New Meanings

Nestled inside of a small tent crafted entirely of wood and straw, the chieftain poured Milo and Marcos a small cup of monster blood and settled down opposite them.


After their initial meeting, the chieftain had begged Milo to come back with him, and each time Milo refused the chieftain seemed to put more pressure on him. It wasn't a case of revealing his identity, considering that even Marcos knew that, rather, he was threatening to leak the information about them to the courts.


That was something that absolutely could not be allowed to happen.


Milo pointed towards Marcos, "I should probably mention that he already knows about my past life, so don't hesitate chieftain".


Despite Milo's relaxed demeanour, he was struggling to comprehend the village, or lack of village for that matter. Aside from the few traditionally constructed tents, there weren't actually any other ice wolves beside from the chieftain and the pup around.