Shooting Begins!

{Epoch One | 3rd April 2019 | Act 1 | Scene 1 | Take 1}

Bringing the black sedan to a halt in the parking lot of a popular five-story apartment building, two individuals got out of the vehicle.

Both were dressed in pristinely tailored black suits.

"Well, this is it Sam. This is goodbye." an elderly man in his late sixties whom was holding a suitcase, said to his former colleague.

His black hair with interspersed strands of gray, styled in a gentleman cut, was slick and gelled.

A warm expression also graced his wrinkled face and a multitude of emotions were portrayed in his brown eyes as he stared at his long-time partner.

"You've done a great deal for the EMF, Pierce. Sad to see you go but, enjoy your retirement. At least until they make you the next head." Sam, a man in his late thirties with slicked-back jet-black hair and obsidian-black irises, extended a handshake with a thin smile, a rarity only a few ever got to see.