Chapter 7

"You don't have to go, don't meddle where you're not needed." Kong refused with a firm voice, not missing a chance to scold me again.

"What if I am? I have to be there just in case you faint again, so that I can help you in time without bothering other people there." I pretended not to hear him and promptly stood up from the table, grabbed his large hand, and led him upstairs. Kong tried to pull his hand away several times, but did he really think I'd let go that easily?

"Choose any room you want," I asked the person standing behind me with a scowl face.

"What room?" Kong retorted, his eyes scanning every guest bedroom door. It was hard to tell what was on his mind.

"Your bedroom for tonight."

"I'm not sleeping here. My shift ends at midnight, but it'll be almost two in the morning by the time I finish cleaning and closing the restaurant. I'm going home," he raised his voice at me, but instead of being discouraged, I wanted to tease him even more.

"No, it's lonely being here alone," I said as I opened the nearest door and pushed his large frame into the Victorian-styled bedroom.

"Go take a shower and get dressed. There's a wardrobe in there. I'll be right back and see you at eight." I decided on everything without giving him a chance to argue. Before closing the door, I pointed at his sharp, handsome face, "Don't dawdle, or I'll bathe and dress you up myself."


Kong looked bewildered. Meanwhile, I started feeling embarrassed, so I gave a dry smile, closed the door, and ran back to my room with a heart beating erratically. Glancing at the clock, I saw the short hand pointing at seven and the long hand about to hit four, so I quickly stepped into the shower to get dressed as fast as possible.

Right now, I was standing in a full-denim outfit. On top, I'd got a dark denim jacket layered over a gray hoodie. My slim-fit jeans were a matching shade, and I'd topped it off with a pair of Timberland boots. I just threw them on in a hurry, but overall, I thought it looked pretty good. Then, I grabbed my favorite Baccarat cologne and gave myself a quick spritz. Noticing it was almost 8 p.m., I headed over to find Kong, wondering if the guy was still there. But after a few knocks, the door swung open, and Kong looked annoyed and still in his bathrobe. I sneaked a glance at his tanned chest for a moment before asking,

"Why aren't you dressed yet?"

He couldn't blame me if he were late for work.

"There're no clothes to wear," he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck while I raised an eyebrow.

"They're in the dressing room," I pointed out.

Kong clicked his tongue before saying, "Come look at this," grabbed my hand, and dragged me towards the dressing room.

"I work at a bar restaurant in the suburb, not some five-star hotel downtown."

With that, Kong flung open the doors of a large wooden wardrobe, revealing a jumble of suits and evening wear hanging inside. Thankfully, there were some pajamas, too. I forced a smile, noting to myself that I'd have to fill this wardrobe with more casual outfits later.

"Uh... wearing a suit would be cool. Change the mood a bit, you know." I suggested, trying to lighten the mood. Kong tapped his right index finger on his left wrist as if to say, 'I'm not playing around, and I'm in a hurry. If I'm late, it's because of you.' I could tell by the stern look in his eyes.

"You can wear my clothes. There's no need to make a big deal out of it. Hurry up and follow me." I took his large hand and led him back to my room. This time, he didn't resist. The guy might've gotten used to it now. Once we were in my room, I hauled out a selection of clothes I thought Kong could fit into and laid them out in the dressing room. I beckoned him to come in and choose for himself. He was a bit bigger than me, so our sizes shouldn't be too different.

"I'll put your wallet and phone here," I said, placing his belongings on the glass cabinet used for storing my watches and accessories. Kong nodded in acknowledgment.

But as I was leisurely looking around the room, Kong asked, "Why are you still standing here?"

"I'm waiting for you," I replied.

"But I need to get dressed."

Kong used the stern look in his brown eyes as a clear message to tell me to leave without needing further words. I flashed an awkward smile before reluctantly (?) excusing myself.

While reading a car magazine in the lounge, Nanny Thim brought Kong's clothes. So, I had to go back to him and saw that the tall guy was perfectly dressed in a dark blue T-shirt and black Balmain jeans, which were too loose for me to wear. However, these clothes fit him perfectly.

"You're staring too much," he said as he grabbed his black leather jacket from my hands and put it on. Every move he made was effortlessly cool, without any need for pretense—his gaze, his words, his demeanor, it was all perfect.

I understood then why everyone still saw him as such an attractive man, even if his personality was quite the opposite.

"Where's my motorbike key?"

"With me," I said, leading this tall guy towards the garage.

"Give it to me."

I shook my head and replied, "You're going with me," and headed straight to the garage door connected to the house. Inside, various cars of different makes and models were neatly parked. The ones we used often were easily accessible, while the less frequently used ones were either displayed in a glass room or stacked on top using our two-story car lift.

My dad and I shared a taste for cars. On days off, we liked to spend time here together.

"Your motorbike's over there, don't worry," I pointed to the motorcycle parking area where Kong's beloved black CBR was surrounded by a gleaming silver Harley and my flashy red Ducati.

"Let's go, or we'll be late," I urged, pulling his wrist to follow me into a sports car, but he resisted.

