Mod - 'Multiple Main Professions'

The spiritual value, too, had followed a similar trend as his health. It continued to increase even after reaching its maximum capacity, with his spiritual value endlessly stacking up, Ram felt an overwhelming sense of power and potential within him. This limitless energy source meant he could sustain his abilities and skills far longer than others, giving him a significant advantage in any situation.

However, when he saw his Profession listed as Spiritual Planter, he felt confused. But then he had a thought and realized why, "It must be because my attribute panel is different from other awakened ones. If it's still like the Mod I designed in my past life, I should be able to choose multiple sub-professions as my main profession. There won't be any secondary professions; all the professions I practice next will become main professions with the highest attribute bonuses."

Ram's confusion turned into excitement. If his theory was correct, he had a unique advantage. Instead of being limited to one main profession and several lesser ones, he could master multiple main professions, each with the highest benefits. Imagine this: there are two professionals, one with Warrior as their main profession and the other with Warrior as their deputy profession. When they both use the same Warrior skill, the one whose main profession is Warrior gets an additional bonus of 40% to 50% more in attributes or damage output compared to the one who has the Warrior profession as their deputy profession.

Now, consider this: if every profession Ram chooses next has the potential to become his main profession, it means he can maximize the benefits from each one. For example, if he decides to become a Swordsman, he will get the same high attribute bonuses as someone who has Swordsmen as their main profession. The same goes for if he chooses professions like Alchemist or Beast Tamer; they will all provide maximum attribute boosts, just like his main profession.

But right now, his focus should be on the Spiritual Planter. This profession should have the highest compatibility with his awakened talent, "Recovery." As a Spiritual Planter, he can likely harness his talent to its fullest potential, ensuring that he not only enhances his own abilities but also grows and nurtures powerful spiritual plants that could aid him in various ways. This synergy between his talent and his profession will set a strong foundation for his future growth and strength.

After thinking for a moment, Ram had an idea, not wanting to alert any potential surveillance. "Can I control this extra Life Energy and Spiritual Power outside my body like I did before with my Life Energy?" He believed it should be possible, especially since he could extract his own Life Energy even before awakening. Now with this skill evolving, there must be more uses to discover.

As he pondered this, he noticed his health bar and spiritual power slowly increasing. Ram felt a strange connection to the energy flowing within him. He decided to put his idea to the test. Ram concentrated on the extra Life Energy inside him, attempting to guide it outside his body. Gradually, he felt the energy responding to his command, flowing out like a gentle stream around his fingers and forming into a small light green energy ball about the size of a mug bean. 

Since the amount of energy Ram concentrated on was so small, just about one point of Life Energy, no one noticed this anomaly. It was subtle enough to escape the notice of any observers, allowing Ram to continue his experimentation without drawing any unwanted attention. Encouraged by this success, he then attempted the same with his Spiritual Power. It required a bit more effort, but soon he could feel it moving towards his other hand, shaping into a similar energy ball, but with a light blue color.

When he continued practicing, Ram noticed that the energy dissipated very quickly, turning into nothing within a mere second. Realizing how rapidly the energy dissipated, Ram understood that he needed to find a way to stabilize it. He needed to figure out how to either store the energy for later use or utilize it before it vanished completely.

As Ram contemplated the newfound Vitality and Spiritual power within him, the young man in the next bed looked at him with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. Ram noticed the gaze stopped his experiments and offered a reassuring smile, trying to ease any concerns the other person might have. However, his mind was already racing with ideas on how to harness and control the energy he had discovered. He knew he had to experiment further to unlock its full potential, but for now, he decided to keep his newfound abilities discreet, especially in this unfamiliar environment.

"So," Ram whispered, leaning closer, "you mentioned rumors about the Shadow Society. Can you tell me more? Anything you've heard or seen?"

The young man hesitated, his eyes quickly scanning the room to ensure no one was listening in. "I've heard some whispers among the professionals before. They say the Mind Shadow Parasite is like something out of a horror story. It's supposed to take control of those it infects, making them do terrible things. I've heard tales of people who've been taken by it, and it's like they're not themselves anymore."

Ram felt a chill run down his spine at the thought of this sinister parasite lurking within him. "Do you know if anyone has ever managed to get rid of it or escape from society's grasp?"

The young man's face darkened. "Escaping from the Shadow Society is like trying to outrun your own shadow. They're everywhere, always watching. And as for the parasite, there might be a way to get rid of it, but it's not easy. Only a handful of people have even attempted it, and even fewer have succeeded."

 The Shadow Society sounded like a terrifying force to reckon with, its tendrils reaching into every corner of society. He couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped, knowing that even if he could rid himself of the parasite, he would still have to contend with society's influence.

The young man leaned in closer, his voice barely above a whisper. "I've heard tales of professionals disappearing without a trace, only to resurface later as mere puppets of society. They lose themselves completely, becoming nothing more than tools for their sinister agenda."

Ram's heart raced at the thought of such a fate befalling him or anyone else. "Is there no way to fight back against them?" he asked, with an unsteady voice.

The young man shook his head solemnly. "They're too powerful, too deeply entrenched. Even those who dare to speak out against them often meet untimely ends. It's like trying to stand against a tidal wave—you'll only get swept away."

Ram's mind churned with thoughts of defiance and resistance, but he couldn't ignore the weight of the young man's words. The Shadow Society seemed like an insurmountable obstacle, casting a long shadow over all who dared to oppose it. Listening intently to the unsettling tales of the Shadow Society, Ram ceased his conversation and lay in the sleek, white bed, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and strategies.

With resolve, Ram devised a plan. He decided to reveal a portion of his abilities, hinting at his self-recovery aspect to society, but he would keep the full extent of his powers hidden. By doing so, he could maintain an element of surprise and adaptability, crucial in navigating the challenges that awaited him.