Karna X Draupadi X Duryodhan. 1

*3rd person pov*

This story is about Draupadi, Karna and Duryodhan, it started from when the pandavas lost there everything and Draupadi to Duryodhan.

Duryodhan has alot if ideas for Draupadi he can tell that she would enjoy his and his friend.

Draupadi as Pooja Sharma.

Karan as Aham Sharma.

Duryodhan as Arpit Ranka.


Draupadi was looking around seeing her husbands kneels down, they couldn't look her in her eyes. Draupadi felt everyone was looking at her with disguise.

"Draupadi you have two options, you can live with your husbands as a slave for everyone or you can stay will me I will take care of you"

Duryodhan said standing right behind her with his hand on her lower back, the moment he touched her body Draupadi felt a shock run through her.

She then turned around and was face to face with him. She has no idea why she was about to agree with him, maybe she just doesn't want to be with her husband anymore, or maybe she wants to be with Duryodhan but she couldn't care less.

Draupadi nodded her head a little agreeing with Duryodhan, he then pulled her out of that place and took her to another kingdom. While back in Histinapur the pandavas are now slaves working in the kingdom they once ruled.

Draupadi and Duryodhan were in a horses carriage sitting inside where no one can see what they were doing. How Duryodhan pulled Draupadi on his lap and was kissing her, while she was trying to push him away soon he gave up and pulled her hair.

"Why don't you understand Draupadi your now my slave trust me with me you will feel much better. Let me show you how a real men can make you feel."

He said as he was rubbing her pussy through the lehage, soon Draupadi didn't understand what came over her she gave up. Maybe because she was mad at her husband or maybe because she just needs this.

She was kissing Duryodhan when he ripped off her clothes and pushed her on the floor making her kneel "you will do as I say your mine now" saying that he pushed his dick in her holding her hair while fucking her mouth.

After a while he cums all over her face and pulled her up, and pushed her down on his dick causing Draupadi to scream in pain his dick was soo big, she placed her hand on his shoulder as she tried to take him whole.

"Relax I'm alone halfway in" Draupadi was shocked the fact that he is only half way in and she feels soo full. Soon Draupadi was jumping up and down on his dick while moaning and enjoying.

She wants to forget everything from her past her husbands who she never wanted to marry and how they sold her. She will accept this and enjoy her present even if it others think it's wrong.

Soon Draupadi cums again and again with non stop sex she was enjoying the new dick in her hole. When she felt his warm cum in her he finally stopped and pulled out of her after a while they wore there clothes and reached there destination.

She saw a beautiful kingdom with a big place as they were walking she saw him Karna the men she almost married.

Karna Duryodhan

What are you both doing there.

I won Draupadi she is now our and will do anything we say.

Really I don't trust you Duryodhan.

Draupadi take off your blouse and pinch with your nipples.

Draupadi didn't understand why she wanted to do that but she pulled her blouse off and was half naked in front of Karna and Duryodhan.

Then she was pinching and pulling her nipples moaning softly just then Duryodhan took one of her nipple in his mouth from behind and soon Karna took the other one in his mouth from front.

Both of them were biting and sucking her nipples causing her to moan, they wrapped there hands around her body while she did the same.

Soon there clothes were on the floor and they are sitting on the bed as Duryodhan was kissing her neck and shoulders, Karna was kissing her lips.

Karna pushed her on the bed and slowly pushed himself in her, he was even better than Duryodhan and Draupadi was enjoying it.

Then Duryodhan pushed his dick in her mouth, Draupadi was getting used in both her holes and was enjoying it.

Hours later Draupadi was laying on the bed covered in sweat and cum, her pussy was leaking cum and she had no idea whose. Then she felt someone's finger in her pussy moving in and out just then the same finger was in her mouth.

Taste the cum from your pussy.

She did as Karna said, then Duryodhan took a piece of clothes and tied her hands together above her head and her legs wide open.

They used her for hours enjoying each other, soon Draupadi was really tried she wanted to sleep but they didn't let her she would have Duryodhan in her red and swelling pussy while Karna was deep in her mouth.

They finally let her sleep then the next morning when Draupadi woke up she couldn't even move she was soo tried and her body was aching.

She noticed Karna's hand wrapped around her body was he was sleeping peacefully on her chest soon Draupadi gave up and fall asleep again.

After a while she felt warm oil on her body and felt like she was getting a message soon she forced herself and opened her eyes and saw Karna he was messaging her body.

"You must be tired Draupadi you should eat healthy or else it will be painful for you." Karna said message her inner thighs after a while he carried her to the bathroom and they were sitting in the tub together.

Draupadi was on Karna's lap while he was kissing her neck while they were taking soon Karna lost his control and "Draupadi tell me who do you want more me and Duryodhan or your husbands".

He said while rubbing Draupadi's hole, she couldn't care less about her husbands right now at this moment all she needs is Karna. After a few minutes he pushed her on the edge of the tub now half of her body was on dry land while her legs were in the water.

He pushed 3 of his fingers in her and asked her "tell me Draupadi, tell me what do you want me to do to you, tell me how do you want me to use your body"

He was asking her while bitting her nipples and moving his fingers in her hole. "I want you to bend me over the bathroom sink and fuck me in front of the mirror." She said while moaning and shocking herself she has never said anything like that before.

Then that's exactly what Karna did he pushed her by the mirror and was fucking her hole for behind. "Look Draupadi look at yourself, see how your enjoying another men in your hole".

He said moving in and out of her, then Draupadi open her eyes and saw as Karna's dick was moving in and out of her. Then she looks up and looked right into Karnas eyes, she was feeling shy so she was about to look away when Karna pulled her eyes making her look back at the mirror.
