Clone Body, Weak Divine Power

Not giving a chance for the Nightmare God to make the first move, the middle-aged man swiftly gestured with his hand. In an instant, numerous chains wreathed in white flames materialized around the Void creature, ensnaring it tightly. The sudden appearance of the chains left no opportunity for the creature to escape as the flames extended from them, searing its tentacles and engulfing its form in a blaze.

Although this incarnation was but a fraction of his true might, even as a clone, he a clone of Mid-Level God possesses only 20% of his full combat strength but has the ability to contend with weaker deities, like the Nightmare God in front of him who seemed have reached True God Level recently a weak god. Above the weak god is the low-level god and above is mid-level, the onslaught of flames and chains proved overwhelming for the Void creature, whose strength still lingered at the top demigod level one step away from becoming a True God, which is even lower than the Nightmare God.

The Nightmare God remained indifferent to the fate of the Void creature and swiftly retaliated against the middle-aged man's assault. With a sudden swiftness, his form blurred as he surged forward, his body changed from swirling smoke into a real entity with strong muscles and a powerful physical body with a height of more than 3 meters tall, bulky like a tall humanoid monster. His attack came without warning, a powerful punch aimed directly at the middle-aged man, propelled by the force of his condensed form hurtling through the void.

Among the talents inherent to Nightmares is the ability to transition seamlessly between states of illusion and reality. This unique trait allows them to shift their bodies from a tangible, corporeal form to an ethereal, illusionary state, and vice versa, at will. In their illusionary form, they possess a remarkable resilience against physical attacks, able to offset even the most powerful blows with ease.

As the Nightmare God's fist hurtled toward the middle-aged man, time seemed to slow for an instant. Yet, in the face of this onslaught, the middle-aged man remained resolute. Reacting swiftly, the middle-aged man evaded the attack with a deft maneuver, narrowly dodging the oncoming strike. With a fluid motion, he countered, unleashing a barrage of Fire energy blasts made up of white flames aimed at the Nightmare God. The blasts streaked through the vacuum of space, illuminating the darkness with their fierce glow as they homed in on their target.

The Nightmare God, undeterred, summoned a shield of swirling nightmare energy to deflect the incoming onslaught. The energy blasts collided with the shield, causing it to ripple and warp under the pressure but holding firm against the assault.

Sensing an opportunity, the middle-aged man pressed his advantage, launching into a rapid series of maneuvers. He closed the distance between himself and the Nightmare God, delivering a flurry of strikes with precision and speed. Even though he was very good at using Fire, as the body of a Mid-level god, even if it is a clone, the physical body condensed by the divine power of a mid-level god is stronger than general weak gods. 

The Nightmare God retaliated with equal ferocity, his movements a blur of motion as he parried each blow with uncanny skill. The clash of their powers echoed through the void, a testament to the sheer intensity of their battle.

As the Nightmare God and the middle-aged man engaged in a fierce battle outside the ship, Rhea struggled valiantly to stem the tide of hundreds of remaining Frigates. With the energy shield disabled, the battleship was left vulnerable, and each attack from the Frigates struck the hull directly, compromising the ship's integrity.

Despite the best efforts of the crew, casualties mounted steadily as they fought back against the relentless assault. The enemy Frigates, with their remarkable agility and flexibility, proved difficult to counter, inflicting damage with each passing minute. Though the crew fought bravely, the odds seemed stacked against them as they battled to defend their vessel against overwhelming odds.

Captain Rhea didn't dwell on the loss of her crew, most of whom were alchemy creatures with limited intelligence, easily replaceable upon their return to base. What truly concerned her was the ongoing confrontation between the Nightmare God and the middle-aged man. In just a matter of seconds, they exchanged thousands of blows, and from her observations, it was evident that the Nightmare God held a small advantage in the battle.

With a heavy heart, Rhea knew that if they couldn't find a way to turn the tide of battle soon, they would be facing certain defeat. She wracked her brain for any possible strategy that could give them an edge against the formidable foe they faced.

Meanwhile, the relentless assault from the enemy Frigates continued unabated, their relentless barrage threatening to overwhelm the ship's defenses. With time running out, Captain Rhea knew that they needed to find a solution—and fast—before it was too late.

It was then she heard a voice directly sounded in her mind. Startled, Captain Rhea's attention snapped to the unexpected intrusion in her mind. It was a woman's voice, clear and resonant, cutting through the chaos of battle with startling clarity.

"Captain Rhea, I'm the personal guard of Miss Lena" the voice spoke, its tone urgent yet composed, "you must act swiftly if you wish to turn the tide of this battle. I can guide you, but you must trust me."

Intrigued and somewhat relieved by the unexpected assistance, Captain Rhea hesitated for only a moment before steeling herself and acknowledging the mysterious voice's offer. She knew that in the midst of this desperate struggle, she had little choice but to place her faith in this sudden voice. "Guide me," she replied, her mental voice projecting a sense of resolve. "We need all the help we can get to overcome the enemy and ensure the safety of our crew."

As Captain Rhea awaited the next communication from the mysterious voice, she remained vigilant, her senses attuned to the unfolding chaos both within and outside the ship. With each passing moment, the urgency of the situation weighed heavily upon her shoulders, driving her to seek any advantage that could turn the tide of battle in their favor.

Suddenly, the voice returned, with a resolute and commanding tone. "Captain Rhea, prepare your ship to enter the space drive at any moment," the voice instructed, with words echoing within her mind with clarity. "We must seize this opportunity while the enemy is distracted. Follow my instructions closely: activate the Fusion-Powered Plasma Cannon at maximum output and leave the rest to me."