He's not gay, sadly

"Guys am I looking perfect? Do you think she will hate me for my appearance or something?" Aziyat asked the same question for 100th time, making the others glare fiercely.

"If you don't stop asking this again and again then I am going to sew your lips with stapler," Serenity said, receiving weird looks from the others.

"Weird choice of weapon but tell me please. I don't want to scare her," she said in a small tone.

"You are not going to scare her away, sis. My daughter respects everyone equally. She's never going to think that a person is bad just because of their faith or appearance. Also, most of the things said online are rumors. You guys are honestly the sweetest people I have ever met," Heaven said in a soft tone, understanding Aziyat's dilemma.

People from different backgrounds,faiths, countries and races always had a hard time fitting in, not because they were different of anything but because people choose to see them differently.