Chapter 4: A Taste Of Her Lips

Inara stayed still, determined to abide by her words, even though his words were very demanding to her, "Yes, Young Master,"

"Get on the bed," he ordered. Inara hurried quickly to the bed and seated down. Alexander sat alongside her afterward; despite his increased want for blood, he wanted to be compassionate.

His cannies grew larger as he moved closer to her, and when they reached her delicate neck, they penetrated deep, forcing her to yelp in pain.

He digs deeper into her neck. Inara tried to draw his attention, but it fell on deaf ears, "Young Master, it hurts," she murmured terribly, tears eventually started running down her eyes, she held the duvet tightly, with shaking hands, her heart beats slowly.

"Stop, Young Master," she pleaded. Alexander felt he'd been too harsh on her, so he removed his cannies from her neck. Her face fell to the floor; she was so weak, but she didn't dare to utter it.

After returning to his human form, he turned to face her and inquired, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling so dizzy, I can't seems to….," Inara slumped onto his bed before she could say anything else. Alexander took a hard look at her before heading out of the room.

The next day, Forest stepped into Alexander's main room, having first gone to his chamber to make a decision about his presence.

"I did not find you in your room, and it was locked. Did you by…., "I'm dealing with something and don't think it's necessary to stay there. Is there any urgent information?" Alexander interrupted him briefly.

He wanted her to rest more, knowing he was too hard on her, till she passed out last night, "Your father sent you a letter," Forest remarked, handling a letter to Alexander, who unwrapped it with less care.

"Foolish idea," Alexander grumbled as he pinched the paper. Forest could tell from his rage that it wasn't just his marriage to the southern princess.

"I'll wait for her, then. Because she's so determined to marry me," Alexander muttered evilly, Forest merely nodded, "She'll be here soon; should I go and prepare her room?"

"You should know what to do, without being told," he concluded with scarsam, and Forest bowed and departed. His father urged him to marry her since her father gave something in exchange.

Suzyo, the expected princess, has finally arrived. They were treated to a welcoming breakfast feast. Alexander entered the dining room about a minute late. Suzyo wanted to sit next to him, but his threatening stare made her reconsider.

She reassured herself that she would soon have him. After all, they were an engaged couple. Alexander's father didn't even give him a glance, He doesn't care either.

Suddenly, a maid brought Inara in; she was apparently Suzyo's maid, "Sorry for the disturbance, but this servant tried to steal the lady's pendant!" she exclaimed, startling everyone in the hall, except Alexander.

The King turned his harsh eyes on Inara, "How dare you, a lowly servant, try to steal from a princess whose pendant costs more than a diamond? Guards, beat her to death!" he shouted, his voice harsh.

Two guards hurried in, preparing to lash her, when Inara's sight met Alexander's face, which bore an unfamiliar expression, "Young Master, believe me, I did not do it. I didn't, please trust me…," she urged, knowing he was most likely unhappy with her and didn't say anything.

And hoped he'd say something to defend her, but he didn't seem bothered. Suzyo grew enraged; who was she to address her soon-to-be husband in such a way?

After beating her 30 times, Alexander's father turned to Suzyo and asked, "How did you want to punish her?" Instead, she knelt in front of him and begged, "Please, Your Majesty. I want my pendant back; then I want her to do frog jumps till she bleed,"

The King instantly issued an order, but it was ignored by the icy, angry voice that rang in the air, "Who dares to?" Alexander spoke, and his father turned to face him furiously.

"Who are you to go against my orders?" he yelled, slamming the table in front of him, causing it to crash, "Aren't you looking for a favor from me? You should focus on achieving it rather than making me want to reject your proposition," Alexander remarked brutally, "If you touch a strand of her hair, I won't mind killing this so-called princess," which surprised Suzyo.

He had never acted possessively towards anyone before, and his speech contained a threatening tone. 

Alexander approached the weak Inara without warning, and the guards instantly walked out of his way, as his aura is highly hazardous.

Slowly, he crouched down to her level and held her in his arms, "Young Master?"

"Don't worry, Pet, I'm here now," he whispered quietly as he walked out of the dining room, leaving everyone speechless.

Inara woke up to find herself in her room, with a lady, presumably in her nineties, attending to her, "You're awake," the lady remarked, addressing Inara.

"Who are you?"

"I'm merely a servant of the Young Master assigned to look after you. How are you feeling right now? Has your pain decreased?" She inquired, "Feeling quite better, where is Young Master?" Inara inquired, searching for an explanation in her gaze, "He's gone to attend to an urgent problem. You were told to come over at night," the lady simply replied.

"I'll leave you to recover properly; ensure that you get enough rest because your wounds are still healing," she informed, then walked out of the room. Inara's thinking was worried; was her Master upset with her? Surely he is.

