Azula's Wish

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The group consisting of Princess Azula, Yuyang's archers, her friends, and two natives of the Northern Water Tribe dismounted from the rhinos not far from what Misu called the entrance to the Valley of Oblivion. A gnarled tree and a huge rock with four rounded marks, beyond which the jungle began to grow wild.

- A spooky forest full of spirits, what a beautiful place," May said phlegmatically, looking at the grass that had been cut a few minutes ago to create a path through the difficult jungle.

- May, how do you like travelling in the company of a princess? Not boring? - Li asked her friend snidely, getting off her rhinoceros.

- It's still better than my home, though much more dangerous. New acquaintances, new places... - Mei answers with barely perceptible hint, alternately throwing a glance at the surrounding jungle, and at the conqueror of water.

- I agree. The place really isn't the most favourable," Azula hummed as she climbed down from the rhino, followed by Mei, they were the last ones to do so. - However, I'm sure these two won't be a problem.

- Nevertheless, they are still people from the northern water tribe," Mei calmly remarked while the two people under discussion walked ahead with the archery squad and didn't hear their conversation.

- Mei! How can you say that! Misu is a good and brave woman who loves her brother with all her heart, she wouldn't hurt a fly! - Li, who had both socialised and befriended the water conqueror, stood up for the woman.

- Pfft," was the immediate reply from the phlegmatic girl.

- May, I'm disappointed in your observation, or rather complete lack of it, - ironically addresses to her friend princess.

- Hmm? - Mei replies with a hint of surprise.

- From my first conversation with the woman, it's clear to me that Misu doesn't have the best opinion of her own people. Particularly the matter of its culture. One could even say that she hates her own tribe because of it. Compared to these barbarians, we are extremely progressive and tolerant," the princess explains, turning to her perpetually indifferent friend.

- And where do you get such conclusions? - Mei glanced towards the foreigners ahead of her. It was hard for the man to walk on his own, so the woman held him under her elbow. - I can see that negative feelings do not prevent them from wearing the colours and clothes of their country.

- You don't know how big the difference between our peoples is, do you? - Azula wondered while Tai Li silently listened to their conversation walking beside her. - I think you know that the Northern tribe is quite conservative in their views. Women are not allowed to learn water combat magic and, of course, their upbringing revolves solely around traditionally feminine pursuits.... As for her feelings, I could see her face perfectly while talking. She wasn't trying to hide her emotions.

- She just didn't realise? - May guesses with barely perceptible surprise, casting a new glance at the backs of the strangers. - Though, no... she probably has no idea what kind of foolishness she's doing. If she had the knowledge, she would have changed her clothes and become a local long ago. And this sexism restricting women...amazing savagery! Now I understand more of your great-grandfather Fire Lord Sozin's desire to bring progress to the rest of the people. Such a savage culture should not exist on this planet.

- Oh. That sounded weird. A similar tone, but with more emotion, we were told the teacher's story at the academy," the acrobat wondered at her friend's so emotional and patriotic reaction. Of course, Mei spoke calmly, but even a hint of a slight change in the tone of voice, could not escape the girl's close friends.

- That's about right," Azula nodded as she continued to walk along the path cut through the wild jungle.

- Can you tell me more about it? I'm very curious," Tai Li said with interest. - Travelling with the circus, I've been to many places. The culture in the colonies is quite similar to the island cities, but at the same time there are some small differences.

- We don't have a lot of time. To recap: thanks to advances in science and culture, we are dominating the war with the earth kingdom. Women play an important role in this, as they also serve in the army, albeit in most cases exclusively in the ranks of the internal forces. As for the northern water tribe. They are simply savages, without any significant military power. With their low level of development, it is difficult to take the warriors of the northern tribe as opponents. Even my grandfather made sure of that by completely exterminating all the mages of the southern water tribe, they were left with only a pitiful bunch of pirates. That's why we haven't fought with the northern tribe in about eighty years, they're simply not a threat to the Fire Lord's power. They've done nothing but sit on their own pole. And they have nothing of value, just ice and fish. And if the time comes or there is a reason, one fleet can organise genocide of the whole tribe in a few years, - the princess recalls what she knew about the people of the North Pole.

- But I digress somewhat. Look at Misa, she's a perfect example," Azula nods, looking towards the woman, "Her way of thinking was formed as a child and although she managed to do a truly impressive deed, she was unable to develop further, due to her constant worries with her brother. It's pathetic.

- Don't say that, family is important. I may not want to live next to my sisters, but they are my family. I know that at any moment I can turn to them for help, and they will help me, - the acrobat resented, remembering her family.

- Lee... - Mei interrupts her, knowing perfectly well that the topic of family is somewhat painful for her friend.

- Nothing, let's close the topic," the princess replied calmly, continuing walking.

The squad continued moving through the jungle in silence. They didn't have long to walk. Passing deep into the jungle long before the afternoon began, they stopped.

- At this point we should split up, Madam," the captain of the archers, Yuyang, said respectfully, bowing his head to the princess.

- Then we will split up," Azula nods. - Remember the plan, the reward will be appropriate.

