Bananas and coughs

"Do you think that it will be enough?" Heaven asked, her hands were carrying a few dry leaves.

"Yes, more than enough actually," Aziz said while collecting dry sticks. They didn't thought that they would find a single dried leaf here since it was covered by snow most of the time but thankfully, there were more than a few.

"This should be enough to keep us warm for the night," Aziz said, keeping them in a side.

"This can't be too hard since they will rescue us within 24 hours and we can even call them whenever I want," Heaven said while taking a seat on the ground.

"There won't be any network during the night hence we will have to bear with it ourselves," Aziz said while sighing.

Had it been only himself, he would have enjoyed it. He usually does but this time Heaven was with him. He had to keep her safe no matter what.

It was getting colder with each second and soon, the clothes they are wearing won't be enough.