Alexander entered Suzyo's room, and she warmly welcomed him with her charming and adorable grin, "Greetings, Young Master,"

"I am merely here to speak with you. Don't think I'd accept your marriage proposal," Alexander stated coldly, sending a wave of pain through Suzyo's heart; she felt betrayed.

"But why can't you? Wasn't I a beautiful woman enough for Young Master?" She inquired with a distressed tone, "The marriage between us would be difficult; did you even get to know me well before deciding to marry? If I agree to marry you, that doesn't imply I won't harm you.

So, reconsider this marriage before I impose force on you,"

"I love you, Young Master. I truly do; why can't you love me? I am significantly superior to that servant in many ways. And…., "Enough!" Alexander remarked with firmness, "I'll accommodate you for today; leave immediately at dawn," he furiously walked away.

Suzyo burst into tears; why was it so difficult for him to love her as she did?

Later at night, Inara came into Alexander's room and noticed he wasn't in the living room. She tried to find him and eventually ended up in his restroom.

He was soaking in the jacuzzi tub, and fortunately for her, the draperies covered the entrance. When she realized she was in the wrong location, she turned backwards and apologized; "I'm sorry, Young Master. I'll leave immediately,"

Though Alexander was not closer to her, he definitely heard her confessions, so he turned to face her; seeing her uneasiness made him want to do more dirty things to make her uneasy.

He could see her shaking through the translucent drapes. 

She was about to move for the living room when his harsh voice made her pause, "I didn't say you could leave yet, Pet," Inara's eyes widened; she wasn't expecting this!

"Open your eyes," he said next, but Inara resisted. How could she when he was undoubtedly naked?

"I am sorry, Young Master. I can't; please excuse me…," her eyes opened naturally, and he was no longer nude. He had put his robe back on before exiting the jacuzzi tub.

"Oh! I apologize for disobeying you. I thought you were…, "Naked? Come over," he broke her off and headed to the living room, "Young Master, I didn't steal the pendant…, "I didn't say you did either, your pleas mean nothing,"

"Thank you. I believed you were furious with me, but it turns out my mind disagrees. I pledge to be a good Pet to you from now on, and I will never cause you difficulty again. People claim they are afraid of you, but I am not longer. 

Because you saved my life numerous times, even while the entire world turned its back on you. I will still be supporting you. I trust you with my entire life, and as you once mentioned, if someone offered me their head, I would only accept to be yours only.

Thank you, Young Master, for accepting me," She shouted and kneeled down in front of him.

Alexander was surprised by his little Pet; no one had ever admitted him to be a good man. But his small Pet proved them all wrong.

"Are you sure you can devote your entire life to me? You shouldn't make a poor option, otherwise you will be ensnared forever,"

"Yes. Isn't it worthwhile? You practically liberated me from marrying my bethrotes and from my aunt; what's left for me is to give you my entire life in exchange. 

I don't care if you're a monster in the eyes of others; to me, you're a life savior," Inara exclaimed triumphantly, her heart bursting with courage.

Silence fills the room for some minutes, "Can I comb your hair, Young Master?" She finally shattered the stillness that existed in the room.

Alexander moved over to the standing mirror and sat in front of it, while Inara stood behind the mirror, grabbing a comb from the table beside it.

She began combing his hair, which fit nicely in her palm. She turned to look at the mirror, and Alexander's image reflected on the glass, "Can I say something, Young Master?"

"Hm?" he murmured in answer, "You shouldn't pack your hair again, no matter what. If you did not pack your hair, it works great for you. It also enhances your physical appearance. Your future bride would love to have you as her spouse.

Your eyes are also stunning; it's a gift. Please appreciate it," Inara murmured; this was her first time looking at him straight in the eyes. And she enjoyed it, despite their strange characteristics.

"All done, Young Master," Inara said gleefully, dropping the comb on the table, to stand on her usual spot.

Alexander jumped up and moved to take a seat, but Inara pleaded, "Young Master, please wait a second!" Alexander moved his head toward her, waiting for her response.

But all she did was crash her lips into his cheek, leaving Alexander frozen and wide-eyed. After a minute, she pulled her lips away from his cheek and stared at him.

"What happened? You didn't like it, Young Master? My lips must have been so terrible," she whispered, her voice filled with pain.

Alexander felt his demon yearning to take control simply because of her affectionate kiss on his cheek.

"I guess I'll be leaving now. Goodnight, Young Master," Inara replied, turning to depart quickly.

Alexander was taken aback; she stated her lips felt dreadful on his cheek. But otherwise, his demon desired more than a peck-kiss. He wanted to pin her to the wall, kiss her passionately, and listen to her moans.

He couldn't tell her about these and instead let her leave. To his surprise, he heard her cries and her attempts to suppress her tears.

But why was he feeling softer towards her? He had grown to despise seeing her cry. Is she possibly a witch?