'll have a lot of explaining to do, but it's better than indulging my baser desires.

"Let me make a deal. You may know, but spirits can enter people's bodies and be in them for a while. It's called possession," receiving a slight nod from the girl I continue.

"If you become possessed by me, I get the ability to feel all human emotions in the full spectrum. In other words, I'll feel alive. I was going to tell you this after you'd had a drink, but I changed my mind. I can assure you that you're in no danger, and I won't do anything without your consent," I say all this to the girl excitedly. And where is the muting of emotions when you need it so badly? However, I don't even want to think about what I would do if I didn't have it.

- ...

Morgue Morgue.

Ty Lee flapped her eyes silently at my speech.

"Lee..." - I say cautiously, fearing the worst.

- Alright, let's give it a try," the acrobat smiles, watching my confusion and bewilderment. - Ha ha ha ha, what a funny face you made. Did you think I would take offence and disagree? Your confession and actions only show that you can really be trusted. You're a good man, um... well, I mean spirit. Yes, you are a good spirit, Yoaru. Let's give it a try! I wonder how I'll feel when you enter me!

"Ahem, okay..."

- But please be gentle. I've heard a lot about this sacred fusion between a man and a woman, but I've never tried it with anyone before. My sisters said that the first time is the most painful and the most important," the girl says in a somewhat joking tone, defiantly embarrassed and looking away from me.

"It won't hurt, I promise," I smile, confidently responding to her next joke.

We didn't hesitate. Soon the girl became obsessed with me, there was no problem with that. As I suspected, it was magical. I don't know if it was the open chakras, Tai Li's character, or something else, but I felt very comfortable in her body. Not like with Azula, but very pleasant too. If Azula's body was my home, or even a luxury mansion instead of a house, then Tai Li's body was like a luxury hotel room. I couldn't replenish the energy from the gymnast, but my emotions felt just fine, and that's even without connecting my consciousness!

- Hmm, interesting sensations. I feel like I've had a big meal, and how do you feel? - Inquires the girl, examining and groping herself.

"Fine. And now I'd like to connect our consciousnesses, connect our feelings. Basically, don't resist," to my surprise it worked out as well. I hadn't tried merging consciousnesses with others before, the compatibility was too low, it only worked out with Azula.

The feelings were wonderful. I wanted to run, jump, laugh, use my body's flexibility just like that and many other things... And since the feelings belonged to both of us, Tai Li immediately started using her flexibility, taking various poses right on the metal floor. I was interested in this. The girl's actions were giving me new emotions I hadn't seen before. These feelings, they were pleasurable. It's not just that she shows her flexibility on every occasion, she probably experiences it every time she performs another Yoga pose.

As soon as I expressed my interest, the girl was happy to demonstrate and tell me everything she knew and could do. And she could do a lot of things, and the twine was one of the easiest exercises she could do. The familiar elbow stand with feet on my head was called the scorpion pose. From the girl I learnt a lot about different stances and their purpose: sleeping and awake turtle, rooster, king of monkeys, cobra, eight corners... there were a lot of them, and some of them could be done only by two people. But even without them, I learnt a lot of new and interesting things. As soon as I get a body, I'll definitely learn, especially the two-person poses.

We didn't forget about the sake bottle either. I opened it without a problem by melting the neck a little.

- Ahem, bitter and unpleasant," Ty Lee wrinkled his tongue cutely. It was the aftermath of drinking a volley of a cup of sake.

"It's a small downside. Can you feel the heat coming down from your throat to your stomach? It will soon overwhelm you all over," I explain to the girl, feeling all the same as she did.

As we drank another cup, we felt the world become even brighter for us! It was getting more and more fun every second. Leigh even started dancing, giggling amusingly. The drink tasted like this, but the effect was quite pleasant.

- I feel so light! It feels so good Yoaru, why don't people drink sake regularly?

"There are a number of reasons. Hangovers, and the deleterious effects of prolonged or heavy consumption. Now let's get back to the acrobatics, such lightness in your body, aren't you drawn to experimenting?" - I asked the girl, who was already tipsy, feeling slightly intoxicated.

Fascinated by the new feelings we shared in two, we continued to perform the old acrobat tricks. As time passed, and another cup of sake, I began to notice Tai Li becoming more and more liberated and playful. The flirtatiousness started to turn into open flirting and flirting. The fun level was only rising.

- How's this? - Adopting a scorpion pose in front of the mirror, the girl inquired standing on her elbows holding her face with her palms.

"Innocent," I tell her, smiling at our reflection.

- And this one, her older sister showed it to me," Tai Li, clearly flirting, turns to me again, changing the pose to another, with legs spread wide, a kind of twine on the weight.

"Your sister is clearly an experienced woman. This pose like no other emphasises all your sexuality with femininity, it's a pity I can't see it from the side," I answer the girl in no less playful tone.

- And like this? - the girl wriggles even more, giving me a better view of all her charms.

"Much better now, you're gorgeous Lee. The best girl I've ever seen."

- Yes I am," she answered me with a playful smile before continuing to show me her talents once again. The alcohol erased any hint of insecurity from the girl, making her even a little cocky.

Soon I began to feel not only happy with joy, but also aroused by the girl. Or was it my feelings? The mirror, in front of which the acrobat and flaunted in particularly arousing poses, only added fuel to the fire. And while we were enjoying our own reflection in especially intimate poses, the room was getting hotter and hotter. Very hot...

- Yoaru, what is this feeling? I may not be a fire mage, but I feel so hot right now! - The girl spoke enthusiastically, groping her breasts and smiling wryly. What a pretence, but I'm enjoying playing this game myself.

"Excitement. Yours? Mine? Doesn't matter, we're aroused. We can stop all this now, or we can give in to this tantalising sensation head on. Either way, nothing bad will happen, I'm in control," I replied confidently to the girl. Female arousal was so new and unusual.

- I don't know, I've never felt anything like it. So good, so nice," she licks her lips with a huff, finding her reflection in the mirror very sexy, "what should I do? Yoaru?

"What do you want?"

- I want more...