The unexpected proposal

"Why did you come here today?" Heaven finally asked cause it wasn't every day when he would be here, especially in a sane state.

Her house was like a home for the drunk or broken Arrow and yet sane Arrow would never step in.

"I am here with a proposal," he clears his throat.

"What's that?"

"Be my fiance till Nivea is back," he says so simply that it seemed as if he was offering her chocolate but the weight and meaning behind his words were like a tight slap for Heaven.

When he said 'be my ' her heart stopped. The word fiance was more than enough to make her high on happiness but when he added till Nivea is back is when her heart broke completely.

That's what she was,a replacement. She was again reminded her worth in his eyes.

Earlier when he told her about the no kiss thing,her heart ended up blooming with so much hope.