A Special Friendship

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"Sure. Good night," I say to the girl as she leaves.

Left alone, I turn my attention back to the starry sky outside the window. How complicated everything is with her...

Everything happened so suddenly. I was a little unprepared and confused. I had to think it over once again. The cost of making a mistake is too great. I don't want my feelings to completely destroy Azula's already fragile psyche. I know. That won't be a problem for me. Too many of my plans and goals are tied to her, and even though I have Ty Lee now, I've already grown attached to the princess. I simply don't want to leave her after the contract and all the effort it took to build our relationship.

It's quite possible I'm not the only one who has started to develop feelings and attachments from our long partnership. Her confession or proposal is pure evidence that she doesn't care about me anymore. The girl had many reasons for the emergence of these feelings. I stand out from all the men she has met in her life. I pay attention to her merits and diligence, I treat her as a human being, not a princess, I don't bow down, I don't grovel, I am quite able to stand up for myself and have a sharp mind and attractive appearance. Even if it is transparent.

I think I'm starting to get narcissistic. I need to get some air.

Closing the window, I fly outside. The night wind gently passes through my transparent body. I didn't fly for a long time, but I decided to settle on the roof of the mansion where Azula and her friends were holidaying. Only the wind kept me company. Even though I had a faint sense of it, it felt good. It reminded me that I was still alive.

The streets below were empty. The citizens of the city were mostly daytime, and only the guards patrolled the urban area, paying special attention to the mansion grounds. Yes, the princess was better guarded than the apple of his eye, especially with the recent events. But despite the number of people around the mansion, it was very quiet. Such silence is only possible at night, when the tiniest rustle can be easily heard from afar.

A perfect place for reflection.

Me and Azula... We can certainly be together, but how strong and long will our relationship be? And how will it end? That's the question that's been eating away at my insides right here, right now. After all, if everything goes wrong, our relationship could end with a change from warm feelings to the most common hatred. And it could even go to the point of irreparable consequences.

Born in the information age, where the number of divorces exceeded ninety per cent, I simply did not believe in love. My cynical nature only reinforced this opinion. Someone believes in God, someone in Father Frost, someone in justice... for me, however, it is love that has always been next to these mythical concepts. Everybody knows about it, but nobody can define it. Actually, I never saw a normal relationship in my first life. Of course, with this experience, I don't know how to build a good relationship. Azula and I are similar in this, we each had problems with our families, and as a consequence of mental trauma and problems finding contact with society. Maybe that's why I'm so attracted to her? Although, she has many other qualities that tug at my heartstrings.

Is that why I feel fear? It took me a while to realise what I was feeling. I was afraid of a serious relationship. I can't remember when I ever thought about something as silly as starting a relationship. Marriage? Fidelity? No. Not me. And Ty Lee... I'm not sure I can give up the relationship I have with the circus girl. Except I need to talk to the princess as soon as possible, which means I need to sort myself out sooner. It's best not to take as long as Azula did on this matter.

I need to regain my composure and think it over again.

Thinking about the future, the past, character and the factors that shape it, I enjoyed the night sky, the cool breeze, waiting for the first rays of dawn...


"Wake up..." - Azula heard a familiar voice full of tenderness.

- Yoaru? I hope you have a reason to wake me up this early? - Instantly waking up the disgruntled princess without any hint of sleepiness. In a split second, she realises the situation, as there is only one creature in the world that can wake her up so brazenly. A being for whom she had some sort of incomprehensible feelings.

"Yes. I've thought about your proposal and realised that if I'm going to think about it, it's going to be with you," the brazen spirit replies, lying down next to her on the bed.

Their faces were separated by a dozen centimetres. Close, even intimate.

- And-and what? - The princess arches her eyebrow gracefully, not at all embarrassed by this proximity. On the contrary, she looked into the eyes of her interlocutor with interest, waiting for answers and further actions on his part.

"I woke you up an hour earlier than usual. We have a whole hour to talk. No one will interrupt us. We can discuss everything in great detail," the interlocutor replies with a slight half-smile.

- You woke me up just for that? What foolishness, it would be better to let you rest for an extra hour, - the girl replied disappointedly, but soon continued more calmly: - For me, I made you a transparently clear offer, and you... - the girl stopped waiting, giving the word to the interlocutor.

"Don't talk as if we're going to have a wedding here. I agree to a relationship, but let's discuss everything in detail. Your idea of a relationship between a man and a woman may be different from mine. Very different, Azula," Yoaru's voice, his gaze, was more serious than ever.

