And On It Goes...

Ever since Kyle had read the script for the last episode, he had felt that The Curator, should at least have a few parting words asides, simply telling Kiera his name and his farewells in the radiation chamber.

Sure, he would still need to take a knocked-out Kiera, back to The Index before he finally Metamorphed as it still took a bit more time for him to die even with all the radiation in his body, the fact, that those were his only parting words before he finally died and changed to another iteration, didn't sit right with the young man one bit.

It wasn't something his iteration would do.

At the very least, he'd want Kiera to not feel responsible for his death.

As a result, in his spare time, Kyle had been thinking of what to do to make the scene far better.

And what he eventually decided upon, was to give a farewell speech.