Nightmare God

In the vast expanse of deep space, where the darkness knows no end, a colossal Space Battleship that can carry tens of thousands materialized, rupturing the void with its imposing presence. Hot on its trail, a swarm of thousands of smaller Frigates emerged from the void, converging upon the battleship, swarming around it like angry hornets with pulse laser weapons charged and ready for battle.

As the massive Battleship emerged from the Space warp, its sleek hull gleamed in the distant starlight, it had a long, cylindrical hull with a rounded nose cone. At the rear of the ship are multiple engines, which would provide thrust through space, a formidable sight against the backdrop of the dark void. On the bridge of the Battleship, Captain Rhea stood tall, her eyes fixed on the tactical display showing the incoming swarm of enemy vessels. "All hands, battle stations! Prepare for engagement," she commanded, her voice steady despite the impending chaos. 

The crew on the battleship scrambled into action, each member fulfilling their role with precision born from years of training. The hum of particle shields activating filled the air as the Battleship braced for impact. Particle shields are an advanced form of energy shielding capable of surrounding a ship in energy fields. These fields serve to deflect or disrupt various incoming threats, ranging from lasers and plasma blasts to even small asteroids.

Outside, the Frigates closed in, their formations tight and disciplined. Energy weapons lanced out from both sides, creating brilliant bursts of light as they clashed in the void. Explosions blossomed like deadly flowers, illuminating the darkness with brief, violent bursts of color.

But Captain Rhea was not one to simply weather the storm. Using the strong shield as a support, she guided the Battleship through the chaos, weaving between enemy fire while unleashing the devastating firepower of a large Battleship mounted with various weapons like point defense lasers, hypervelocity railguns, and phased plasma cannons. "That's it, keep the pressure on! Target their flank and disable their maneuverability, kill all the enemies of Nightmare Civilization." The Frigates fell one by one, their numbers dwindling under the relentless assault of the Battleship's superior firepower. 

A curvy ark appeared on the face of Captain Rhea; her eyes filled with disdain looking at the decreasing number of enemy Frigates. You must know that Battleships are an advanced class of spaceships and are some of the oldest types of space-faring vessels to be used. As the largest sub-capital vessels, they are the backbone of any modern fleet, capable of filling a myriad of different roles outside of direct ship-to-ship combat. They are tremendously armored and carry a great deal of raw firepower, while Frigates are small armed ships that are capable of independent operation without the support of a larger ship.

While the earliest concept of the frigate has its roots in space flight, with its small size and superior agility can be used for a variety of roles from scout to tackler, to fast transport. However current high-tech variants give rise to many new models such as the Interceptor, Assault Ship, Electronic Attack Ship, Stealth Bomber, and Covert Ops Ship. 

But the enemy Frigates they were facing now were outdated service models with minimal firepower, posing a little challenge for Captain Rhea's newly commissioned Demi God-class Battleship, the "Redeemer." Her recent upgrade to the high-level Demigod status had elevated her to the position of captain of the Redeemer, entrusted with escorting high-level resources and guests for the Astro Corp Alliance.

Prior to her current role, Captain Rhea had served as a member of the 51st Exploration Corps under Frontier Solutions Group (FSG), tasked with developing and safeguarding the newly discovered SL-7831 Star System. FSG, a prominent Consortium within the Astro Corp Alliance, boasted deep roots in various fields of development, including interstellar exploration and resource mining.

However, her momentary relief was shattered by the sudden blare of warnings from the ship's radar. "Alert, alert... High corrosive energy reaction! High-speed energy reaction!" The urgency in the automated announcement cut through the air, jolting Captain Rhea back to full attention.

With a quick glance at the holographic display, she saw a large energy beam indicating a high-speed attack aimed directly at the Redeemer. The nature of the energy reaction hinted at a corrosive payload, posing a significant threat to the integrity of the Battleship's hull. 

"Evade maneuver delta-nine, activate all point-defense systems, and transfer all the ship's power to energy shields! Brace for impact!" Captain Rhea's voice boomed across the bridge as she issued rapid-fire commands to her crew.

The Redeemer responded swiftly, engines flaring as it executed the evasive maneuver with precision. Point-defense turrets sprang to life, unleashing a barrage of countermeasures to intercept the incoming energy beam.

Despite their best efforts, the corrosive beam easily breached the defensive perimeter and shield, impacting against the Battleship's armored hull with explosive force. Alarms blared as automated systems worked overtime to contain the damage and mitigate the corrosive effects. Fortunately, thanks to the energy shield, the damage to the hull was minimized. Despite the alarming breach, the Battleship's structural integrity remained intact, sparing the crew from catastrophic consequences.

What appeared after the attack was a huge creature, dwarfing the Battleship in size. Its body stretched for thousands of meters, resembling that of a gargantuan fish, but with an otherworldly twist. Countless writhing tentacles extended from its massive form, undulating and swaying with an eerie grace as it loomed ominously in the void.

However, it wasn't this deformed void creature that made Captain Rhea despair, but the sight of a small humanoid creature standing atop it. The humanoid figure was a stark contrast to the monstrous entity beneath it. Clad in dark, flowing robes that seemed to absorb the surrounding light, its presence exuded an aura of malevolence. Its eyes glowed with an unnatural intensity, fixed on the Battleship with a predatory focus that sent shivers down Captain Rhea's spine.

As the creature raised its hand, a surge of dark energy crackled in the air, ready to be unleashed upon the Battleship and its crew. At that moment, Captain Rhea knew what the creature was, 'Nightmare God' a true god-level powerhouse.

With her current strength of high-level demigod power, Captain Rhea understood the vast disparity in strength between herself and the Nightmare God, she is just an ant that can be crushed easily. 

It was at this critical moment, as Captain Rhea grappled with uncertainty, that she felt a presence behind her. Turning, she was met with the sight of a middle-aged man, dressed in casual attire that seemed out of place amidst the chaos of battle. His demeanor exuded an air of calmness and confidence, a stark contrast to the tension gripping the bridge.

With a smile on his face, he addressed Captain Rhea, his voice carrying an undeniable sense of authority. "Captain Rhea, start the wrap drive immediately. I'll hold the Nightmare God back while you initiate the space jump."