4 Intrusion of Dreams

Indeed, this is Liu Yang's dream!

A glimmer of certainty flashed in Zhang Yaoyang's eyes. Although it was a mysterious feeling, completely inexplicable, the familiar aura confirmed it: this was indeed his roommate, no doubt about it!

With that realization, Zhang Yaoyang turned back to look at another huge dream screen in the sky.

So, the other dream screen must belong to his other roommate, Li Jian, right?

A hint of excitement flickered in Zhang Yaoyang's expression as he instinctively reached out his hand, pressing it against Liu Yang's immense, boundless dream screen. However, he immediately felt resistance, along with a subtle sense of reluctance.

Though not strong, this resistance forced Zhang Yaoyang to retreat three or four steps before neutralizing the opposing force.

Resisting me?

After a moment of contemplation, Zhang Yaoyang quickly realized.

It seemed that the so-called dream screen was not just a passage to enter lucid dreams but also a defense mechanism against others entering one's inner world.

Zhang Yaoyang silently noted this piece of information, a hint of excitement flashing in his eyes. If his speculation was correct, according to the law of contradiction, since the dream screen had the ability to block others' intrusion, it meant there must be a way to invade someone else's dream world!

Zhang Yaoyang felt as though an unknown door was slowly opening to him. Before today, he only knew of one ability called lucid dreaming, but now he discovered that lucid dreaming actually held more possibilities—dream invasion, the very skill the technique referred to!

Squinting, Zhang Yaoyang once again placed his hand on the other's dream screen. Instantly, the resistance surged again, but this time, he was prepared. Instead of being repelled, he intensified his efforts, forcefully pressing his palm against Liu Yang's dream screen!

"I don't believe you can stop me. Dream invasion—activate!"


Just as the elasticity of the dream screen was suppressed to its limit, a sound resembling tearing fabric echoed. Then, Zhang Yaoyang couldn't contain the force of his body any longer and pierced straight through the dream screen!

The dream screen, breached!

In the moment of breaking through the dream screen, before Zhang Yaoyang could even feel surprised, he found himself in a vast city made of steel, with pitch-black clouds hovering overhead. With the chilling wind in the air, the clouds continuously morphed into various shapes.

"So, this is Liu Yang's kid's dream?"

Zhang Yaoyang exclaimed in amazement. Although he had already guessed the outcome, when all this incredible spectacle unfolded before him, he couldn't help but be deeply impressed!

As he slowly walked into the city, Zhang Yaoyang discovered the astonishing silence within. Apart from the chilling wind blowing from all directions, there was no sign of any life activity.

"If this is indeed Liu Yang's dream, then his dream avatar must still exist."

Zhang Yaoyang silently contemplated, but before he could react, suddenly everything in the world changed abruptly. The once clear steel city in front of him gradually became blurred and dispersed like smoke.

By the time Zhang Yaoyang came back to his senses, the surroundings had turned into a lush forest, with the sun shining brightly overhead, no longer cold as before.

This is... the transition of dream scenes?

Zhang Yaoyang thought again, realizing that if the dreamer's mind isn't focused, the dream scenes can easily change into something else.

The reason for these changes might be as simple as the dreamer's thoughts shifting from one thing to another, or it could be due to changes in the real environment. For example, if someone is sleeping in a warm bed, their dreams might reflect that warmth. If they dream of turning into a roast chicken or sunbathing in the summer, it's because of the influence of the real environment.

However, if the heat becomes uncomfortable, the person might toss and turn, kicking off the blanket. Feeling cold without the blanket, they might start dreaming of winter.

This is the reason for sudden changes in dreams; reality can influence dreams, and lack of focus can too.

But Zhang Yaoyang is different. For some reason, his dreams are absolutely stable. Compared to ordinary people, his dreams are full of details. Although they don't yet match reality, they far exceed the realism of ordinary dreams.

At this moment, Zhang Yaoyang looked into the woods. The trees looked real at first glance, but upon closer inspection, they seemed like illustrations cut from a book, lacking any detail.

This is the uniqueness of dreams.

As he continued walking, he soon heard laughter and joy ahead. Pushing aside the paper-like trees in front of him, he saw his roommate playing and frolicking with a fair-skinned, slender-legged beauty.

"Heh, this guy..." Zhang Yaoyang shook his head. Although the beauty was somewhat blurry, judging from her figure, wasn't she the acknowledged beauty of his class, Li Jiao?

Zhang Yaoyang chuckled to himself, realizing that his reserved roommate actually had a crush on this goddess.

Thinking this, Zhang Yaoyang's prankster side emerged. He quietly approached from behind Liu Yang. Although Li Jiao was facing Zhang Yaoyang directly, she couldn't see him at all, only playing with Liu Yang. It wasn't until he walked behind Liu Yang and gave him a hard pat on the shoulder!

"Wow!" Liu Yang exclaimed in surprise, quickly turning around. It was only then that Zhang Yaoyang realized, in the entire dream, only Liu Yang's figure was clear.

"Raven?" Liu Yang looked at him puzzled, still showing traces of surprise, "What are you doing here?"

"What do you think?" Zhang Yaoyang looked him up and down, "You sly guy, actually..." Before he could finish, Zhang Yaoyang suddenly stopped because he saw the surroundings change again, from the bird-filled forest to scenes from his own dormitory.

"I see, because of my appearance, your subconscious thought you were still in the dormitory?" Zhang Yaoyang said thoughtfully.

"Huh?" Liu Yang didn't notice the change in scenery at all. He turned around again, but by then, Li Jiao's figure had disappeared.

"Did you see Li Jiao?" Liu Yang asked anxiously.

With a disdainful roll of his eyes, Zhang Yaoyang suddenly had a bold idea. Lowering his voice, he said in a sinister tone, "She's already dead," pointing to the dormitory window behind Liu Yang. "She jumped straight from here."

"What!" Liu Yang was instantly shocked. He rushed to the window, leaning out halfway, but before he could see what was below, he felt a sudden push from behind, and he tumbled out the window from the sixth floor!


A scream echoed as Zhang Yaoyang barely had time to revel in his mischief before the entire sky and surroundings cracked open with thunderous sounds, dispersing like lightning!

"The dream is collapsing?"

Zhang Yaoyang looked at the sky incredulously. He hadn't expected the kid to be so easily frightened, merely dreaming of falling from a height and waking up in a panic.

As cracks spread around him, Zhang Yaoyang's heart raced, and he instinctively ran in the direction he came from. But before he could reach the edge of the dream screen, Liu Yang's dream shattered completely!


A piercing scream pierced Zhang Yaoyang's ears, and he felt a heavy blow to his head, as if someone had knocked him unconscious, returning him to reality!


The glaring light from the ceiling shone down, and Zhang Yaoyang shielded his eyes, sitting up in bed. He then saw Liu Yang standing drenched in sweat in the middle of the dormitory, his finger still on the light switch.

"What the hell are you screaming about in the middle of the night, not letting people sleep!"

Just then, an extremely angry voice came from Zhang Yaoyang's upper bunk, belonging to his roommate, Li Jian, who had returned to the dormitory at some point.

"I, I..." Liu Yang looked at Zhang Yaoyang, then at the furious Li Jian, panting heavily, his face pale as he finally stammered, "I just had a nightmare."