Chapter 2


I greeted as I walked up to stand in front of my locker, but the other person didn't respond. He just used those light brown eyes to look at me head to toe before turning back to undressing his clothes.

Who's pissed this guy off again?

The look he gave me was still cold. It seemed to be true when people said, 'The second-placed Moon this year is fiercer than a Rottweiler,' 

Whatever! It was fine if he didn't respond. There was no need to care.

I turned to open my locker and neatly stored my things, grabbing my student uniform to put on. But the rustling sound of someone undressing next to me was so compelling that I couldn't help but sneak a glance, surveying his body.

His skin was a fine tan, muscles well-defined, a rugged and sexy physique that could make one die of envy. He was taller than me, too. He looked a bit too cold but a pretty interesting guy. Maybe I should try greeting him properly one more time. Perhaps I could make an excellent new friend.

"How's it going? Haven't seen you in a while," I tried asking him with a friendly smile.

"Yeah," Kong replied flatly without even looking at me. My friendly smile quickly faded to a forced one.

Why did this guy have to be so cold!?

"Remember the competition? That was exciting, wasn't it?" I blurted out, unable to think of anything else to talk about, bringing up the Moon and Star contest. At least the person next to me had experienced the same feelings as I had.

"Back then, you played the guitar so well. I thought you were going to win."

I genuinely meant it. I'd never seen anyone look so cool playing a solo guitar before. And when he answered the question about using social media nowadays, his response was excellent, earning a thunderous applause.

However, this tall guy just sighed heavily and replied, "Really?"

That sounded somehow sarcastic.

"Yeah, I mean, I didn't really want to compete, and I didn't do too well answering the question. I don't know how I won," I said, drying my hair.

"Hmph! You don't know how you won? Don't play dumb,"

"Huh!? Uh... what did you say?" I asked again, thinking that I might've misheard it.


"I said don't play dumb," Kong snapped back at me as he slammed his locker shut with a loud bang!

This guy must have some serious socializing issues.

"What's your deal?" I tried to suppress the irritation bubbling up inside. Why was he being so rude when we'd never had any beef before? It seemed totally unreasonable.

Kong smirked, looking anything but friendly, but I bet others would find it sexy and alluring. He took advantage of my momentary distraction to push me against the locker, placing his hands on it as if to trap me there. I wasn't even fully dressed, just in my unzipped student trousers and underwear, while the guy in front of me only had his boxer briefs on.

This was inappropriate. Very provocative.

"You're annoying," He muttered, but why was he moving his face closer? We were almost close enough to feel each other's breath now!

Confused, I looked down, and as I tried to lift my face to ask what he wanted from me, I had to keep my mouth shut with a strange feeling in my chest.

This guy... had incredibly gorgeous eyes!

"You really don't know how you managed to win?" Kong said, patting my cheeks back and forth with his left hand as if taunting me.

"What... what are you doing? Back off," I tried to push him away with my hands, but he grabbed both of my shoulders and shoved me against the locker again.

"That hurts!" I cried out and kicked at his shin, but Kong stood unflinching. Anyone else would have been down on the floor clutching their leg already. What kind of person had such strong shins!?

I swallowed hard as Kong clenched his jaw so hard that his muscles were taut. Suddenly, a strange noise sounded above our heads. Without intention to, we both looked up at the same time.

"Crap!" I cried out, startled, when I saw a chipped bowling ball perched precariously on top of the locker, rolling around as if it were about to tumble down due to the locker's vibrations. And in a fraction of a second, it did fall, crashing to the ground with a resounding thud. I flinched, my eyes squeezed shut, a mix of fear and shock seizing me. But when the rolling sound stopped, I realized my position had changed—Kong had wrapped his arms tightly around me, his left hand cradling my head.

My mind was in disarray, unsure if it was because of the unexpected incident or those light-brown eyes staring into mine. If I tilted my head up even a degree, our noses would surely touch.

"Thank you," I said softly. Kong stepped back, looking a bit confused, before picking up his things and disappearing into the shower room, leaving me standing there with the black bowling ball.

And a heart that skipped a beat...




Flashes blinked intermittently inside the well-arranged and decorated studio set up for the charity calendar photo shoot. I stood smiling next to Pang, who was seated on a plush red velvet sofa. We had posed and changed into various outfits. During a break, I couldn't help but sigh because modeling was exhausting. The photographer kept commanding me to run, jump, and hold poses. Plus, I wasn't quite myself during this shoot.

