
The reflection in the mirror showed a woman Pa-ploy hardly recognized. Thanks to the skills of a professional makeup artist that Ploypang, her close and assertive friend, had arranged for her, Pa-ploy's ordinarily plain face was transformed into something strikingly beautiful.

Yet, it still wasn't as beautiful as she'd hoped.

What could she do? Pa-ploy told herself, as she had many times before, especially during the tumultuous past month when her life had turned upside down. She'd always known she wasn't beautiful and probably never would be, especially when compared to that woman—it was like they were worlds apart.

Did 'he' ever compare her to his ex-lover, a woman of stunning beauty? Confusion made Pa-ploy's thoughts race. There must've been some comparisons, but it didn't matter now. He'd chosen to marry her, so he'd have to accept her as she was.

But what if he couldn't truly accept her and only pretended because of 'that incident'?

Pa-ploy shook her head vigorously as if to cast out those distracting thoughts. Her action startled someone pushing the door open, who exclaimed loudly,

"Oh, Puen, shake your head like that, and the flowers will fall right off!"

The voice came from 'Ploypang,' Pa-ploy's best friend from high school. It was a coincidence that both their real names contained 'Ploy.' Moreover, 'Puen' was also Pa-ploy's nickname. During their school days, to differentiate between them—since there were five girls named 'Ploy' in the same class—they were teasingly called 'Phra Puen and Phra Pang,' after characters from the Thai literature 'Lilit Phra Lo[1]'. Because they were so close, Pa-ploy was the only one who called Ploypang 'Pang.'

Pa-ploy was about to shake her head in denial, but remembering the other's comment about the flowers, she instead replied,

"It's nothing. Just had something on my mind."

The other raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

"Still can't make up your mind? How about this—if you're still hesitant, we can swap outfits, and I'll be the bride instead. Or we could enter the bridal chamber together, true to the name 'Pra Phuen Pra Pang.' I don't mind at all."

Pa-ploy grimaced while the makeup artist, a man with a woman's soul, laughed heartily.

"Oh my, or you could just let me take over, darling. I'd be more than happy to step in for the makeup fee. Such a handsome and delectable groom you have."

Ploypang laughed, but seeing her friend's slightly embarrassed expression, she swiftly changed the subject.

"Don't tease her too much, Dan. She mightn't be as quick to keep up with your joke, but you've done a stellar job with the makeup, as always. Truly skilled."

"Please don't think I'm over-flattering you, dear. But you see, your friend is quite the beauty—delicate skin, every feature lovely. No wonder she managed to snag Kram amidst all the girls vying for his attention. He's real hot, so there are girls all around him."

"That's true," Ploypang nodded. "My friend is beautiful. She just doesn't wear much makeup. I bet the groom will be thrilled when he sees her."

"And how did you two fall in love?" the makeup artist inquired with interest. "I've never heard any news about it before. Was it a quiet relationship without a public announcement?"

Pa-ploy scowled slightly, and Ploypang glanced at her friend before answering on her behalf.

"We were classmates with Kram before. When we met again, it didn't take long before he proposed to my friend. It was quite sudden."

"Oh my, that's scream-worthy! You're so lucky, dear. I'm green with envy."

"It's almost time for the ceremony." Ploypang pretended to check her watch. Still, her main goal was to steer the conversation elsewhere. "Let's hurry and get ready. The groom should be arriving soon. Here, Dan, this is your payment. Thank you so much for taking care of everything." She handed over an envelope with the payment to the other, who accepted it with a cheerful smile.

"It's been a pleasure, dear Ploypang. Don't forget about me for your future events. I'll make you just as beautiful. Good luck, bride, and give the groom a kiss for me, will you?"

It wasn't until the makeup artist left the room that Pa-ploy finally asked in a soft voice,

"Do I really look beautiful, Pang? Or was she just being polite?"

"Oh Puen," Ploypang grabbed her by the shoulders, turning her to face the large mirror in the hotel room. "Look at that. You're stunningly gorgeous. And please put on a happy face. With the man of your dreams like Kram, why do you look like you were forced into this marriage? If it were me, I'd be grinning from ear to ear. And Kram, he seems so nonchalant. Maybe he's used to acting as a groom so often that he's got it down pat."

"I feel really, really so much more confident now," Pa-ploy said sarcastically.

"Come on, girl, I'm excited enough for the both of us. I'm dying to know if you'll survive tonight. If it gets too much, just give me a signal, okay? I really want to know how sexy Kram can be."

Pa-ploy's eyes widened at her friend's half-joking, half-serious words, her heart pounding at… how sexy Kram could be.

"Oh my, you're blushing," Ploypang giggled. "See, you are nervous. How will it turn out, heads or tails? Call me tomorrow to spill the beans, I want to know."

"That's enough," Pa-ploy prepared her retort just as a knock sounded at the door, causing her heart to race even more at the thought of who stood there.

Had the moment finally arrived?

While Ploypang went to open the door, she took the opportunity to gather her courage and maintain a composed expression despite the turmoil inside her.

Everything will be fined, she reminded herself.

The door finally opened, and there stood her groom, striking in a perfectly fitted black tuxedo. He looked even more dashing than she remembered. His long, almond-shaped eyes, which she so admired, sparkled with profound depth, and his beautifully chiseled lips revealed a faint, charming smile.

The sight made her heart beat even faster, so she had to dig her fingernails into her palm to bring herself back to reality.

Pa-ploy locked eyes with him and found that, as usual, he was looking back at her with a playful twinkle. He flashed her a bright, cheerful smile when he noticed her attention.

"Ready, bride-to-be?" His strong, slender hand extended before her. Pa-ploy felt her breath hitch for a moment, but then she gathered her courage, and her hand slowly came to rest in his.

Her small hand seemed to disappear within his larger one. He squeezed her hand firmly as if to reinforce the reality of the moment, ensuring her that this wasn't a dream or an illusion.

That touch summoned strength within her, steadying Pa-ploy's every step. Even though there was hesitation and confusion swirling within her, she reminded herself that she'd chosen this path, that she'd walked it willingly, and that she shouldn't hesitate any longer. She was an adult now, no longer a naive teenage girl, and she was now a woman who knew what she wanted and was ready to do whatever it took to get it.

Even if what she got was imperfect or incomplete, she still "got it," didn't she?

"I wanted to tell you that life is short. If you love someone, you must be brave enough to tell them. Love is precious and rare, and if you can embrace it, make the most of that happiness. Don't be so prideful, thinking it's okay that you can manage until you let love slip away. I don't want you to end up regretting it later."

The farewell words from her mother, spoken just a few months before her passing, remained vivid in her memory. On her wedding day, Pa-ploy couldn't help but recall her mother. Wherever she was, Pa-ploy believed that her mother would surely be rooting for her happiness, especially if she knew how Pa-ploy felt about the man, who was now her groom, standing beside her.

Pa-ploy couldn't help but glance at him, the strikingly handsome man who stood out from the crowd. He was both a familiar face and a stranger, the one she'd sneakily observed from afar since their high school days... Yet, it was only recently that they had the chance to truly get close, a brief period that led to their wedding today.

"The auspicious moment to step out of the room is approaching. The bride and groom, be ready," Ploypang's voice rang out, abruptly interrupting Pa-ploy's thoughts.

Their eyes met again, and as his hand firmly squeezed hers, he stepped forward to lead the way.

Pa-ploy followed him, in step with the clock striking nine-nineteen, the auspicious time chosen for their matrimonial ceremony.


A month earlier...


[1] Lilit Phra Lo is a Thai narrative poem believed to have been composed around 1350-1569 AD.