Hotcakes, Paparazzi

It only took a few minutes after the showcase and press conference was over.

DiscoTune, swiftly capitalized on the spur of the moment and uploaded the two-hour plus video session, straight onto ViewTube in its uncut, rawest, unedited form!

In about an hour, the video went viral as it got over a million views, further bringing in some extra-chicken change for the distribution company whom were just glad to be able to easily capitalize off the young star's fame.

And for Kyle's fan group, most of whom, albeit busy with their own day to day schedules, still squeezed in a few minutes or an hour to at least, to watch as much of the video as they could.


WeDoABitOfTrolling: Kyle is moving mad people… in the best ways possible! You can't tell me otherwise! I mean, who in their right minds, learns a song in effin' reverse, just for a one-time music video?!