- What are you getting at? - Looking back at the princess defiantly.

"It's just that we need to clarify a few points. You are aware of what we do with Tai-Li in the evenings, right? I'm not going to remain faithful exclusively to you, especially when I already have some relationship with another girl. Maybe you'll be repulsed by that, maybe you won't. But this is a point with other ladies we need to discuss," he states in an impartially serious tone.

For that alone, most of the girls in the world would have at least ended the conversation there, if not slapped him or challenged him to a duel, but the princess... she was different in many ways. And she was aware of that. Their relationship with the circus girl was a bit of a secret, but Azula knew about it from the beginning. Therefore, the girl had no problem keeping her cool and continued in a calm tone.

- Would she push her away? Quite possibly. That's what I wanted to talk about yesterday. Especially about what kind of relationship you have with my friend," the girl's tone seemed deceptively relaxed, but Yoaru didn't give in to it at all.

"Alright, let's discuss it. I wouldn't call it love, more like friendship. A very close friendship. So close that I might be 'offended' if you thought of hurting such a nice girl," her interlocutor replied with a slight hint of threat.

Only the princess had long ago got used to and accepted the fact that there was nothing she could do to the spirit, no matter how hard she tried or wanted to. She remained completely calm, those times when she could be hurt by such trifles were over, now she was much stronger than before, both in body and mind.

- Friendship then? - She arched an eyebrow, giving her companion a look of superiority.

"Yeah, it's hard to claim anything more than that without a body."

- I thought it was called something a little different. On one hand I'm happy that my friend has found such a good 'mate', but on the other hand I'm a little jealous.

"Oh, how familiar. It's an unpleasant feeling, isn't it?" - The spirit interrupts caustically.

Yoaru was well aware of how little Azula had experienced such a feeling as envy in her life. And really, who could the princess of the strongest country in the world envy? The answer: no one. She used to think so, but now things had changed.

- Would you mind not interrupting me? I'm fine with your relationship with Ty Lee. I don't mind your relationship with Ty Lee. Like you said, we're not getting married. Our relationship is not that strong and time-tested. You should know how hard it was for me to make the first move. My family.

"I know, you don't have to go on. I can see how hard it is for you to remember this," the spirit interrupts, not letting the girl finish. Than earns a grateful look.

- So far, I see us as secret lovers only. And I want to warn you, I might get offended if you pay too much attention to girls I don't know. Like my father took offence at my brother," the princess replies in the same manner. - But I think this conversation can wait until we fix your lack of body problem.

After all, the spirit could only be seen by two girls, so Azula didn't fear much competition for his attention. And when he got a body, the poison in the world wasn't planning on going anywhere yet. And no one can predict an accident. With such thoughts the girl calmed herself.

"I realise that's a lot of nerve on my part. I'm glad you're so understanding. And I want to be clear. Are we only talking about otherworldly wenches? Tai Li or Mei doesn't count? What if I introduce you to the girls and you two become friends?" - The spirit clarifies with a slight chuckle.

- Two isn't enough for you? I wonder how big a harem you're planning for yourself when you get a body? And will you be able to handle it? - says the princess in an ironic tone, giving her interlocutor a condescending look.

"Just clarifying. I don't want a harem. Too much of a headache in its presence. But I don't deny small affairs in the future, and I don't want you to leave them with a burn on half of your face because of my attention to them," the interlocutor replies in a serious tone.

- 'What do you take me for?

"As the princess of the strongest nation in the world? Your culture doesn't have much monogamy, even the opposite, there's a lot of tolerance and equality. An astonishing amount. Women in the army, most of the internal troops are made up of them."

- There's a reason we're winning the century war. Oh, come on. Let it be extreme measures, but we are a bit off topic, - the girl sits down on the bed and stretches her hands to the ceiling. So much so that the waistband of her dressing gown finally comes undone and her barely covered breasts are shown to the world. Yoaru lifts herself up behind her. They sit and look at each other, not at all embarrassed by the situation. - You know. We're talking as if you don't already have a problem with not having a body.

"Indeed. The conversation has gone the wrong way. I'm wondering what you expect from our relationship? What do you expect? It's better to tell me now to avoid problems of misunderstanding."

- Yoaru, I thought you were smarter than that. Well, I'll be more direct: I want to be friends with you too, in the same sense that you are friends with Tai Li, because you know, I've already tried being friends on my own, and I want something new," he froze as he thought about it.

