Back & Forth

{Level Up 2 | 10th of September 2020 | Act 2 | Scene 6 | Take 1}

"Lance! You're slowing the line, get out." one of the restaurant's chef, casually called out as he walked over to add some sauce to a dish he had just prepared.

"Also, whatever modifications you're making to that dish, boss woman ain't gon' like it." he pointed out with a condescending tone.

"It's called thinking outside the box, Junior… not that I'd expect you to understand." the young man in question, obviously in his early twenties, countered with a mix of a smug yet goofy grin.

In response, Junior was noticeably irritated as he spoke, gesturing with a pointed finger;

"Wanna take this outside, punk?"

"Are you asking me to dance, Junior? 'Cause honestly, you wouldn't even be enough for a warm up." Lance countered again, the dish he had modified in his hands as he stared the shorty down, a corner of his lips slightly curling upwards in mockery.