All because of the boyfriend of Pang, my modeling partner.

"Annie said we're done with another set. Are you holding up okay, Pang?" I offered a refreshing towel to this gorgeous girl after seeing her wave her hand around her neck to cool down before the crew came in to attend to our wardrobe and makeup.

"I'm okay. You're so attentive. It's cute," Pang said, reaching out to gently stroke my cheek. When we were still seeing each other, Pang and I were familiar with playful touches like this. But now that she had chosen to be with Kong, I just gave her a faint smile and slightly shifted away to maintain some distance.

Her expression dimmed, but before she could say anything more, Annie, a member of the Moon and Star contest crew who managed everything in this calendar shoot, called out to us.

"Hey, our Moon and Star, please save the lovey-dovey stuff until after the work is done. People around here are getting jealous."

"It's not like that," I said. I wanted to respect Pang, but she snorted and sneakily rubbed the back of my thigh, a body language that was quite inappropriate, leaving me unsure how to react.

"Oh, I thought we'd get to witness the phenomenon of a Moon getting together with a Star this year," Annie said with a hint of disappointment. "Let's continue shooting so we can go out and celebrate, kids."

At that time, it seemed like everyone at the university anticipated this Moon getting together with a Star thing. But I didn't think of Pang as anything more than a sweet, friendly girl. Even though Sunsun suggested I try talking to her, which I did, leading to a date. But as time passed, I realized nothing more could develop between us. Pang probably felt the same because she decided to be with Kong after that.

Sigh... Why did I talk about this guy again!?



After the photo shoot, Annie volunteered to treat the whole crew to dinner. So, I found myself sitting in a shabu place near the studio. It was decorated with vintage-style clear glass and filled with cute knick-knacks. If I hadn't noticed the sign out front, I would have thought it was a coffee shop. The menu offered a wide selection, and I greatly enjoyed the meal. Before I knew it, it was almost nine p.m.

"In a bit, the rest of us will continue at karaoke. Pat, Pang, do you two want to come along?"

"Thank you, but I can't go tonight. You guys go ahead," I replied to Annie.

"Me too. My dad just called to tell me to go home."

"Oh, okay. And how are you getting home, Pang?"

"I'll probably take a taxi," Pang answered. Annie put her hand on her chest before turning to me.

"Oh no, we can't let a pretty girl take a taxi alone late at night."

I agreed with Annie on that. Plus, the clothes Pang was wearing were a bit concerning. She wore a light blue short dress with spaghetti straps tied over both shoulders. A single pull could probably undo it all.

"Pat, could you please take Pang home?" Annie said.

"Uh... sure," I replied with a smile, though I wasn't entirely sure. In the past, I would have volunteered right away, but now she had a boyfriend. Why didn't she ask Kong to pick her up? Oh... but if he came to get Pang, I'd have to see him again.

"That'd be great. Are you okay, Pat? You look a bit pale. Or do you not want to take Pang home?"

Pang raised her hand to my forehead as if to check my temperature.

"It's not that... it's just..." I stammered.

Back when we were dating, I often took Pang home. But right now, I was hesitating, worried that if I took her home, Kong might come punch me in the face. And then there was that incident in the shower room, too. I wouldn't know how to face him if I ran into him now.

"That's settled then. Annie, we'll head out first," Pang said, putting her hands together to gesture Wai to the senior before gently pulling my arm. I had no choice but to stand up and follow.

Aw... I hadn't even tried the dessert yet. I heard this place made really delicious fresh milk pudding.



"You're still the same. You haven't changed a bit," Pang said after she got into my car.

"In what way?" I asked.

"In every way. Can you help me with the seatbelt? I don't have a free hand," she smiled, showing me the drink in her hand. Without making a big deal out of it, I reached over with my right hand to pull her seatbelt. But suddenly, Pang pulled my face towards hers and kissed my cheek softly before letting go with a sweet smile.

"Got you," she said, giggling.

"Y... your boyfriend might see." I stammered, using my thumb to wipe away the strawberry-flavored lip gloss from my face. Thank goodness it was just my cheek. Because if Pang had pulled me into a kiss on the lips, that would have been a disaster.

"What boyfriend? I don't have one." She said.

I furrowed my brows at the girl's response. She gently squeezed my cheeks with both hands before clarifying, "I already broke up with Kong."



After dropping Pang off at her house and receiving two more stealthy pecks on the cheek, it was time for me to head back to my place.

