
Soon Destiny was feeling sleepy and they decided to cut the call.

"Let's go," Heaven said, scooping her in her arms.

She already had a spare key to their room, just in case. Accidents happen all the time and she couldn't wait for them to open the door first.

By the time they reached, Destiny had already fallen asleep. Heaven was now thinking how she was going to open the door Destiny in her arms.

Just then Aziz got out from the other room besides this one. The boys were staying there.

He saw her and then noticed the situation she was in.

"Need help?" He mouthed, careful enough not to wake Destiny up.

Heaven nodded her head enthusiastically. She was thanking her lucky stars for sending Aziz.

After closing the other door,he opened this one. The door wasn't locked and all he had to was twist the knob.

Aziz and Heaven both looked at each other, thinking about the same thing.