"...Am I hearing this right now?" A thought flashed through the spirit's mind.

"You mean masturbation?" clarifies Yoaru, while Azula sat quietly waiting for an answer.

- Such a filthy and lewd word is not worthy to be spoken in decent circles. Yes, I mean her specifically.

"Wow... You've been doing such dirty things in secret from me. And how did I not notice?" - The spirit replies confusedly, raising its eyes to the sky.

- I'm good at picking my moments for privacy.

"Huh, how was it? Did you like it?"

- It's nice. It helps me de-stress and relax. Afterwards, I feel full of energy.

"I see..."

- You never answered, are you ready to be my lover? I'm tired of saying it over and over again. It's somewhat embarrassing. Just a little more and I'll start seriously questioning your mental capacity," the princess says in a fake tired voice.

At her words, Yoaru only smirks wider.

"Ho? I see, I've finally figured it all out. No, don't say anything else. You want it, I want it, there's time, why not? This will be your most extraordinary experience of your entire life, I promise you that!" - the spirit spoke in an excited voice, grabbing the girl by the shoulders, throwing her abruptly onto the bed and hovering over the defenceless maiden.

- Ahem, here? Now? Somehow this is unexpected and suddenly the girls will hear? - The girl lost all her resolve, but Yoaru was no longer intent on backing down.

"They won't. I promise I will be gentle, at first," he agreed and drew closer, covering her lips with a passionate kiss that evoked warmth and pleasure from the depths of the princess' soul.

Yoaru savoured the confused look on his passport's face as their tongues wrestled vigorously.

- M-m-m! - With a muffled moan, Azula wrapped her arms around his neck, but it immediately became intangible, the Spirit himself disappeared, entering the girl's body as soon as she came to her senses and began to respond to his actions.

With his actions he caused another moan with a rush of pleasant feelings and warmth that ran through the body of the princess with an army of goosebumps.

- Yoaru? - Zula said in surprise, pondering the sensation. She had never experienced such intense pleasure during possession before.

Now... it was becoming so warm and pleasant. She hadn't felt this much pleasure and excitement when doing it alone. Yoaru must have done something to her body. The arousal was growing stronger and stronger with each passing moment, as was the pleasure that came in waves.

"I am in you. I'm going to need your hands, don't resist," after a brief reply, her hands took on a life of their own against their owner's wishes. Touching her neck, they slid down to her breasts. The left one stopped and began to play gently but demandingly with the princess's balls, while the right one continued lower, to the belly and then to the girl's tender womb.

- Ha... - because of what her hands were doing, Azula had to bite her lip so that she wouldn't accidentally utter such shameful moans of pleasure. The last thing she wanted right now was to attract the attention of her friends. Not after she decided to confess her feelings....

-M-m-m-m!!! - The princess felt fingers gently begin to stroke her lower lips. Another moan was suppressed by the girl's will. It felt so good, no comparison to her past attempts. Azula felt that just a little more and she would reach orgasm!

- Huh. Did you do the same thing with Tai Li? Huh?! - As soon as she said that, two fingers were in her mouth. Immediately realising what was wanted from her, she started licking them. Even though it was shameful and humiliating, but now the princess only felt the growing excitement that was rapidly taking over her mind.

"No. It's just that you awaken a fiery passion in me, I don't want to hold back!"

- Mm..." a couple of fingers caressing the lips of her pussy before gently entering the girl's gut, "Ah!

"It's about time to end the light foreplay and get to work on you properly," Yoaru's voice was full of solemn triumph.

"Was that just a warm-up?" flashed through the princess's mind before he drowned in an ocean of blissful ecstasy....


- Ha... Ha... Ha... Ha...

Heavy sighs, futile attempts to catch his breath, chest heaving in their rhythm, sweat all over his body and a slight smile of happiness. Right now, uncovered by her clothes Azula looked terrifyingly feminine and desirable. It was only because of the lack of body and the accompanying hormones that I didn't pounce on her again, driven by lust. However, that didn't stop me from brazenly sitting on top of her and enjoying the slutty look of the once proud princess.

- "Stop it.

"Stop what?"

- Don't look at me like that. It's embarrassing.

"I can't, you're too sexy," my words make the girl's face blush even more. She averts her gaze.

- Tired, sweaty, and 'dirty'?