My house, a symbol of social status to some, might be called a mansion by others. But to me, it was just an oversized, empty, and ostentatious structure, too grand to be considered a home. I drove around the large fountain with its imported marble sculpture at the center, then parked in front of the grand entrance.

"Mister Pat, have you eaten yet? I've prepared a lot of food," said Nanny Thim, the wet nurse who'd looked after me since childhood. She greeted me with her usual cheerful demeanor, though it seemed a bit forced this time.

"I've already eaten. I'll just shower and go to bed," I replied with a smile, handing the car keys to a house staff before ascending the stairs. Then, turning to Nanny Thim, I asked, "Am I the only one who's home?"

"Master Pachara has returned as well, but... um... right now..." Nanny Thim looked uncomfortable, which explained her earlier awkwardly forced expression.

If I had to guess, it was because...

"Mister Din is here too, isn't he?"

"Yes, he's upstairs with Master. They've been here since six o'clock," Nanny Thim replied softly.

"Oh, never mind then. I'm going to bed," I said, smiling again as I walked up to my room. After showering and changing into my pajamas, I collapsed onto the soft bed. Before I could drift off to sleep, there was a knock at the door.


I called out, still snuggled under the warm blankets, hugging my favorite pillow tightly.

"Son, it's me."

Hearing the response, I raised my eyebrows in surprise and got up from the bed.

A forty-two-year-old man, still looking youthful, stood with his arms crossed and a smile on his face when I opened the door to greet him. My dad was a renowned engineer who'd turned into a businessman. Our family's business operated both domestically and internationally, primarily focusing on department stores and hotels. My dad was incredibly talented. Even though he always said that he hated administrative work, he managed to grow the business to where it was today. I was proud to be his only son. However, what bothered me was that he had a tall, slender, fair-skinned close friend with delicate features standing behind him.

"Come greet Uncle Din," My dad said.

I pressed my lips together before quickly raising my hand to gesture a respectful Wai and offering a polite smile.

"Uncle Din has brought a lot of gifts for you, Pat. I'll have someone bring them from my office,"

"It's okay, Dad. We can do it tomorrow. Please take Uncle Din to rest," I replied, deflecting. My eyes glanced at the man beside my dad. It seemed like Uncle Din tried to smile at me for a moment.

That smile made me feel sick every time I saw it!

"Uncle Din has been saying he really wanted to see you. As soon as we got home, he kept asking for you," My dad mentioned.

"Okay," I responded, feeling that was my best answer.

"Well, I'm off then. Goodnight, Son," my dad said, probably aware that our conversation couldn't go any further. I watched the backs of the two men until they were out of sight, then closed my door and walked back to sit on my bed.

To an outsider, my life might seem perfect. My parents loved me more than anything. But the one thing that made me feel suffocated living in this family was that everyone tried to deny reality for the sake of perfection. Because the truth was that... nobody was perfect.

'Umm, that's right, baby.'


The voice and the sudden, jumbled images that appeared in my head without warning made me cover my mouth. I tried holding back the liquid that surged up to my throat before deciding to run to the restroom and let it out into the toilet.



"Hey, you F4 gang!"

'Yok,' the young man with a nerdy look but a personality that was quite the opposite called out to our group after the professor dismissed the class.

The F4 he used to refer to us wasn't derived from the legendary girl comic 'Boys Over Flowers,' but rather from 'Fucking Handsome Men.' It wasn't a self-proclaimed title. It was from Yok and friends in our faculty who came up with it.

"What's up, dude?" I turned to reply. I wouldn't use 'dude' if we weren't close.

"Well, we're going for a Thai Barbecue, so we thought we'd invite you guys. You're in?" Thai Barbecue, huh? Sounded interesting. Usually, we'd end up eating at a buffet place at a mall, not often getting to enjoy the kind of Barbecue Yok was talking about.

"Yeah, sounds good. Which place?" Chekov asked.

"It's called Sea Beach, the one that's just opened. I've read the reviews, and they say the seafood is really fresh."

"We're in," Sunsun nodded vigorously, his bright blonde hair bouncing. Just hearing the word 'seafood' got him all excited. It was his favorite, after all.

"Pat, you're coming, too, right?" The blonde-haired rabbit nudged me with his shoulder.

"Could I say no? You already told Yok we're going," I said, pinching Sunsun's cheek playfully.

This guy always agreed without asking the rest of us.

"Alright, alright, let's just go. I'm starving."

Tylor, who was always laid-back about where to go, spoke up while pulling my hand away from the soft cheek of our little friend.