Orange Juice

Having found no one in the basement of the club, a location where 'The Spider' should've definitely been at, Alex had ransacked the whole room in a fit of rage.

Did Donovan lie to him or did The Spider know of his arrival beforehand and ditched the place way before he came? He couldn't say.

However, as luck would have it, Alex had been fortunate enough to come across a hidden compartment that housed few microchips in a suitcase, along with some documents that shed even more light on the suicide serial bombings while ransacking the place.

Apparently, one of the higher-ups in the EMF, an old man by the name of Abraham Vine, had connections to this same man he was hunting.

Armed with this info, the young man had left the underground club a few seconds after, treated his wounds at his base the best he could and had decided to interrogate Abraham at a later date.