"No, I'm taking my motorbike."

"Come on, get in. You're gonna end up crashing at my place anyway."

"I'm not riding in that weird-looking car. It's claustrophobic."

Damn you, Kong! How dare you disgrace my son like that? He's very handsome, and I just took him to get his tires changed. Calling him that is very insulting!

"No way I'm letting you ride your motorbike now. What if you faint again?" I grumbled to myself but tried to reason with him instead.

"You care about me that much?"

Kong's tone softened, so I nodded and replied, "I brought you here, so it's my responsibility to make sure that you're okay. I'll feel terrible if I don't take good care of you. So please, don't argue with me."



"Ugh, so annoying. Do whatever you want!"

I grinned broadly. Even though he agreed reluctantly, I considered it a win for me. Ha!

"Now get in the car," I said, hurrying to the driver's side. But before I settled into my seat, I noticed Kong's gaze fixed unblinkingly on this big boy, black Hummer H3 parked nearby.

Actually, my dad bought the Hummer just for show. We hardly ever drove it because it was too big and bulky, and parking it anywhere was a hassle. But with its standout looks and spacious interior, I felt manly and handsome every time I rode in it. It was actually quite suitable for Kong.

"You like it?"

"Mm, it's nice," he replied curtly before opening my car door. That's when a good idea struck me.

"Do you want to drive it?"

Kong paused before shaking his head no. He didn't know I'd caught the sparkle in those beautiful brown eyes. I exited the car and went to the glass room to fetch the well-kept Hummer key from the safe. Then I walked back out and handed it to the tall guy.

"Here... take it for a spin."

"You're just gonna let a stranger drive your expensive car like this? If I crash it, I'm not taking any responsibility, you know," he threatened, but did he really think such a trivial threat would scare me?

"Whatever, I can handle it. Both the car... and the driver."

I replied confidently, a smirk tugging at the corner of my mouth. Kong suddenly became awkward in a way I'd never seen before, even turning to look away, avoiding to meet my eyes.

Don't forget... I'm a guy too, you know. When it comes to wit, I'm second to none. :)



"Damn, Kong drove up in such a fancy car today!" a guy teased as we entered the restaurant. We almost didn't make it on time because the traffic was so bad. I'd forgotten just how bulky that Hammer was. It couldn't weave through traffic like a sports car. Kong, who was at the wheel, had to drive slowly and patiently. As soon as we arrived, he tossed the car key to me and dashed into the place ahead of me.

"It's a friend's car."

Did he just call me his friend? Did I hear that right!?

"This is Jo, and that's Pat," Kong pointed out to introduce us. I gestured my hand to Wai the man he called Jo.

Jo wasn't very tall, with a build typical of a Thai man and a thick beard. Instead of looking fierce, he had a good-natured charm and the appeal of a mature man. Judging by his looks, he couldn't be over thirty-five.

"Yeah, yeah, handsome, rich, well-groomed, from a good family. Tell me, why on earth are you hanging out with Kong?"

Man, how was I supposed to respond with a question like that? I turned to Kong for some help, but he just glared at me. Well, I might as well play along and tease the grumpy guy a bit.

"I was lured into it."

"Figured. A guy like him getting a friend like you would never be the usual way, haha!" Jo laughed unabashedly.

"Hmph!" Kong snorted and strutted away, leaving me behind. I was going to follow, but seeing that he went to the back of the restaurant, I figured he was off to prepare for work. So, I stayed and chatted with Jo, learning that he was Kong's senior's senior's senior. His main job was running an architectural firm, and his side gig was this restaurant with live music and delicious booze (as he put it).

"He's a good guy, even if he likes to act like an ass and talks bluntly like he's asking for a slap. But really, he's harmless. Try to understand him, will you?"


"But normally, aside from his friends in the faculty, Kong doesn't really bring anyone to the restaurant," Jo said, stroking his chin thoughtfully. I could only respond with a smile, knowing full well that if I hadn't taken his key, he wouldn't have brought me here.

"But still, he brought you here. I'd say there must be something special..."

"Jo! When do we start?" Before Jo could finish his sentence, Kong shouted aloud, suddenly reappearing out of nowhere, startling Jo and me.

"Yeah, right, you guys are up when Nan is off the stage," Jo said. However, the tall man shifted his gaze between me and the place owner, squinting slightly as if he knew he was being gossiped about. Jo then cut the conversation short and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, guiding me to a nice seat in the restaurant.

"It's good that you're friends with Kong. I like you, man. Come on. I'll treat you to a drink. Anyway, your face looks familiar. I feel like I've seen you somewhere before."

Jo leaned in closer to get a better look at my face.

He probably remembered me from three years ago when I was a national swimmer who won an Olympic gold medal, which gave me a bit of TV exposure. He probably recognized me from there. But before I could explain, Kong called out to Jo again, this time complaining about a fan not working correctly, so Jo had to leave me to fix the fan. If Kong hadn't mentioned Jo being the restaurant owner, I'd have thought Kong owned the place instead!