"Yeah, I like that. You're beautiful in any form. However, Mei and Tai Li are already awake, it's time for you to go to the bath and get back to your routine," I reluctantly get off her, helping to cover her naked body with the fabric of the dressing gown, then tie the knot. Azula's mind was still reeling from the injustice that had happened.

- Yes. That's right," she repeated confusedly, heading for the bedroom, but before she could get a few steps away, she turned around and gave me a thoughtful look. - 'But before I go, I want to know what you did to me?

"What do you mean?"

- I've tried masturbating before. What we had between us is nothing compared to what you did to my body!

"Oh, you mean that. I wish I could say that every woman who lies down with a man experiences that, but no. I'm the only one capable of it."

- Don't waste my time.

"Okay, okay. Let's just say I've heightened your sensitivity a bit, channelled your energy in the right direction and caused our emotions to resonate. All of which I learnt through fire healing. It was very nice for me too, we'll do it again when we get a chance. And just between you and me, it's much nicer to do it with you than with Tai Li," I let the girl feel proud of herself. Even though I wasn't lying, it was really more pleasant with Azula. I even know why. The perfect energy similarity was to blame.

- Hm! I'm going to take a shower, but I have a lot to do today, so don't wait up for me.

"I wasn't going to."

She left, leaving me alone in the room. I didn't stay in the room for long, going about my business. The pleasant memories of what had happened would warm my heart for a long time to come.

Azula chatted with her friends, and then the girls went about their business, noting that the princess was in a surprisingly good mood. That's what good sex does to girls.

Today was the last day the squad had spent in the city. At the same time, the city itself was one of the last to be located close to the borders. There were only a few towns that were close to the mountains, and one even among the mountains that used to belong to the Air Nomads, but now was a Fire territory that no one used. This meant that all the following cities would be more boring at events. I'll find something to occupy myself with though, girls need attention.

At the same time, the change of seasons was approaching, which meant we should hurry to the mother of faces. There was little chance of getting into the great library, and I didn't count on it. And if it doesn't work out with the mother of faces, well, I already have a backup plan ready, and Azula is much more favourable to me than ever before. I'm not too worried about that. Not only are we on time, but we'll still have half a month to spare.

After a long silence while Zula pondered her feelings for me until she finally confessed, we began to talk more often and spend time together, discussing experiences and other trivialities of life. It was not possible to enjoy the princess while travelling. Or rather it was possible to enjoy her every night, but then her reputation would suffer. Even so, the girl became much kinder to me. And not just to me. Azula was kinder and more forgiving to everyone. To the same Berkrut, she offered to treat his throat and minor injuries for supposedly good work instead of tips. The mercenary accepted. The princess treated him, but despite his improved health, the silent mercenary remained as silent as ever. Habit, what can you do, but the man spoke much more easily, for which he was grateful.

As for me and Azula... our relationship had moved to a new stage, or even several at once. I was even able to make sure that the princess was not jealous of Tai Li. In the next town, the princess and I repeated our evening games. It was afterwards that Zula impressed me even more.

- Where are you going? - Asked the girl sweating after our caresses.

"To do my spiritual business," I replied vaguely, turning around to see the pleasing sight of a satisfied woman.

- Tai Li's? - She guessed quickly, and I didn't see the point in lying to her. Lying would only make it worse.

"You guessed it. Jealous?"

- No, and I won't be jealous if I stay in first place for you like this. Go make my best friend the happiest woman in the world.

"You're an amazing person, Azula."

- I know, praise me more often, you're quite good at it. Good night, or should I say good night?

"Sleep well Zula, you will always be the best and most irreplaceable."

Actually, this very evening I finally realised that I have a lot more fun and emotions with Azula than with Tai Li. However, I did not intend to leave and interrupt the relationship with the circus girl. There was something piggish in it, as if I used the girl for my own purposes. And Zula is not against my relationship with her, it seems to me that the princess is more in favour than against. The girls were best friends not only in words, but also in deeds. A surprisingly strong female friendship. Perhaps their feelings for each other are more than just friendly. I wonder if I can get them to have lesbian sex if I stick my neck out.

I spent that night thinking about the reasons for Azula's behaviour. Perhaps she wanted a threesome with me and Ty Lee? But it sounded so fantastic and lucky that I didn't believe in such an outcome. However, such thoughts began to visit my mind more and more often.

This city was no different from a dozen others. Azula made an inspection and we moved on. The last town near the border was the one closest to the mountains, bordering an abandoned air temple.

Mountains... at least there was some variety.