Shadow Contract II

As Ram delved deeper into the details of the contract, he discovered additional conditions that further compounded the weight of his commitment. Alongside his obligation to serve the Shadow Society for 15 years, there were stipulations outlining specific tasks and mandatory missions he needed to undertake regularly.

Among the stipulations, there were provisions that dictated his loyalty to the Shadow Society above all else, forbidding any form of allegiance or collaboration with rival factions or organizations.

These mandatory missions required him to complete a set number of tasks each month, each one more demanding and perilous than the last. From reconnaissance missions to intelligence gathering, and combat training to covert operations, the scope of his responsibilities within the Shadow Society seemed vast and unfathomable.

Furthermore, there were stringent confidentiality clauses that bound him to secrecy, prohibiting him from disclosing any information about the inner workings of the Shadow Society to outsiders under the threat of severe consequences.

"F-ck," he cursed, his frustration simmering beneath the surface. "Isn't it kind of similar to a slave contract..." Despite the additional benefits it offered, such as access to the Shadow Society's resources, the contract felt like chains binding him to a fate he had not chosen.

With a heavy heart, Ram took a few seconds to consider his options before resigning himself to the inevitable. He signed the contract, realizing that at this moment, he had no other viable choice. Signing now meant buying himself time to consider alternative courses of action later. Signing the contract is straightforward, but it requires leaving a unique imprint of one's spiritual power. This imprint is impossible for others to forge and easy to verify.

Upon completing the signing process, Ram received a communication device similar to his old Sky Drive. However, this one was different; it could only function within the Shadow Society's network and was incapable of sending messages outside of it.

Xia Lin handed him the backpack with a practiced efficiency. "Well, Mr. Ram, now that you're done with your registration, I've already sent all the basic details of the base, the mission board, and other important information into your Sky Drive. Please have a good day."

Before leaving the registration office, Ram looked through the bag and noticed that most of his belongings from before the kidnapping were missing. He then turned to Xia Lin and asked, "What happened to the things I had before I was kidnapped?"

When Xia Lin heard his question, she was stunned for a few seconds and thought to herself, "Where did this guy come from? He looks handsome, but doesn't he know that everything he had before is probably in someone else's pockets by now?" She didn't get angry but replied softly, "Mr. Ram, I don't know where your things are, but I can tell you that most of them are probably gone. You should forget about them and focus on surviving here."

Hearing her suggestion, Ram felt a twinge of anger. He didn't care much about the Life Energy Crystals he had, but losing the Iron Robot Blade, which had cost him more than two hundred thousand Life Energy points, was painful.

"Do you know who has them?" Ram asked, his frustration evident in his voice.

Xia Lin shook her head. "I don't know exactly who has them, but they're probably with the ones who brought you here. It might be someone from the Fire Scorpion Gang."

Ram clenched his fists, trying to control his anger. "The Fire Scorpion Gang, huh? How can I find them?"

Xia Lin sighed, recognizing his determination. "There's an arena nearby where all the gangs gather to settle disputes. You should be able to find them there, but be careful—they're dangerous."

Ram nodded, his resolve firm. "Thank you, Miss Xia. I appreciate your help."

She gave him a worried look. "Be careful, Ram. This place is harsh, and the Fire Scorpion Gang is ruthless. Make sure you're ready for what you're getting into." She took back the holographic device from Ram's hands and swiftly turned her attention to the next experimental subject waiting in line. 

In addition to the Sky Drive, Ram discovered a backpack containing various essential items. Among them were two sets of basic black clothing and a potion bottle. Furthermore, the Sky Drive was preloaded with 100 shadow points, the exclusive currency utilized within the Shadow Society.

Ram nodded in acknowledgment, and slung the backpack over his shoulder, feeling the weight of his new belongings. After leaving the registration office, Ram went to a nearby restroom to change clothes. Once he was dressed, he left the facility. This time, there were no guards following him. As Xia Lin had mentioned earlier, he was free to do whatever he wanted, except that he needed to pay a certain amount of Shadow coins or complete some missions every month. Failing to do so would be considered a breach of contract, giving the Shadow Society the right to do whatever they wanted with him.

Just as Ram stepped outside the registration office, he was stunned by what he saw. The base of the Shadow Society was a sprawling, bustling complex. High-tech buildings and advanced infrastructure stretched as far as the eye could see, seamlessly blending into the natural landscape around them. Everywhere he looked, he saw signs of advanced technology and organized activity, a stark contrast to the underground city he had known before.

People moved purposefully, each engaged in their own tasks. There were individuals in uniforms similar to the guard who had escorted him, armed and vigilant. Others wore different attire, indicating various roles and professions within the society. Holographic displays and signs provided directions and information, creating a futuristic yet organized atmosphere.

Ram wasn't impressed by the fancy tech or the busy crowds, what really knocked him sideways was when he shifted his focus to look at the sky, yes, he was not in the underground anymore but on one of the bases of shadow society on the surface of the Blue St..... "Holy...shit...!" he blurted out, completely awestruck. 

A massive blue planet dominated the sky, so enormous that it stretched from horizon to horizon. The planet glowed with an eerie azure light, and the only details visible on its surface were the swirling clouds that danced across its face.

Ram stood in awe, captivated by the surreal and breathtaking sight before him.