"God bless her life."

"Don't leave without me. I will be back by 2 pm today. I am repeating again, don't leave without me. I also want to see my niece!" Aziyat said for the 100th time.

At this point everyone just wanted to stuff her mouth with something to shut her up because otherwise she would continue repeating the same thing like a parrot.

"I am going to kick you out if you don't stop blabbering the same thing over and over again," Serenity said with a glare. She couldn't sleep fully last night and the result could be seen on her face.

Aziyat had 10 alarms set to wake up yet the alarms woke everyone else expect her.

It's as if she was in a show called 'Let's wake everyone up expect myself.'

Serenity need to have her 8 hours sleep. She becomes grumpy even if it's 7 hours and 59 minutes and 59 seconds.

She needed exactly 8 hours if not more and today she got way less. Everyone was walking on eggshells around her.