Uncontrollable Emotions

Milo's body shivered uncontrollably as Marcos desperately through small branches into the raging fire. He quickly bolted up, removing his own jacket and wrapping it around Milo.

The effects of the toxic mana hadn't yet left his system. The main potent mana that was residing in his core had been expelled, however the mana that was infected by the poison was still circulating his body.

Luckily for Milo, this wasn't enough to kill him … only put him in an immense amount of pain and force his body to act as if it was going through withdrawals.

It was a disgusting feeling that even Milo was repulsed by. The sense that his body for some reason was shutting down was nothing short of disastrous.

"See, this is why you shouldn't rush off", Marcos scolded.

Milo's lips twitched, "What …", he questioned, his features falling flat and voice deepening into a threatening tone.

"No I mean …".