Talk Show

Emma Harper, host and the charismatic force behind her popular talk show, Artistry Unleashed, walked onto the stage as the people in the audience cheered.

Providing a vibrant platform, her show was a breath of fresh air because she would frequently alternate between having mainstream artists or having emerging indie artists grace the show.

Usually, the conversations between her and the guest could range from very professional to light-hearted, all depending on whom it was she was interviewing, a sort of sixth sense she had developed over the years.

It was a contrast that she seamlessly pulled off and today was no different as the crowd was expecting either a chart-topping musician, a renowned actor or actress, or just a breakthrough indie artist to be on the show.

Dressed in a chic yet approachable attire, her dark-brown hair tastefully styled in a brunette, Emma reciprocated the audience's gesture with a small wave and a warm smile.