- There is no greater reward than serving you, my lady, - answered the captain of archers Yuyang in a serious tone.

- Go," Azula ordered, feeling a certain pleasure at such fanatical devotion.

- Just remember not to disturb the silence of those places," Misu admonished the men.

- Hmm? Aren't we all going together? - Tai Li was surprised as she looked at the men leaving. Azula rarely ever enlightened anyone on her plans. At least, completely. That trait of hers still remained unchanged.

- No. The Mother of Faces only appears in one of the four lakes. We can't risk occupying just one. I've allocated two people to each lake to make a wish for the spirit to grant my wish," Azula smugly explains the essence of her plan.

- Wow, how clever! You came up with this all by yourself? - Tai Li couldn't contain her admiration. - I definitely wouldn't have thought of such a thing. Do you trust them that much?

- Yes, to both questions. Come on, let's not waste time. Misu, take me to the nearest lake! - After Azula's command, the reduced group set off again.

It was early morning. Azula, Mei, Tai Li and Misu and her brother had successfully traversed a few more kilometres of jungle. Along the way, they encountered various animals and countless insects, and the whole journey was accompanied by the distant sounds of birds singing. It went on like this until the group passed through the jungle, coming to a small sandy beach.

- Wow, it's really quiet here," Tai Li was the first to notice the change in atmosphere.

As soon as they reached the beach of the lake, the birdsong and buzzing bugs simply disappeared, leaving only complete calm and silence. After a forest full of wildlife, such a change made everyone uncomfortable, except the foreigners, they were already used to the peculiarities of these places. This lake... despite its enchanting beauty, made one feel uncomfortable, instincts just screamed that something was wrong here.

- So we're here? - May stated phlegmatically, looking around the peaceful place with a cold gaze.

- Yes, now all we have to do is wait," Azula says, walking closer to the lake and settling down on the sand. The others followed suit.

- Fine," May snorted, anticipating an extremely boring time....

Sitting on the beach of the lake was a very boring activity indeed. What could be worse than expectations for a girl of Mei's temperament? Nothing. Thankfully, very soon the motley group got bored with the silence and started talking on neutral topics. Even though it was mostly Tai Li and Azula talking, the girl was happy with that. As long as there wasn't this oppressive silence.

- You know, this place is quite beautiful, if you ignore the oppressive silence," Tai Li said, looking around at the surrounding beauty of the pristine nature. Warm sand, crystal clear water, blue sky overhead, everything looked beautiful!

- Yes, it brings back memories of a coal island," Azula said to her as she sat next to her.

- Oh-oh, that sounds familiar. I haven't been there myself, but a few of my sisters have travelled there and told me a lot about it. Everyone as one talked about it being magical...I wonder what they meant by that? - Lee shifts her gaze to Azula, waiting for an answer.

- Who knows, I was there a long time ago. As a child... - the princess replied in a wistful voice full of nostalgia.

- And what about you, May? - asks the acrobat, another friend.

- I've never been to that place, - answered the girl without any emotion.

- Oh! Let's go there when we have some free time? - Snapping her fingers, Tai Li immediately voiced the idea, looking at her friends with enthusiasm.

- I don't care.

- I'll think about your proposal, Lee.

There was silence for a while. The trio of friends silently enjoyed the silence, but it could only seem so at first glance. Azula and Tai Li were both feeling anxious to one degree or another. Their thoughts revolved around a single topic: what if it didn't work out? What would happen if the plan failed? Would the spirit not appear, or refuse to fulfil the wish? What would happen to Yoaru? How would he react, how would their relationship change... and similar questions kept popping up in the girls' heads. Azula was less worried, she easily reassured herself that she could handle all the problems with her own strength, especially now. But Tai Li... the active and emotional girl was much more worried about her ethereal lover. Yoaru himself was beside himself, agonising over the wait more than anyone else.

- Mistress Azula, may I ask: what brings you to the Mother of Faces? - The previously silent Misu suddenly spoke. The woman, like Mei remained completely calm. She had gone to each of the lakes with her brother many times before, and each time she had failed. The spirit simply did not appear. This woman's perseverance was enviable, after all these years, she was still hoping for a miracle.

- I think there's no point in keeping it a secret any longer," the princess replies after a moment's deliberation. - I have an acquaintance who... has a similar problem as your brother, only much worse. If Rafe's face was taken away, Yoaru's body was taken away. His whole body. He is now an intangible spirit that only spiritual people can see.

- That's..." Misu exhaled in surprise. The revelation shocked the woman. She didn't know that anyone in the world could have a worse situation than her brother.

- I know it sounds very unconvincing from the outside. Yoaru, please show yourself, - the princess turned her gaze to the empty space, a second later, a handful of sand rose half a metre into the air and began to fall. It was as if someone had showered the sand back onto the beach from their hands.

- How awful, I'm sorry for your loss," Misu sympathised, looking at the princess with a new look.

- Thank you.

- So we can no longer pretend it doesn't exist then? - Tai Li stretched out, looking at the empty space where their friend was probably located. - Yoaru, how are you? Are you alright? Maybe you need something?

- Pfft," Mei snorted at her friend's overly emotional reaction.

