
Staring at Kyle as he finished performing the song in the small but well-equipped studio they had rented for his last hit song, Oliver couldn't help but marvel in amazement.

Truly, at this point, maybe it was best that he began to expect anything and everything from Kyle.

That way, he wouldn't always be so dumbstruck whenever his ward pulled off crazy feats like this.

"I can't believe you wrote that in one night…" the agent folded his arms gently across his broad chest and said with astonished wonder.

Coming out of the rehearsal room, one that housed the musical instruments, Kyle replied with an infectious smile;

"Neither can I…"

"And if I'm being honest, the novelty of it hasn't worn off by even, just a tiny bit…" he added while running his hands through his voluminous raven hair.

"I can only imagine." Oliver shook his head with a satisfied smile.