Little criminals

The night was spent in Serenity's car. It was a norm for them. Whenever they go out, they would talk to each other the whole night and end up sleeping in the car.

"Damn, my neck hurts, "Serenity groans.

"I told you to lie down in the backseat. Sitting the whole night is obviously not good," Heaven said, hiding the fact that her neck was hurting just as much.

"I wanted to sit with you. You should have slept there. I know that your neck is hurting as well and you are going to apply ointment as soon as you get home," Serenity said, moving her neck a little, trying to erase the pain.

That's how it has always been. Serenity's car was a modern one but it wasn't comfortable enough. It was really stylish but had very little space.

That's why every time they are out together at night, they insist on each other to sleep in the backseat so that they don't have to wake up with pain.

But both of them were equally stubborn. They would push the other to go but in the end, neither would them settle in the backseat.

It was like an unvocalized thing, if you suffer then I suffer with you because suffering together is what makes it more bearable.

"Get on the passenger seat, we are going to your house," Serenity said, starting the engine.

"But why my house?" Heaven confusedly asked while stepping on the passenger seat.

Heaven was never a good driver. The first time she tried, she almost got both of them into an accident.

They were saved somehow. Ever since then Serenity never let her step in the driver's seat.

"Enjoy your passenger princess treatment. You don't have to worry about driving. I still don't have any kids. I don't want to die," is what Serenity said when Heaven again insisted on driving.

Heaven didn't like simply sitting so she insisted on doing something. Despite knowing Heaven's poor sense of direction, Serenity let her be in charge of telling the direction.

And what happened was predictable but Serenity never thought that Heaven's sense of direction was this bad.

They were supposed to go to a different city for a girl's day and Heaven was supposed to tell her the directions.

Well, she did what she was supposed to but she told Serenity to turn left after leaving the road they were supposed to turn left about 30 minutes away.

And throughout the whole day, they were roaming in the wrong colonies. Serenity could sense that something was wrong when they didn't reach their desired destination after 7 hours when they were supposed to make it within 2 and a half hours.

"Heaven, give me the phone," she said and noticed that they were three cities away, instead of one.

She was about to scold Heaven when someone knocked on their car door and she looked up to see a police officer with a mad expression.

With a nervous laugh, she opens the window.

"Hello, officer, hope you are having a good day," Serenity said, trying to look charming but she was looking like a nervous little kid on their school's first day, trying to act cool.

"I was having a good day until you decided to shove your car in the restricted area," and only then, both girls looked ahead to see that the area was covered with 'restricted area, don't enter' posters and signs.

"Well, officer, we are extremely sorry for what we have done. We are not like this. This is the first and last time we have done something like this, that too unintentionally. We even look like girls who came from a good family, don't we?" Serenity offered him her most innocent smile and Heaven did the same.

But the officer was definitely a woman hater and very strict hence he asked them to show their driving license and ID card and 1 thousand dollars.

As soon as they heard the money range, both of their mouth was left wide open.

"Sir, even if you sell our organs, nobody would give you one thousand dollars. Please let us go. We promise to never commit the same mistake," They said together.

They were also worried because Serenity hadn't turned 18 yet and neither had Heaven.

They were both 17, almost 18 at that time.

Even this car was illegally bought by Serenity. A rebel and rule breaker is what she was.

"Cards and the money," the officer said, looking deadly serious.

Serenity looked at Heaven who nodded her head.

"Sir, do you know who we are?"


"Where we are from?"

"No," the officer replied with an irritated voice. He has had enough of them.

"Ok then, have a good day, sir," And Serenity ran away with the highest speed possible.

She looked in the mirror but nobody was following them yet she couldn't take any risk.

She drove the car at such a high speed that the road that they were about to cross in 7 hours took only 2.

Heaven was praying for her life.

"Dear lord, I know that I don't have many good deeds but when I die, do let me and my bestie get into Heaven. You know that we are pure and innocent by heart, right? Ameeenn," she was mentally praying.

As soon as they entered their city, Heaven changed the car number. It was an automatic system where the car number would change just by pressing a button.

They looked at each other and both of them started laughing like Hyenas.

"It was really fun, not going to lie. The rush I got by doing this."

It was a normal thing for Serenity and Heaven was used to this by now. Despite being so young, they were no less than most criminals.

It wasn't anything to be proud of, they knew but the whole system was so bad that they couldn't bring themselves to feel bad for doing this.

The police officer wanted to keep the money for himself and they couldn't just let him have the satisfaction.

And since that day, the only work Heaven was given was to choose songs on the radio.