- What?" the circus girl suddenly stands up from her seat and walks straight towards Yoaru in her arms, starting to look at the place where he sprinkled the sand. - It really does look like a face. What a funny accident. No? So it's soon?

- Hm? - Mei throws a questioning look at the girl. Without hearing the full conversation, she couldn't understand what they were talking about.

- They were talking about faces. - Azula says, then walks over to Tai Li and starts examining the palm-sized face that appeared on the sand. The princess is followed by everyone else to look at this miracle. - Misu, you know what this means.

- The forest itself will announce the arrival of the great spirit! Face patterns begin to appear on tree leaves, insect wings and animal backs! - Misu shares his experience.

- It's not much longer. It'll all be resolved soon. Stop worrying already, Yoaru," Azula replies to the air beside him.

- Hee-hee, he's so emotional, I've never seen him like this before," Tai Li laughs softly into her fist.

- What do you mean the appearance of the spirit is accompanied by the appearance of faces? - Mei wonders, not understanding what coincidence and a great spirit have in common.

- Look around, there are trees nearby, on their bark, can't you see? Or on the leaves? The clouds in the sky? Faces are literally everywhere, and when we came here, this was clearly not the case," the princess explains to her friend, pointing out the many random changes in the environment that were not random at all.

- Indeed. Amazing magic," Mei replied calmly, returning to her previous occupation of looking at the water surface of the lake.

- It's kind of creepy, I wouldn't want to see something like that at night. I feel like they're looking right at me. - with a little bit of fear, says Ty Lee. - How long do you think we have to wait?

- Until the faces disappear. We can only wait and hope," Misu replied with restraint. The squad began to wait.

The wait was extremely long and terribly agonising, especially for one mind that had been stripped of its body. The realisation that the fateful encounter was only seconds away was eating Yoara up inside. The others were much more relaxed about it. Their fates did not depend on the future meeting. Second by second, minute by minute, while the rest of the squad looked at the faces that appeared everywhere, Yoaru counted the seconds, not knowing where to put himself or how to get rid of the unbearable feeling of anticipation. He looked at the sky, the land, the water, and even the sun, but his thoughts... they wouldn't stop counting down the moments.

It went on like this until a cool breeze blew everyone around the lakeshore.

- What's that? Uh-oh!!! - Tai Li was the first to notice the change, pointing at the glowing lake with a variety of faces floating amongst the waters.

And it was as if the world itself had been waiting for this moment. The wind picked up, the light in the centre of the lake instantly became like the sun, gradually rising. All the witnesses of this miracle watched in silence as a monumental spirit woman rose from the water. It was her - the Mother of Faces. As she was described in books and scrolls. With a body made entirely of seaweed and water, with several faces on one head, each identical to the other, all glowing with an otherworldly white light. Her figure was enveloped in a mist in which floated various human faces, animal insects, and even other spirits. She towered above the humans, surpassing them in size.

- I am the Mother of Faces. Through me, separations come into this world. One becomes many. - In a calm voice the spirit spoke while those gathered on the lake shore stared in amazement at the creature that emerged from the lake. - Every season I walk through my forest, never straying from the path my she-wolf leads me. I am a generous and soft-hearted spirit. Each season I grant one human wish. A wish has been made, I am here to grant it. Azula, make your choice now," the spirit addresses the princess in a calm voice.

- Great spirit, there are two people among us who need your help. My wish is this: help them regain their appearance and body, - Azula immediately replied to the great spirit, while the others flapped their mouths in shock. Afterwards, the girl quietly whispered to Yoaru to be closer to Rafe, who was being supported by Misu on the other side, leading him to meet the Mother of Faces.

- Is that Yoaru? - With a hint of emotion, Mei whispered to Lee. Seeing the bluish figure of a man next to Azula.

- Do you see him? - The circus girl was even more surprised.

- 'I think so,' Mei returned her calmness, silently watching the two girls lead the two men towards the great spirit.

Bringing them both as close to the lake as possible, Misu gently removes the wooden mask from her brother's face.

After examining the faceless and disembodied man the great spirit calmly replied, -Okay...

The giant spirit hand lays down on the faceless man's face. - I can feel my son's energy. - She spoke with astonishment, and then from her forearms to her fingertips, her hand glowed with otherworldly energy. The man himself, for the first time in a long time, began to make some unintelligible sounds. - Find your former countenance! - With those words, the spirit hand released the confused man's head.

- Ah... Hello, sis," he smiled faintly, looking around dazedly.

- Rafa!

And while brother and sister cheered and hugged, the Mother of Faces fixed her gaze on Yoara. Both of her hands went to him, growing in size. The spirit wrapped its fingers around the entire body of the disembodied man, lifted him up and lowered him into the water. Suddenly the spirit shone like the sun. The light was so bright that everyone present covered their eyes, unable to look at what was happening. When the light disappeared, the figure of the Mother of Faces was already hidden in the waters of the lake, at the shore of which stood an unknown man with very long wavy hair the colour of the darkest night and eyes glowing with golden light. The unknown man stood waist-deep in the water and stared wide-eyed at his own hands.

- Yoaru?