The traitor heart

Heaven's left alone to deal with her insecurities and heartache.

She goes to the changing room and then her eyes fall on the mirror. The girl isn't her.

She doesn't know who it is. She was never this sad. Sure, she had her fair share of moments of sadness but never this lifeless.

Her eyes looked like they were tired, so tired that she was having difficulty keeping them open.

She tried to fake a smile but it looked weird, especially when her eyes looked devoid of any shine.

Her lipstick was smudged, her makeup was now decorated with white dots, and her hair looked really messy but it didn't seem bad.

She washes her face, the makeup is gone and then she realizes that she feels even worse.

With makeup, she looked different but without it, her face was bare and her face wasn't only hers. It was Nivea's as well.

It was more Nivea's than it will ever be hers.

"You are trying to steal him from me, why Heaven? You knew that I liked him yet you are after him, why? You said that you love me so why are you doing this to me? Why are you after your own sister's love?" Her reflection in the mirror says, It was Nivea.

"I am sorry, I never wanted this. I swear I backed off the moment he confessed that he likes you. I never looked at him in that way. I did everything I could to get him out of my mind. Please trust me," she begged herself, or more like to imaginary Nivea.

If anyone sees her now then they are going to mark her as crazy. Maybe she's crazy for doing all of these.

She still remembers that day when she lost the love of her life.

It was as clear as the day sky in her mind.


Heaven was grinning from ear to ear. She finally found the love of her life. He's her senior by a few years but it wasn't a big deal.

He's still around her age, after all.

He's a little distant and doesn't like talking much but he did save her earlier from a few guys who were trying to harass her.

She could have saved herself, she did earlier but having someone to help you wasn't that bad. She was really grateful to him.

Then like a gentleman, he offered to send her home. She was over the moon. She said ok.

Her home was a little away since she's living there with her sister and they couldn't afford to rent a luxurious house.

They found a cheap one a few miles away. To save up more money, she would go there by walking after studying or work.

On their way, he bought her iced coffee and despite her insisting on paying, he paid for it.

"If we meet again in the future then you can pay for it," he smiled kindly.

She felt for him more. Not because he bought her coffee with his money but because he made sure to keep the windows open and drove the car at a slow speed.

According to him, she doesn't have any reason to trust her and he wanted her to feel safe.

This thing touched her. Even while they were walking, he maintained a good distance from her.

Heaven was a little curvy despite having a lean body. And men would always try to touch her here and there.

They would always try to walk by her side, making sure to touch her body, and would place their hand on her waist or squeeze her butt.

She hated it. Sometimes she would fight them back but sometimes this thing would happen so fast that she won't be able to do anything.

Even some of her relatives would do this to her. She would never be able to say anything but as she grew older, she didn't meet them anymore.

They were better off gone.

Heaven smiled on her way, thinking about everything.

She stayed up the whole night writing a letter to him, confessing her feelings.

She would write one but then it would start looking not as good and she would cast it away, writing another one.

That's how the whole night went on. In the end, she finally found one she really liked.

With a shy smile, she took the dried rose and tied it with the letter.

She started moving to the place where he comes to play every day. But the scene before her breaks her heart.

He's on his knees, confessing his love to her own twin. Nivea was smiling.

She's happy because he's a really nice guy and she had heard about how he saved Heaven and was a gentleman to her.

"Would you be my girlfriend?" He said, Nivea smiled and Heaven's smile died down.

Nivea nodded her head in excitement, and Heaven's head went down in defeat.

He hugged Nivea while she was beaming with Happiness, Sadness engulfed Heaven while her heart was silently crying.

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Ever since I met you, I have always been happy. I always looked forward to living so that one day I can be with you. Thank you so much for existing. I wish you all the happiness of this whole world. Your happiness matters the most to me...."

These were the words she wrote in her letter with other things and for his happiness, she left him.

His happiness indeed matters the most to her.

With her broken heart, she burnt the letter, and the rose, and silently promised herself to never look at him again with love.

But the heart's a traitor. It wants what it wants.

Flashback ends.

She changed her clothes and was about to leave when her phone rang.

She's a little nervous because she doesn't know how to face the other person.

"Hello," she says nervously.

"Hello, sister. It has been such a long time, no?"