Friendly Alliance

"You chilly?" Bruce gestured to Kyle's chiseled abs and toned upper torso.

"A bit, but it's nothing I can't handle." Kyle casually replied despite the cold air conditioning in the room.

Currently shirtless, a few make up-artists were adding a few colored marks to both of their faces to give the impression of healing bruises.

Their lips on the other hand, both of which had burst open during their fight scene in the 10-minute long take, was healing naturally so there was no need to apply any make-up on it.

On Kyle's lower torso though, was a stitched wound, also thanks to the small team of talented artists, some of whom were still putting finishing touches onto the wound.

"How long have you been working out Kyle? You look very fit." Bruce inquired, curious about how long the young man had been maintaining his lean muscular physique.