Where Do You Wanna Start?

Having already defeated Kralak, The Curator, didn't need to say much before the rest of The Balrogs, knew what needed to be done.

Asides from realizing that they should, never, ever reiterate their mistakes less they piss off the one person who had taught them a lesson twice now, they quickly began to return all the kidnapped aliens, back to their original locations with a proper teleporter.

Previously, when kidnapping them, a phase shift teleporter, one which could instantly switch their locations was used, although it wasn't exactly the safest due to having certain side effects.

As for the kidnapped humans though, they were with The Curator.

Having ensured that the aliens were rightfully returned, The Curator, along with Jasmine, Professor Sanders, Beatrice and a few other humans, employed the same teleporter to head back home.